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Everything posted by King_of_dark

  1. Teachers, parents and the broader community are being asked to help shape the new English and Maths syllabuses for Kindergarten to Year 2. The release of the new curriculum for feedback is the first major milestone in the NSW Government’s ambitious curriculum reform, which will see a renewed focus on the core subjects of English, maths and science. The new syllabus will start to rollout next year. NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the new evidence-based curriculum would deliver on the government’s goals of decluttering and raising standards to equip students for the jobs of the future. “The new curriculum prioritises the basics and will ensure students develop strong foundations in maths and English,” Ms Berejiklian said. “Thank you to the 45 expert Kindergarten to Year 2 teachers who have already met with the NSW Education Standards Authority to review and provide feedback on the new curriculum content. “The curriculum is more explicit in the direction of what Kindergarten to Year 2 students need to be taught and does not leave room for interpretation. “We are now calling on all NSW teachers, parents and the broader community to provide their feedback on the draft Kindergarten to Year 2 curriculum.” Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell said literacy and numeracy skills were critical to unlocking young people’s potential while at school, improving their academic outcomes and enhancing their life choices. “The evidence speaks for itself, and we need all teachers following the evidence, teaching essential knowledge in evidence-based sequences,” Ms Mitchell said. “We have prioritised essential content and provided clear examples to teachers to reduce ambiguity. “Teachers are the drivers of student outcomes. By reducing the clutter and confusion for teachers, it allows them to focus on their students. “Our approach to these reforms is evidence-driven and focused on student success. The feedback we have had from teachers so far is very positive and confirms we are moving in the right direction.” Visit the NESA website to read the consultation materials and have your say: educationstandards.nsw.edu.auExternal link Public consultation closes on 30 April 2021.
  2. Nick: PRODEXOR Real name: Ahmed How old are you?: 18 Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): i playing cs 1.6 and zombie Where are you from?(country and city): egypt from Albuhera Describe yourself(at least 50 words): im a good gay and i helping all my friends and other also and i working in my projuets and my activity very good i think all here know my activity It is true that I was not interested in the staff because I was busy, and now I felt that I was capable of this grade and everyone knows about me that I do not like to bother anyone or make him get angry with me Note some of your qualities: Polite and interested in my studies and solving friends' problems Tell us some of your defects: Lies Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): I have a year and a half and I am here with my friends and I had a moderator in ts3 and I joined some projects v.g.rs & Journalist & Authors & and I am now here I joined it and as I am continuing On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): V.G.R & Journalist & Authors Which category/project you want to care off?: I don't want any more. I have already joined the projects I had it How well you speak english?(and other languages): i speak arbic 100% / and English 65 or 70 % Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: nah i just have ts3 but i don't have mic For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): I am active everyday Contact methods: fb , wsup, ts3 , pm Last request: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/topic/384149-request-recruitmentsolutioned/
  3. Congrats ❤️ 😄

    1. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy

      Thanks u bro ❣️

  4. One of the most-loved apps on Windows 10 is set for a significant upgrade in the next major update to the software. Notepad, the word processor app bundled with Windows, will soon become a separate Store-updateable application, with its own section and page on the Microsoft Store. This means that Notepad users will now be able to receive new features and upgrades automatically via the Microsoft Store as soon as they are available, rather than needing to wait for new additions to be bundled with a wider Windows 10 OS update. These are the best text editors around today Forget Windows, Linux or MacOS: Our choice of the best alternative operating systems And here's our pick of the best productivity tools Notepad upgrade Some reports have also claimed that Notepad has been moved out of its traditional place in the Windows Accessories folder, moving over to have its own place in the Start menu, showing that the app is getting a lot more attention from Microsoft all of a sudden.Notepad has come automatically installed in Windows since version 1.0 of the operating system was released back in 1985, with sister program WordPad was automatically installed beginning in 1995 as part of the Windows 95 operating system. The update comes as part of the newly-announced Windows 10 21H2 “Sun Valley Update” test build, which Microsoft is rolling out to testers in its Dev Channel now. Version Build 21337 or newer of this release will see Notepad updates automatically pushed via the Microsoft Store. Sun Valley is set to bring a number of upgrades and changes to Windows 10, including a whole new look for many of the platform's most po[CENSORED]r apps and services. Reports earlier this year claimed this includes pop-up alert boxes being changed by adding rounded corners – which is becoming something of a theme for the desktop OS. Microsoft is also apparently looking at updating the background colors to common colors, and to make it so that when the box isn’t being actively highlighted by the cursor, the close button border is removed. This move to rounded corners looks to be coming to a number of Windows 10’s core apps, the Settings panel, and other major elements of the desktop UI including the Start menu and Action Center. Sun Valley is expected to get a wider launch in Microsoft's second feature update of 2021 (the 21H2 update).Also check out our roundup of the
