¤ Your nickname (same as in the forum): skandar
¤ Your Skype address, facebook:amel nakib
¤ Age:14
¤ Languages you can speak:arabic & english
¤ Your location:algerin
¤ Experience as an administrator (latest gt link from the server):for slap and slay
¤ Can you stay spectator or play between these hours (24:00 to 12:00 PM):you should try
¤ Link to the hours you played on the server ( Click here) :https://www.gametracker.com/player/skandar/NEWLIFEZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM:27015/
You must type your nickname) ¤ Reason why you want to be an administrator :love bro
¤ Password/key for administrator[Read the rules to find it] :newlifeZM2020