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Manager CS 1.6
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Cyberpsycho last won the day on December 1 2024

Cyberpsycho had the most liked content!

About Cyberpsycho

  • Birthday 07/28/2001


  • Owner of NewLifeZm

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  1. Hello everyone, Hope u are doing well !! A new event has started with great rewards ... Ramadan Kareem for all our Muslim players, and this event is for everyone to participate in !! We are always trying to help you get rewarded for your efforts in NewLifeZM, and to help you achieve this, here is a breakdown of this event: You have to get HOURS + SCORES in order to receive the rewards, and it is as follows: - YOU HAVE TO PLAY AT LEAST 2 HOURS (120 MINUTES) PER DAY + 50 FRAGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And the REWARDS are: 1- ONE DAY = 200 BONUS POINTS 2- A STREAK OF 15-DAYS = 1000 BONUS POINTS + VIP FOR 2 WEEKS 3- A STREAK OF 30-DAYS = 2500 BONUS POINTS + VIP + VIP MENU FOR 1 MONTH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event period: 1/March/2025 - 30/March/2025 ------------------------------------------- HOW TO PARTICIPATE ? 1- You have to take a screenshot of each day u acquire the target through this link https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Search for your player name in the game and take a screenshot like this, Focusing on your NAME + HOURS + SCORES + DATE & TIME 2- Reply on this topic with the screenshot you took and add the required information following this MODEL: - In-game Name: Ex. Cyberpsycho - Date & Time: Ex. 28/February/2025 - Streak Number: Ex. Number 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTES: 1- Rewards will be distributed after the MONTH ENDS, ALL AT ONCE 2- Do not send the screenshots to any of the admins INCLUDING ME, ONLY POST IT HERE 3- The posts + streaks will be double-checked before distributing the rewards to ensure the competition is fair for everyone Wish to see a huge amount of participants and wish you a Good Luck !! Enjoy & Have Fun ❤️
  2. @Tornado_SW DM Me, I'm interested !
  3. Here are the winners of this competition: 1st Place: @Mingo 2nd Place: @KissMyHead 3rd Place: @Sally Send me on DISCORD to claim your reward ! Good Luck on the next competitions ❤️ !!
  4. Hello everyone. I hope you all are okay and i hope that this will brighten your mood [ The Lucky Draw Competition ] The Lucky Draw competition is a lucky draw from the numbers 1 to 100. Every Non-Steam player has a chance to participate, just make a reply to this Topic and follow the model down below. Don't forget to choose your Lucky Number. And remember the Number has to be unique. Model: ¤ Your Nickname(server nick): ¤ Your STEAM ID: ¤ Your Lucky Number (1 - 100): ¤ Tag 3 Friends: Rules of the Competition: 1. Respect the above mentioned model, posts that don't comply with the model will be hidden. 2. Do not pick a number that has already been picked by someone else. 3. All Non-Steam Players can participate in this competition and Admins from Administrator - Server-Managers Prizes of this competition: 1st Place - STEAM CS 1.6 + 1 Month VIP + VM + 500 Points 2nd Place - STEAM CS 1.6 + 2 Weeks VIP + 500 Points 3rd Place - STEAM CS 1.6 + 500 Points Competition starts today on 30/November/2024 and ends on 3/December/2024 The Winners will be picked by a Random Number Generator. Good Luck !!
  5. Thank you, your mod is great and you are a great and trusted person But a note for my server players (NewlifeZM), I'm not replacing the current mod with this one, I only bought it to add more updates to the server from Aronus's mod that only fits NewlifeZM mod and players' preferences !
  6. Accepted Send me or any other manager on discord T/C
  7. Rejected Admin requests are closed at the moment and will be announced when it's opened again T/C
  8. Rejected Admin requests are now closed, check back later on when i announce here + on discord when it opens again + The request isn't complete, next time make sure u applied the correct way ! T/C
  9. #Rejected Jhuner isn't the one who banned you, i'm the one who banned you for retrying zombie much times and all the players were complaining from you T/C
  10. Accepted T/C
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