  5. Because it's hard to get a modern graphics card, some suppliers are now trying to meet demand for entry-level options by re-launching older products. Earlier this month we reported that Japanese vendor Kuroutoshikou decided to re-start sales of its GeForce GTX 1050 Ti boards. This past weekend the card made it into retail, but its price is far from what we usually consider an entry-level. The unit costs ¥22,800 ($210 with taxes), according to Akiba PC Hotline. Meanwhile, such boards can cost even more in the U.S. The Kuroutoshikou GF-GTX1050Ti-E4GB/SF/P2 is produced by Palit Microsystems and is based on Nvidia's GP107-400 graphics processor, with 768 CUDA cores (featuring the Pascal architecture and introduced in October 26, 2016) paired with 4GB of 128-bit GDDR5 memory with a 7 GT/s data transfer speed. The card has three display outputs: DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b and a DVI-D for legacy monitors (fitting for a legacy architecture). As for compatibility, the board does not require an auxiliary PCIe power connector and will fit into most desktops, including Mini-ITX systems, but not low-profile machines. Nvidia's 4.5-years old GPU will hardly deliver sufficient performance in modern games (unless maybe you're happy to dial down most settings). Its performance should be comparable to or higher than that of Intel's Iris Xe G7 (96 EUs) integrated GPU, so it is still faster than the vast majority of integrated graphics solutions that are used today.Given that the GeForce GTX 1050 Ti is outdated in terms of performance and architecture, demand for such a product would be close to zero under normal conditions. But today the GPU market does not act normally, which is why the price of the product exceeds $200. In fact, Akiba PC Hotline claims that a GeForce GTX 1050 Ti was priced at ¥11,000 with taxes in October, 2019. So, in less than two years this outdated product has become twice as expensive in, at least in Japan. But if you thought that was bad, it's worse in other countries. Based on data from CamelCamelCamel, new GTX 1050 Ti boards were recently sold for betwee $399 – $599 at Amazon.com. So maybe it's time to dig through your closet and see if your old graphics card could finance a new CPU or SSD upgrade.
  6. As build-up to Wrath of the Druids, the first paid expansion for Assassin's Creed Valhalla, a free seasonal event began on March 18. Called the Ostara Festival, it's an Easter-themed fair taking place in the village of Ravensthorpe. There are Easter egg hunts, competitions, invading spirits, and a quest to become the May Queen. However, many players were prevented from taking part in all that because they experienced crashes when they tried. "We're aware of increased instances of crashes in and around Ravensthorpe since the release of Title Update 1.2.0", Ubisoft said on Friday. "Our team is working on a solution that should be ready sometime next week. We thank you for your patience in the meantime." The culprit was apparently the festival decorations added to Ravensthorpe by the update. A hotfix has now removed them, and there's a fuller patch to come. As Ubisoft explained, "We’re deploying a server-side hotfix to address a rise in crashing near Ravensthorpe. Settlement decorations will be temporarily removed and Ostara Festival quests involving decorations will not be completable. Thanks for your patience as our team releases a permanent fix soon!" The Ostara Festival was due to run until April 8. Wrath of the Druids, which takes Eivor to Ireland, will be available on April 29.
  7. About a decade ago, Shreya Kangovi and colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania interviewed 1,500 people in Philadelphia on porches, at hospital bedsides, and in shelters — people who were living in high-poverty communities. All the people interviewed were asked one question: What makes it hard for you to stay healthy? “Patients told us, for example … that health care providers were constantly setting them up to fail because we give people goals that are not realistic,” said Kangovi, an associate professor of medicine at Penn and a leading national expert on the use of community health workers to improve po[CENSORED]tion health. “We say, ‘Mr. Jones, you need to take your Lasix,” Kangovi said. “Well, [Mr. Jones] needs to keep his job as a bus driver, and he can’t stop to pee every 30 minutes.” Kangovi and her team used those interviews to develop IMPaCT, a standardized, scalable program that leverages community health workers — trusted lay people from local communities — to improve health. IMPaCT has been delivered to over 10,000 high-risk patients in the Philadelphia region. And in the last three years, it has become the most widely disseminated community health worker program in the United States, having been replicated by organizations across 18 different states, including the Veterans Health Administration, state Medicaid programs, and integrated health care organizations. Kangovi said she thinks of community health workers as a bridge between communities and health systems and other systems of care. Unlike other kinds of health care professionals who are strictly defined by licensure and degrees, community health workers share life experience with the people they serve and often have leadership roles within the community, so they can leverage trust in unique ways. Typically, community health workers are paired with people in high-poverty neighborhoods who are battling a confluence of health and social inequities, from housing insecurity to high blood pressure. “We are not actually in the midst of a novel pandemic of coronavirus,” Kangovi said. “But rather what we’re seeing is actually just a manifestation of a pandemic that’s been going on for a much longer time, and that is the pandemic of injustice.” Despite overall improvements in po[CENSORED]tion health, Kangovi said, health disparities like cardiovascular disease have persisted over time, particularly in marginalized communities of color. There is about a 20-year gap in life expectancy between the richest Americans and the poorest Americans. But the primary focus of physicians has been to address risk factors for disease such as smoking or diabetes. And the same has been true of the COVID-19 response in Black, Asian, and Latino American communities, where the death rate is disproportionately higher than that of white Americans. “What we are calling risk factors are just, in fact, intervening mechanisms,” Kangovi said. “And actually the cause of disease is the underlying socioeconomic conditions.” Local and federal policies such as immigration and labor laws, neighborhood and domestic exposure to violence, air, and water pollution — these all set the stage for certain groups to have a disproportionate burden of disease. Kangovi said unlike doctors who focus on treating health outcomes such as diabetes or hypertension on the downstream of injustice, community health workers can intervene at all stages because they share life experience of discrimination and disadvantage with those they serve.At 13, Nahar Alam was forced into an arranged marriage in her birth country of Bangladesh. Alam married a local police officer, and he quickly became physically abusive. Looking for a way out, she fled to the United States in 1993 and found work as a caretaker. “I came to this country to survive,” recalled Alam. “ But then I worked as a babysitter, and I found so much abuse there which is not reported.” Settling in Brooklyn, New York, where she had no family to depend on and little English proficiency, she would soon encounter another form of abuse in