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  1. First, I appreciate you play server games. But please you have to see player rules. You should know more about server experience and you should respect players and admins, be wise, be a good person and help each other. So, I'll be waiting for your changes. If it's getting better than before, you can come back again to register admin. Sorry friend, CONTRA
  2. First, I appreciate you playing server games. But please you have to see player rules. You should know more about server experience and you should respect players and admins, be wise, be a good person and help each other. So, I'll be waiting for your changes. If it's getting better than before, you can come back again to register admin. Sorry friend, CONTRA
  3. Nice to know you
  4. First, I appreciate you playing server games. But please you have to see player rules. You should know more about server experience and you should respect players and admins, be wise, be a good person and help each other. So, I'll be waiting for your changes. If it's getting better than before, you can come back again to register admin. Sorry friend, CONTRA
  5. First, I appreciate you playing server games. But please you have to see player rules. You should know more about server experience and you should respect players and admins, be wise, be a good person and help each other. So, I'll be waiting for your changes. If it's getting better than before, you can come back again to register admin. Sorry friend, CONTRA
  6. if there are additional killer bomb items from zombies plus bomb infection and humans can hold them by buying immunization items. in my opinion it will really drain the player's ammo pack. Because the zombie player has two opportunities to use the killer bomb plus the infection bomb. While a human player, he only has one chance to buy a kill bomb and the rest can only use the immunization item you talked about earlier. Even if he uses a laser mine, he will lose. Except that items for human players are also added, not just immune items, such as anti-dot bombs that can recommend human players to make it easier (make zombie player into human). But it can only be used a maximum of once. By the way ur suggest is good friend, But according to some it is incomplete. So i add a little my opinion to your suggestion.
  7. First, i appreciate your activity but please always keep up that. Second, are u done to join discord server ? If you get accept, You must join discord forum friend. But still, you have to know more about server experience. Is like rules, respect player and admin, be wise, be kind person and help each other. So, I will give you a chance. Good Luck friend ! PRO
  8. First, i appreciate your activity but try to improve it a little more. Second, you have done to join discord. But still, you have to know more about server experience. Is like rules, respect player and admin, be wise, be kind person and help each other. So, I will give you a chance. Good Luck friend ! PRO
  9. First, i appreciate your activity. Bcz they all pro, maybe there's nothing for me to worry about anymore. But still, you must always follow the rules, respect player and admin, be wise, be kind person and help each other. So, i’ll give you PRO. Good Luck friend !
  10. First, i appreciate your activity And you have done to join discord. But still, you have to know more about server experience. Is like rules, respect player and admin, be wise, be kind person and help each other. So, I will give you a change. Good Luck friend ! PRO
  11. First, i appreciate your activity. Bcz they all pro, maybe there's nothing for me to worry about anymore. But still, you must always follow the rules, respect player and admin, be wise, be kind person and help each other. So, i’ll give you PRO. Good Luck friend !
  12. Your activity looks almost good. And you haven't broken any rules either,so I give PRO. Np : Improve your activity, then always follow the rules yoo ! Dont forget this, One day if you be the part of admin. You must respect to all player and admin, you must help player also admin, be wise and good person. Good luck friend !
  13. You dont have good activity friend, improve your activity in server and dont forget to read server rules. Try to respect rules, player, and admin in server. Good luck friend ! Contra.
  14. Pro, you have good activity. Always follow the rules yo ! And respect to all player and staff. Dont forget to be wise and Good person. Good luck friend ✌🏻
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