¤ Your name: CitruxX
¤ Claimed Admin name: HellFir3
¤ Date and time: Now
¤ Reason of complaint: Ban withot reazon
¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo):
that is fair? So is this how things are on these community servers? give ban without any justifiable reason? THE BAN is only for hackers or insults !!!! And I am sure that you do not insult anyone and do not use hacks, in addition that you did not give any warning, I did not know anything and you NEVER noticed anything at all.
so? I live all my life with a ban or will this have to reach other adults? and by the way never threaten, insult, use hacks, I said something bad to you and I didn't ask for forgiveness, that's true. It is more when I went in again to find out what happened but surprise surprise !!!!!! now my cs 1.6 doesn't work and I can't open or use it, tell me is that fair? just because you wanted it that way?
Also, how am I going to apologize if I was not even 1 minute when you banned me again and I also clarify that I do not make fun of anyone or you.