the homes of her employers. Exhausted and overworked from 12-hour-plus shifts, Alam said she would make as little as $75 a week. And it was common to be denied time off. She even recalls her employers socially isolating her and workers like her by denying them access to the phone. “And then I thought, let me find out how I can help myself and others,” Alam said. Stressed by those working conditions, three years later she became a volunteer for Sakhi for South Asian Women, a nonprofit domestic-violence prevention organization. There, she connected with other South Asian immigrant women working as caretakers, cooks, and cleaners in domestic settings who were also experiencing a spectrum of workplace abuses. “There was nobody to listen to us,” Alam said. “We started the program just to talk to each other, listen to each other, and [do] outreach for each other.” The women found power in their shared experiences, and together they worked to promote fair working conditions and minimum wage and labor standards, and organized demonstrations outside the homes of exploitative employers. Then in 1998, Alam founded her own organization, Andolan — one of the first domestic workers’ groups to emerge in New York. Composed of a handful of South Asian domestic workers, Alam and her team helped women through lawsuits against abusive employers and linked them to a range of city services. In 2010, in collaboration with a local labor network called Domestic Workers United, they fought for better working protections and ushered in the first Domestic Workers Bill of Rights. Alam’s self-advocacy turned into powerful community advocacy. Now, she’s the program associate at the Diabetes Research, Education and Action for Minorities Initiative (DREAM), a community health worker intervention that addresses the burden of cardiovascular disease in New York City’s Bangladeshi community. “If you hear ‘organizer,’ ‘housekeeper,’ ‘babysitter,’ or ‘community advocate,’ that’s the same [thing] as a community health worker,” Alam said. The same way I advocated for people [then] is the same way I’m doing it now in the health care system.”
  8. Veterans make up an important portion of Washington State University’s student po[CENSORED]tion, with 3.1% of students either previously or currently serving in the military, according to Fall 2020 student data. This is a distinctive student po[CENSORED]tion that brings a unique set of experiences and abilities to the classroom. On WSU’s Pullman campus, two English department faculty members, who happen to be veterans themselves, are doing what they can to build awareness and understanding of this unique student po[CENSORED]tion by delivering Student Veterans Awareness training for English 101 faculty members. “Veterans, military members, and their families are a vital and vibrant part of the WSU Cougar community,” said Mike Edwards, an assistant professor of English. “We want these students to know that they are welcome here and that their service and life experiences are valued.” Edwards, a US Army veteran and previous instructor at the US Military Academy at West Point, has been teaching the Student Veterans Awareness training for fellow English faculty members every year since 2013. Elijah Coleman, another English faculty member who is a Marine veteran, co-leads the training. The training is part of an ongoing, year-long, professional development series required for faculty members teaching English 101 courses. “The idea is to cast as wide a net as possible in creating awareness of student veterans. Virtually everyone takes English 101 when they first start college, so we know there will be a significant po[CENSORED]tion of student veterans in those courses,” said Edwards. “New instructors also start with English 101, so we want to start them out early with an understanding of this unique student community.” The training is designed to inform instructors on how to recognize veteran students in their classrooms and how to better understand various cultural attributes that can distinguish those in the military and veteran community. “Many faculty members don’t have any experience working with veterans, and it’s our goal to introduce them to recognize these students and understand the military experiences they’ve had,” said Edwards. According to Coleman, one prominent topic of discussion during the course is the positive impact those who have military experience can have on the classroom. “Student veterans and their families bring a wealth of experience and perspective to our classrooms. Learning about student veterans and their families helps instructors learn how to better tap the drive and energy and commitment that they bring from service,” said Coleman. “For example, veterans are problem solvers by training and necessity. Learning how to revise assignments to provide more clarity in instructions enables a student veteran to channel their critical thinking and problem-solving experience.” “Many have also travelled the world and interacted with people from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds,” said Edwards, who was deployed to Afghanistan while teaching at West Point. “Those experiences give them very valuable and interesting perspectives to engage with during class discussions.” The course also explores the unique challenges and special needs experienced by veterans and how to promote better inclusive practices to make the classroom a welcoming space for all students. “We want faculty members to be able to spot a student in crisis, so they can intervene and get them help if they need it,” said Edwards. “More broadly speaking, we want faculty members to understand some of the challenges that veterans can face, including PTSD, access to health care, and other important issues.” Both Edwards and Coleman say they have seen a positive impact come from the training, reflected in feedback from fellow faculty members. “The most immediate impact we’ve seen has been greater understanding of and respect for veterans and their families, not just in awareness of the challenges and issues they face, but also in awareness of the incredible skills and experiences they bring to their communities and their workplaces,” said Coleman. “After the sessions we’ve hosted, I’ve heard feedback that our work has led many instructors to revise and clarify assignments and goals in ways that helped all students, especially students from non-traditional backgrounds.” Edwards and Coleman are currently working with WSU Academic Outreach and Innovation (AOI) and Student Affairs to bring their Veteran’s Awareness Training to a wider audience across the WSU university system. “We would like to spread the word to more faculty members in all WSU academic departments, potentially in a virtual environment available to all,” said Edwards. “We feel that this is important training to help our great Cougar faculty members be the best instructors they can be, while letting every student know that they are welcome and valued at WSU.”
