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  1. PRO I've seen you several times on the server , not breaking rules and your activity is good. Good luck
  2. PRO You are quite active and also you are friendly and open to different stuff
  3. PRO But keep in mind that this is not a joke and you gotta focus more on the players and server rather than your place in the top Hex . You have this tendency to play for frags so watch out .
  4. PRO I've seen you several times on the server , your activity is good . Good luck !
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  6. I think that we should make a new discord server , for our server . This way we can know our staff , and players better and i think that it should be an opportunity to relax and chat with other people . Let me know what you guys think
  7. CONTRA You are a nice guy , i've seen you several times on the server but you need to improve your activity
  8. CONTRA Sorry man , ur activity is kinda bad .
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  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  11. Hello Mandza You made a few , quite interesting points . But here's the thing . I , personally , am active at night , until 2 AM 3 or so . But you gotta understand that admins are also humans and they got jobs , exams , things to do , maybe they are stressed they had a rough day and they really can't focus on the game. Happens to everyone right ? Personally i would like to disagree with you , as an admin i think that my team is doing their job quite right . Of course mistakes can happen all the time , we are humans again , after all . And i say that from a player's perspective . Glad to see some positive crticicism though . Best regards , GunteR
  12. You guys misunderstood the point . i said (-1250) . that means if the survivor has 10k hp rn after this the hp will be 8,5k
  13. I'm going to be honest , Armaghedon and Nightmare rounds are kinda broken , don't you think? Besides that it always ends in a draw i think that humans have waaay to much HP giving the Assassins and the Nemesisses no chance to win . My sugestion : lower the hp of each one ( Sniper , Survivor ) . to be more exact -1250 HP would be enough i'm waiting for your opinion guys
  14. PRO Normal ca pro te pup
  15. REJECTED You have to play on the server in order to become an admin on it , please play for a while on our server and then you may come again with another requestl
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