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Everything posted by WHAT IS GOING ON

  1. @Drugs To Your Eardrum First, he is Daddy - Boss and he can slap /slay /gag ect.. admins.. > It is forbidden that an admin use an order on another admin, only (Daddy - Boss / Founder) has the right to do this. 2 - I also warned you many times to not say bad words in public chat, use U@ (chat admins)
  2. You are in the wrong section The video not clear, we can't see what happened before. Report #Rejected! T/C.
  3. In the video 2 players said you destroy lm.. About the other guy maybe he broke his lm. ( If you have full demo. put it here ) Also you didn't get a ban, so why did you submit for request unban?
  4. End of text!
    I will never forgot


  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  6. PRO. You respect rules You are a good player But you should improve your activity a bit
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