  9. Predicting which cars will achieve classic status five or 10 years from now is a dark and uncertain art. One of the surest indicators of a nailed-on future classic for many years was motorsport pedigree - think what success on the race track did for the likes of the Porsche 911 2.7 RS and BMW E30 M3 - but in more recent times it’s become less of a factor. Homologation regulations aren’t what they once were, after all, and manufacturers are no longer obliged to build road-going facsimiles of their competition machines. So which factors do apply? Scarcity, for one, and reputation for another. If a car is rare and widely reckoned to be one of the best of its type to drive, it’ll probably reach classic status. Beauty is another factor and so too is significance; a car that changed the game in its sector is bound to be held in high regard for years to come. Every one of the cars we’re highlighting here meets at least one of those criteria, if not two or three. There is a strong possibility that many of them will rise in value over the coming years, but we haven’t let that be our motivating factor. Instead, we’ve concentrated on cars that are great to drive or a pleasure to own. Now is the time to bag yourself a copper-bottomed future classic. We’ve split them into price ranges to
  10. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has delayed the deadline date for its annual Tax Day, moving it from April 15 to May 17. While many tax filers in the US will doubtless be relieved to have more time in order to get their tax affairs and accounting paperwork in order, the delay suggests there are wider issues involved when it comes to challenges being faced by the government agency. The IRS is currently heavily involved with the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the nationwide recovery plan designed to help the US get back on its feet in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic."This continues to be a tough time for many people, and the IRS wants to continue to do everything possible to help taxpayers navigate the unusual circumstances related to the pandemic, while also working on important tax administration responsibilities," said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig.Even with the new deadline, we urge taxpayers to consider filing as soon as possible, especially those who are owed refunds. Filing electronically with direct deposit is the quickest way to get refunds, and it can help some taxpayers more quickly receive any remaining stimulus payments they may be entitled to." However, the added workload involved in processing and distributing monthly payments to families in the form of tax credits has placed the IRS under increasing pressure. Adding to its woes have been a substantial reduction in staff numbers and a decrease in funding. Back in 2010 the IRS had a total budget of $14.9 billion, adjusted for inflation. However, the funding had been cut to just $11.3 billion by 2019, with Congress opting to trim back the annual spend by a nearly a quarter or 24%. The government agency is still expected to harvest almost $4trillion in tax revenue this year, which will form a vital part of bolstering the country’s GDP of over $22 trillion. Personnel numbers have dropped dramatically too, with the IRS having shrunk from an original core of 95,000 full-time staff a decade ago down to 74,000 by 2018. Replenishment of staff is complicated due to the length of time required to fully train IRS personnel, leaving a glaring gap with around 46% of the workforce becoming eligible to retire in the near future. Following the announcement of the deadline extension the IRS says that it will be providing formal guidance in the coming days.
  11. The best gaming laptops come in all shapes and sizes, for different needs and budgets. Because while a tricked out $5,000-plus model with the highest-end graphics and best display might give you the best gaming laptop experience, most of us can't afford a rig like that. And even if we could, it wouldn't be the best gaming laptop for those who travel frequently with their PC. Thankfully, there are more gaming laptop options now than ever, from budget-friendly to VR-ready. Some come with full-size Nvidia GeForce GTX or RTX graphics cards, while others go for the more efficient Max-Q designs that enable thinner chassis and (sometimes) quieter fans. It has become more difficult to distinguish Max-Q laptops from non-Max-Q, so check out our story on how to tell if an RTX 30-series laptop uses a Max-Q GPU (in addition, Nvidia is telling laptop vendors to start listing more detailed specifications.) While many of the best gaming laptops come with a 1080p display and high refresh rates, some include 4K screens, so you can pick between fidelity and resolution. One of the newest innovations we've seen is AMD SmartShift, which shares power between the CPU and the GPU based on need. We saw this in the Dell G5 15 SE, but no other laptops with that technology have released yet. More recently, Nvidia launched its RTX 30-series GPUs for gaming laptops, and Intel is pushing its Tiger Lake H35 part for ultraportable gaming rigs. We've started testing these laptops, and expect to see more soon. To help you find the best gaming laptop today, we've compiled a list of the best models we've tested and reviewed recently. For much more on how to narrow down your list of best gaming laptop considerations, check out our best gaming laptop buyer’s guide. But here are a few quick tips to get you started down the road to the right portable gaming rig for you. While many gamers may go to desktops to get the most performance for their money, try lugging a tower, monitor and keyboard around in your backpack. When you need a powerful rig you can take with you, there's no substitute for a gaming laptop. Quick Gaming Laptop Shopping Tips Focus on the GPU: Most games are dependent on the GPU, and those aren’t upgradeable. If you splurge on a powerful GPU now, you’ll be gaming comfortably for a few years. You can upgrade some parts later: While CPUs and GPUs are almost always soldered down, most gaming laptops let you replace the RAM and storage, so you can buy cheaper now and add more memory and a bigger hard drive or SSD down the road. Battery life will probably be bad: Very few gaming notebooks get 8 hours or more on a charge, and you need the power supply to get the best gaming performance anyway. However, we've seen some strong times from AMD's Ryzen processors, and Nvidia suggests its improved Optimus technology may help turn the tide.
