Wow, the second image has more clipping.
I congratulate you BS, you try to win by lying.
First -> I know it took a long time for them not to give me time to collect evidence.
Check the ban time and the report time ->
Second -> All this happened because you did not attack, I slapped you x3 and you disrespected me, I gave you a 6 minute gag.
Third -> When 8 minutes passed, I slapped you x3 again in plague or swarm mode, but I didn't know you were attacking, until I was notified to destroy and I asked for your forgiveness.
Proof ->
Ah, I gave you a 12 minute gag* for insulting me.
After "that blackout" you came back and I told you if you wanted to ban (for retry-gag), but what you told me is fko kid and you threatened me with a report, etc.
Ps -> Everyone knows you and you only dedicate yourself to crying, complaining and disrespecting.
And do not touch my fking balls with a report, I forgive the ban, but when you threatened me I gave it to you, and you deserve it!