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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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  1. Your nickname: Сonan Your age: 18 How could you help us, members of the devil's harmony? : Well, for now, I will be active as much as I can, if any ideas appear, I suggest How do you rate the Devil Harmony project from 1 to 10? : 10 Other information on your request?: no Link to last request: no
  2. *Nick: Сonan * Real name: Zhalgas *How old are you?: 18 *What games do you play? and how long? (each of them): counter strike 1.6 and CSGO *Where are you from? (country and city): Kazakhstan Turkestan *Describe yourself (at least 50 words): I am a simple guy who studies at the university I don’t have a specific job and I want to get interested in this topic somehow, I have a lot of interest in computer games and websites, I have a lot of free time and I a lot of achievements in the competition and I play cs 1.6, csgo and others. I have my own interests in this site, I want to show myself in a good way and thank you all for your attention. * Pay attention to some of your qualities: I am hardworking, kind . happy * Have you previously had any duties (describe): you were an admin on the Thunderzm server *In which category(s) have you been active lately? (describe your activities): not yet * Which category/project do you want to take care of?: Devil Harmony and counter strike 1.6 *How well do you speak English? (and other languages): English 60% Kazakh 100 Uzbek 80% Russian 80% Turkish 80% *Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: yes *How long can you be active after being accepted? (days, weeks, months, years): years is possible *Communication methods: discord сsvd instagram whatsapp *Last request: no Thank you for your attention
  3. Nice good luck
  4. Ваш никнейм: Сонан Возраст:19 Знание языков: Русский Казахский Узбекский Английский Местонахождение: Казахстан Опыт администратора: более 5 лет Можно ли оставаться зрителем или играть в эти часы (с 12:00 до 3:00): да могу любезно исключить посилання на часах , которые вы играли на сервере (нажмите здесь, вы должны написать свой никнейм) : https://www.gametracker.com/player/Conan/ и быть активным как на сервере, так и на сайте и я хочу быть уверенным, что они не нарушают правило Может ли быть активным на канале ThunderZM Teamspeak: да, Может быть, вы иногда оцениваете сервер? : Могу и пожертвовать тоже Ключевое слово (пароль) в теме правил: 2kthunder22
  5. ¤ Your nickname (same as on the forum): Сonan ¤ Your address Skype, facebook: Shlv Ayed ¤ Age: 18 years old ¤ Languages you speak: English Russian Kazakh Uzbek ¤ Your location: Kazakhstan ¤ Admin Experience (Last GT Server Link): 5 years ¤ Is it possible to stay as a spectator or play during these hours (from 24:00 to 12:00): yes ¤ Link to the hours you have played on the server (CLICK HERE, you must enter your nickname) https://www.gametracker.com/player/Conan/ ¤ Reason you want to become an admin: I want to help this server develop and donate and be active ¤ Administrator password/key[Read the rules to find it]: NewLife top4 Thank you for your attention
  6. ¤ Your nickname (same as on the forum): Сonan ¤ Your address Skype, facebook: Shlv Ayed ¤ Age: 18 years old ¤ Languages you speak: English Russian Kazakh Uzbek ¤ Your location: Kazakhstan ¤ Admin Experience (Last GT Server Link): 5 years ¤ Is it possible to stay as a spectator or play during these hours (from 24:00 to 12:00): yes ¤ Link to the hours you have played on the server (CLICK HERE, you must enter your nickname) https://www.gametracker.com/player/Conan/ ¤ Reason you want to become an admin: I want to help this server develop and donate and be active ¤ Administrator password/key[Read the rules to find it]: NewLife top4 Thank you for your attention
  7. ¤ Your nickname (same as on the forum): Сonan ¤ Your address Skype, facebook: Shlv Ayed ¤ Age: 18 years old ¤ Languages you speak: English Russian Kazakh Uzbek ¤ Your location: Kazakhstan ¤ Admin Experience (Last GT Server Link): 5 years ¤ Is it possible to stay as a spectator or play during these hours (from 24:00 to 12:00): yes ¤ Link to the hours you have played on the server (CLICK HERE, you must enter your nickname) https://www.gametracker.com/player/Conan/ ¤ Reason you want to become an admin: help with server development, and want to be active ¤ Administrator password/key[Read the rules to find it]: NewLife top4
  8. ¤ Your nickname (same as on the forum): Сonan ¤ Your address Skype, facebook: Shlv Ayed ¤ Age: 18 years old ¤ Languages you speak: English Russian Kazakh Uzbek ¤ Your location: Kazakhstan ¤ Admin Experience (Last GT Server Link): 5 years ¤ Is it possible to stay as a spectator or play during these hours (from 24:00 to 12:00): yes ¤ Link to the hours you have played on the server (CLICK HERE, you must enter your nickname) https://www.gametracker.com/player/Conan/ ¤ Reason you want to become an admin: help with server development, and want to be active ¤ Administrator password/key[Read the rules to find it]: NLZMFOREVER21X
  9. Your nickname:Conan Your IP: Your STEAMID:VALVE_2:0:138745558 Reason why you got banned:120 gg The admin who banned you:TreY Time: Your proofs (screenshot or demo) blob:https://web.whatsapp.com/ce3c4ef8-54e8-448a-9eee-21f705a7693f
  10. ¤ Your nickname (same as on the forum): Сonan ¤ Your address Skype, facebook: Shlv Ayed ¤ Age: 18 years old ¤ Languages you speak: English Russian Kazakh Uzbek ¤ Your location: Kazakhstan ¤ Admin Experience (Last GT Server Link): 5 years ¤ Is it possible to stay as a spectator or play during these hours (from 24:00 to 12:00): yes ¤ Link to the hours you have played on the server (CLICK HERE, you must enter your nickname) not much ¤ Reason you want to become an admin: Helping the server grow ¤ Administrator password/key[Read the rules to find it]: 15426378
  11. Nick: @Sheix (Conan) Real name: Zhalgas Aubakir How old are you ?: 18 What games do you play? and for how long? (each of them): CS 1.6 and CSGO Where r u from (country and city): Kazakhstan Turkestan Describe yourself (at least 50 words): I don't like a lot of things, I like games in general, I don't like to be friends, I don't have a lot of quality, I don't let a university student finish his work, I'm patient and angry. Did you have any responsibilities (describe it): I am a member of (GoG) and a member of (VGR) In what category / categories have you been active lately? (Describe your activity): (VGR) Hardware, Gadgets, News (GOG) Editing, Tips and Tricks Which category / project do you want to focus on ?: GoG Vgr How well do you speak English? (And other languages): English 50%, Kazakh 100%, Russian 100% Uzbek 100% Are you using TS3? Unfortunately Do you have an active microphone? Do you have a microphone? How long can you be active after admission? (days, weeks, months, years): years Communication methods: Facebook, Instagram, Steam, Whatsapp, Vk.
  12. Nick Conan Age 18 Hour https://www.gametracker.com/player/Conan/ Why do you need an admin on ThunderZM?: I want to play on this server often I like it How will you help the server if you get this feature?: I play a lot often see rule violations How many hours/day do you play on the server? (not afk/spec) : 3 4 hours Have you had contact with admins/players? If yes, then why and with whom?: Yes, I was an administrator and I am Have you read the general and admin regulations?: yes, I know You can activate on our Discord channel ThunderZM?: yes


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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