  12. We're just a week and a half away from Hearthstone's first expansion of 2021, and there's a lot to look forward to. March 30 marks the beginning of the Year of the Gryphon, which is when we'll see the Rise of Shadows, Saviors of Uldum, Descent of Dragons, and Demon Hunter Initiate sets rotate into Wild. Basic and Classic cards are also rolling out of Standard, replaced by Hearthstone's new, free Core Set, which consists of 235 cards.The year's first expansion, Forged in the Barrens, will also release on March 30, and Blizzard has given us 10 keys for The Forged in the Barrens Mega Bundle to give away. Forged in the Barrens focuses on WoW's Horde faction, which is made up of tauren, orcs, and the Quilboar—we can expect to see all of those groups pop up somewhere in the new set. We'll also see the introduction of a new mechanic called Spell Schools. This retroactively categorises spells under tags like 'Arcane,' 'Frost,' and 'Holy' to make way for another layer of interesting spell synergies.As always, the expansion adds a new keyword, too: Frenzy. Minions with the Frenzy label receive a powerful one-time effect that triggers the first time they survive damage. It's heavily inspired by the Enrage mechanic, and it'll be interesting to see how it and the other changes in Forged in the Barrens shift the meta.
  13. Finally! After battling for five-long days Saturday is here to add glitter to our lives. However, if you are wondering how your day is going to be then let's have a look into your daily astrological predictions so that you can plan your day accordingly. Know whether stars are aligned in your favour or not below:Today, you may feel happy and peaceful. An auspicious celebration in your family is on cards. You are likely to spend some quality time with your spouse and children. You are advised to take good care of your health. Taurus Today your boss might promote your position owing to your hard work. Your bond with your parents might get improved. You may find yourself inclined towards spirituality and might visit some religious place. Gemini Today is a good day for love birds as you might witness strong affection towards your partner. Your decisions might turn out fruitful in terms of work. Cancer Today you may find yourself inclined towards spirituality. You are likely to visit some religious institution and might donate a handsome amount to charity. you might get the support of your friends in some important situation.Today you may feel energetic, positive, and enthusiastic. You are likely to complete all your projects on time. This will improve your status in the workplace. Yo u are advised to take some advice from your spouse in important work as it might turn out beneficial. Libra Today you might receive some good news in terms of your children. You will be able to express yourself clearly in front of people. You are advised to focus on yourself regarding your career, health, etcToday, you are likely to take tensions regarding some family issue, however, you are advised to ignore all negative thoughts and move forward with positive ones. You are advised not to trust anyone blindly especially today. Sagittarius Today you may find yourself confused and this will affect your work efficiency. You are likely to be arrogant so you are advised o calm yourself down and practice meditation. Capricorn Today, your old-friend might give you a surprise visit. You are advised to take advise of your spouse before starting any work as it might turn beneficial. You may go on a long vacation. Aquarius Today you are advised not to ignore your spouse, else things might turn sour between you two. You are likely to get some new responsibility at work. Some health issues might crop up, so, you are advised to take good care of your health. Pisces Today messy situations will be under control. You are likely to get angry and arrogant, so, you are advised to stay calm and practice meditation. Also, watch your words before you speak.
