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  1. Why did I make a request on another server?


    When I asked for a request on another server, I actually wanted to do it on Newlifezm's but I didn't know the forum, so I thought that the server's forum was Highlifezm so I went there and went where it said 'Request Admin' after that I went to admin and Well, I made the request.


    After that they told me by discord that this was not the server's forum (they told me by discord here my id [FafitasxD # 5082]


    After I found out that it was not, they gave me the one that was, and then I made the request.

    That is the whole explanation why I made the request in a different forum.


  2. ¤ Su apodo (igual que en el foro): fafasxd ¤ Su dirección Skype, facebook: No uso facebook y skype ¤ Edad:14+ ¤ Idiomas que puede hablar:Español ¤ Su ubicación: Costa Rica ¤ Experiencia como administrador (último enlace GT del servidor): 6 meses ¤ ¿Puede permanecer espectador o jugar entre Estas horas (24:00 a 12:00 PM): No mayormente ¤ Enlace de las horas que jugó en el servidor ( Haga clic aquí Debe escribir su apodo) https://www.gametracker.com/player/fafasxd/NEWLIFEZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM:27015/ ¤ Su dirección Skype, facebook: ¤ Razón por la que desea ser administrador:Para hacer que los jugadores sigan las reglas ¤ Contraseña / clave para administrador[Lea las reglas para encontrarlo] : NewlifeZM2025
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