☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕
KuyaWapakelz13's Achievements
¤ Nickname: KuyaWapakelz
¤ Age: 20¤ Languages that you speak : tagalog (filipino), english
¤ Your IP - Country (Location): - Philippines
¤ Can you be online between these hours?: 11am-4pm and 10pm-3am everyday
¤ Link of hours you played on server: Click here https://www.gametracker.com/player/KuyaWapakelz/
¤ Reason that you want to be admin on Zmoldschool: I want to be a part of your community, and to have fun with admins and players.
¤ The Key word: I love ZmOldSchool.CsBlackdevil.com
¤ Other information: I am old player since 2013, and I played a lot of zombie mode like this. Right now, I'm going back again to play more and more but sorry If I am new player again but I promise that I'll be active in the game.-
You can make a request here.
what is this means nick? pw? tag?
@KuyaWapakelz13 this nick pw tag
for be admin on server
if u want the admin on revo server
connect him on pm with your info
or conenct @The GodFather or @R E V O-
Good luck ❤️