  14. ALL-English Champions and Europa League Finals are still possible for the second time in three seasons after the quarter-finals draws were favourable to most of that nation's sides. Liverpool, who defeated Tottenham in the 2019 Champions League decider, face arguably the toughest test, even if Real Madrid aren't the force they were when they beat the Reds in the 2018 Final to complete a hat-trick of titles. If they progress past the 13-time winners, Jurgen Klopp's men will meet either Chelsea or Porto in the last four, which could mean a repeat of the famous semi-final clashes in 2005 and 2007 between those English teams, both won by the Merseysiders. Chelsea's most recent European triumph came two years ago when they thrashed Arsenal in the Europa League Final but they are going well under former Paris Saint-Germain boss Thomas Tuchel. High-flying Manchester City will have to beat one of last year's finalists – either holders Bayern Munich or PSG – to reach their first ever Champions League final, although before then they will have to get past Borussia Dortmund. In the Europa League Manchester United will be happy to face lesser-known Spanish side Granada, while Arsenal were paired with Slavia Prague, conquerors of Rangers. The Red Devils if victorious would come up against a bigger name, either Ajax or Roma, in the semi-finals, while the Gunners could then meet either Villarreal or Dinamo Zagreb, the latter having knocked out Tottenham. Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola declined to comment on reports linking City with a potential move for Dortmund's much-sought after striking star Erling Haaland in the summer. Guardiola said: "He is a player for Borussia Dortmund. I don't like it when people talk about our players so I cannot answer this question." However, he acknowledged that he regards Norwegian Haaland as one of the game's leading attackers right now. "The numbers speak for themselves," said Guardiola of the 20-year-old at a press conference. "He is one of the best strikers in the world right now for his age. I know the quality of this player." Guardiola will devote plenty of time during the upcoming international break to studying Dortmund. He said: "It is a privilege to be in the last eight teams. I didn't see much of them this season because we don't have time, but in this international break will have time to see them. But Dortmund are always a good team." With City still having a quadruple in their sights, Guardiola's immediate priority is today's FA Cup quarter-final against Everton at Goodison Park. He said: "It is a final, away. The quality of their players is there, no doubt about it. "But it is another incredible opportunity in a competition. It is the last game before the international break. Hopefully we can finish well and when we come back the important part of the season starts." Manchester United have distant hopes of a treble, with their best bests in the Europa League and the FA Cup, travelling to take on Leicester City tomorrow. Manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is pleased with their form, having won at City and away to AC Milan on their last two travels: "We feel, or we hope, a trophy can be a catalyst of more to come… The belief and the attitude is there," Solskjaer said. "I have to say I'm really impressed by the way they recover and get ready for the next game because it is relentless. "They are preparing to perform at the highest, highest level. It's not like we've had any gimmes in the draws. "Every game has been a game you really have to dig deep to win. This is another one, Leicester away."
  15. guys in problem in ts3?

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  17. Tensions between the U.S. and China have proved lucrative for some Japanese companies. Nikkei Asia today reported that prices for used chip-making equipment, which aren’t subject to U.S. restrictions imposed in 2020, have risen 20% on average as a result of increased demand from Chinese semiconductor manufacturers.The U.S. imposed new sanctions on SMIC, the largest semiconductor manufacturer in China, in September 2020 to prevent it from purchasing new chip-making equipment. It also added the company to the Entity List in December 2020 to make it even harder for other businesses to supply it with American-developed technology.Used chip-making equipment sellers in Japan aren’t subject to those same restrictions. Nikkei Asia said those sellers have struggled to keep their products in stock, which has led to significant price increases over the last year. The value of critical equipment such as lithography systems reportedly tripled in that timeframe.Nikkei Asia said that “nearly 90% of used machines appear to be headed to China,” per a source at Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance, and that another anonymous source at an unidentified used equipment dealer claimed, “machines that were basically worthless several years ago are now selling for 100 million yen [$940,000].”That isn’t just true of Japanese companies. Bloomberg reported earlier this month that “Chinese businesses bought almost $32 billion of equipment used to produce computer chips from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and elsewhere” in 2020. That was “a 20% jump from 2019,” according to the report, and that growth could continue.The end goal for China is self-sufficiency. Companies in the country have made progress on their own chip-making equipment so they won’t have to rely on American technologies, for example, and SMIC has sought other ways to reduce the U.S. blacklisting’s effect on its ability to advance the Chinese semiconductor industry.China’s also worked to develop its own CPUs, GPUs, memory, and other components so it won’t have to rely on Western products. But until it can replace American chip-making equipment entirely, assuming the U.S. won’t budge on its restrictions, the country’s going to have to continue to stockpile these once-outdated machines.
  18. As multiple recent elections on both sides of the Atlantic have proven, the pollsters can quite easily be wrong.To find out more about the crisis of confidence in polling, we caught up with Don Vaughn, Ph.D., Head of Product at data analytics firm Invisibly, which claims to have predicted the outcome of the US presidential election to the greatest degree of accuracy.According to Vaughn, a fundamental overhaul to traditional polling methods is needed, with an emphasis on real-time research.Check out our list of the best customer feedback tools right nowWe've built a list of the best survey tools for customer researchHere's our list of the best WordPress survey plugins out thereWhat is the difference between a poll and a survey?Polls traditionally focus on the measurement of one thing, for example an election race. Surveys typically involve a broader series of questions on a topic and attempt to collect more data.To be clear, it isn’t that traditional polling is obsolete in the sense that it isn't practiced anymore - it is obsolete in that it is outdated.The problem is that these outdated data collection practices in polling are still the most po[CENSORED]r and get the most attention. Many polls are done person-to-person via telephone which in itself cause biases in the data collected. We need to move to more anonymous polling that is suitable for the digital age which fits within our day to day life and is not disruptive. Invisibly Realtime Research solves this issue.Google already does have a survey tool, but it’s built in a way that is meant to make money or drive views to content, not to collect completely unbiased data. Invisibly is different in that its goal is to protect user data and privacy, while also getting the most accurate results possible by not having a paywall, or content blocking function.How far are we from a 100% AI polling solution?I would imagine we aren’t that far off. There has definitely been innovation in this space. It’s one thing to ask someone who they are voting for, but there are examples of AI making election predictions based on sentiment on social media and not asking voters directly. AI is not perfect, but eventually inferences might be able to be made accurately without directly interacting with voters.What is the holy grail for survey professionals?The holy grail is being able to survey a large random sample of people and have them answer multiple questions. In addition, one needs to be able to reach specific groups of people (e.g. Nike might only want to survey people who have purchased Nike products in the past).Invisibly’s Realtime Research product leads the polling and market research space in finding the largest random sampling of respondents, and we are building towards being able to facilitate communication between brands and individuals that fall into a desired cohort (e.g. people who have a verified purchase of a Nike product).What trends have you identified in the market research business in 2021?There are trends that don’t just apply to market research but research in general. There has been a decrease of in-person surveys due to pandemic. This means an increase in other types of surveys such as telephone surveying. However, we recently saw the benefits of Invisibly’s online style surveys proven over telephone surveys due to the chaos that occurred with the 2020 Presidential Election, for which many of the major polls still were done by telephone and ended up being very far off the actual election results. Some major research institutions such as Pew Research shut down in-person surveys due to the pandemic and were exploring telephone surveys. The question is whether or not virtual research trends will remain after the pandemic.Here's our list of the best content marketing tools around
  19. If you like Warhammer 40,000, have I got the mod for you: Unification Mod for Dawn of War: Soulstorm is a sprawling remaster, bugfix, faction-adder, and game mode adder that works for both the Steam and (to my delight) Actual Physical DVD versions of Dawn of War: Soulstorm. The unification mod adds new art and units for the nine base game factions, as well as 17 new factions.The big selling point of Unification is the new factions, but realistically you'll get a lot of mileage out of improved AI, as well as big updates in the campaign and new win conditions usable in its missions. There are also new Survival, Last Stand, and Kill-Team mission types. Survival and Last Stand are particularly appealing to those who prefer their RTS to be PvE and cooperative.You might think, what the hell, 17 factions is... too many? To which I will say: There are more flavors of Space Marine than there are flavors of ice cream. Here are the new factions: Dark Angels, Witch Hunters, Adeptus Mechanics Explorators, Emperor's Children, Inquisition Daemonhunters, Imperial Fists, Salamanders, Steel Legion, Harlequins, Thousand Sons, Legion of the Damned, Thirteenth Company, Blood Angels, Chaos Daemons, World Eaters, Black Templars, and Tyranids. Of course, there are mods you can use to add even more factions, if you like.Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.
  20. انشاءالله ترجعلنا بسلامة يغالي ❤️ ❤️

  21. Ott Tanak’s Hyundai career may not have always yielded the results he was hoping for when he joined as reigning champion last year, but the Arctic Rally Finland – which joined the championship at short notice after Sweden was pulled due to Covid restrictions – was as close to perfect as it got.“Finland is the home territory of Toyota, so to win here, on a brand new rally, feels very special,” he said, after claiming his second win in the i20 WRC. “We just went as fast as was safely possible.”The Estonian led from start to finish, claiming five of the 10 stages to avenge his retirement on the season-opener in Monte-Carlo and get back into the championship fight.Sebastien Ogier, who led the standings after the Monte, had a rally to forget in Finland, suffering from being first on the road on the opening day and acting as a snowplough for his rivals. He headed into Saturday, constituting the bulk of the action, on the back foot. Just as he was starting to climb back up the leaderboard, Ogier made an uncharacteristic mistake and got stuck in a snowbank on Saturday’s final stage: gallingly just a few hundred metres from the finish.“The rally was done for us anyway, so I’m not too bothered,” he said, ending up 20th at the finish, with just one Power Stage point as consolation. “When you’re first on the road it’s always like this, so it’s only what we were expecting.”The pre-event favourite was Toyota’s Kalle Rovanpera, and there was a bit of pressure, because had he succeeded, the Finn could have become the youngest-ever winner of a World Championship rally.In the end, Rovanpera missed out by just 17.5 seconds, but he won the Power Stage (to score five extra points) and moved into the drivers’ championship lead, with Toyota still heading the manufacturer standings.Second overall was also the 20-year-old’s best-ever result, ahead of Hyundai’s Thierry Neuville, who had closed to within two seconds of him on Saturday night. Their battle was the highlight of Sunday, with Neuville’s third place sealing second in the championship.Rovanpera wasn’t the only young sensation at the Arctic Rally, as it also marked the debut World Rally Car outing for 19-year-old Oliver Solberg. Throwing a spanner into the works was a positive Covid test for his regular co-driver Aaron Johnston, which meant a last-minute switch to the experienced Seb Marshall.Nonetheless it was a brilliant first time, with Solberg bringing his Hyundai home in seventh, having lost a place to Toyota’s Takamoto Katsuta on the final stage. Ahead of the Japanese driver was his team mate Elfyn Evans in fifth and Craig Breen in fourth: making his first appearance for Hyundai this year and delivering everything that was asked of him. Another returning driver was Esapekka Lappi, who won WRC2 in a dominant performance with a Volkswagen Polo.By contrast, spare a thought for his Finnish compatriot Janne Tuohino. On the fringes of the top 10, the privateer Ford Fiesta WRC driver was hoping to make Sunday count. Only to fall over in the sauna on Saturday night and dislocate his shoulder…
  22. It was negative 13 degrees Celsius (8.6 degrees Fahrenheit) when Lorelou Desjardins took a break from her workday to take a walk on the frozen lake near her home in Oslo, Norway. She was accompanied by her husband, who had recently been on four months of paternity leave, and their infant son.Not only was she encouraged by her employer to take this walk — she is paid one hour per week to exercise or spend time outdoors. It's one of the several times she goes outdoors during the workday.Other times are to put her 1-year-old out for a nap, wrapped up in blankets outdoors, like they do with him and the other babies in day care, or by taking a walk in the forest whenever she has a meeting over the phone with a colleague, which her workplace encourages her to do.That's thanks to friluftsliv (pronounced FREE'-loofts-liv), a Norwegian custom that means living "life in fresh air," or more simply, spending time outdoors and being active."It's life in fresh air, which in English, you could say is an outdoorsy life," she said. "But it's actually more than that. It's not just about being outdoorsy, it's about taking advantage of every moment you have in nature."Homing in on life balance and prioritiesFriluftsliv is not a concept the French-born Desjardins has spent her life living. She moved from France to Norway in 2010. However, she said she's much less stressed ever since making the move. She even did a TED Talk on the topic just over three years ago."When I moved to Norway, I was kind of a workaholic. And so, coming here and having my boss tap my shoulder at 5 or 6 p.m. and tell me, 'What are you still doing at work? Go outside, it is nice weather," she said. "It's kind of this spirit of 'OK, work is great, but we have a life out there, that life involves being outside.'Contrary to American "hustle culture," Desjardins said overworking and sacrificing your personal life isn't considered a good thing in Norway. It's considered an inability to prioritize in one's work to Norwegians.While Americans may not be able to ask their employer for a paid walk in the forest, Desjardins said there is much to be gained from adopting these practices — and people can do it in any natural area near where they live and work.People in Norway don't have some magical ability not to become cold, she said, noting that they feel the cold just like anyone else. But the chance to spend time outdoors and face a challenge isn't something that holds them back. In Norway, she said, there is a saying: "There's no bad weather, only bad clothing."Appreciating winter monthsWith the pandemic still in full swing in the United States and the coldest months upon us, Dr. Paul Desan, director of the Winter Depression Research Clinic at the Yale School of Medicine, said many may be facing a "very tough, dark winter." And it's possible adopting some form of friluftsliv could help.Today's 'Blue Monday' depression peak isn't real, but seasonal blues are. Here's what to do about themToday's 'Blue Monday' depression peak isn't real, but seasonal blues are. Here's what to do about themFor some, this tough winter can be attributed to seasonal affective disorder, a variant of clinical depression that is characterized by depressive symptoms in the fall and winter."We used to think human beings were not seasonal animals," Desan said.Sheep, which are seasonal animals, he said, behave differently in different parts of the year, and their reproductive cycle and how their fur grows both depend on the light and dark cycle."But it turns out human beings really are seasonal — and we (also) respond to the light-dark cycle," he said.Many people feel worse in winter in at least one way, whether it be sleep quality, appetite, energy or a desire to be social, according to Desan."But the important public health observation here is that you have a relatively common condition that affects a lot of people ... (and) we actually have a very powerful, cheap, effective therapy," he said. "And that's bright light." Desan said that bright light can come from an electric light treatment device or simply natural illumination from the sun."For some of those people, it's enough to just get them to go out and work in the garden when the sun comes up, and to use all of the natural light that's out there," he said.Nordic nations consistently top the annual UN World Happiness Reports, despite their cold, harsh winters, although these happiness rankings are based on six factors — income, freedom, trust, healthy life expectancy, social support and generosity — spending time outdoors is not on the list.Both in Norway and other countries, the friluftsliv lifestyle can be a potential way to combat wintertime sadness, Desan said."When those Norwegians are telling you that you should be outside as much as you can, part of what they're saying is you should be exposed to bright light, (which) probably is good for your mood or energy any time of the day," Desan said.Because about a third of the country in Norway is north of the Arctic Circle, there are vast extremes in the amount of light in their days, making the winters very dark and cold."Because there's so little daylight here, every ray of sunshine needs to be taken advantage of," Desjardins said. "I (like to) just stand still and look at the sun — just to pump in vitamin D."Desjardins explained this act of standing still and facing toward the sun is so common in Norway it even has a name: solveggen, which equates to "wall of sun" in English.
  23. Arsenal continues its climb towards the top half of the English Premier League standings on Sunday when it travels to the King Power Stadium for a matchup with Leicester City. The Gunners, who lost to the Foxes 1-0 back in October, currently sit in 11th place with 34 points, two points back of London rival Tottenham in ninth place. Leicester, which will be without midfielder James Maddison, remains in third place, and is level on points with second place Manchester United with 49. The Foxes will depend on the services of Jamie Vardy and Harvey Barnes, while Arsenal hope Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Bukayo Saka can continue to deliver offensively.Sunday’s match will air on NBC Sports Network on your local TV provider. You can watch the game for free online if you sign up for a free trial with Sling, fuboTV or Peacock Premium.Leicester City vs. Arsenal (English Premier League 2021)Start time: 7:00 a.m. ESTTV channel: NBCSN (Channel finder: Verizon Fios, AT&T U-verse, Comcast Xfinity,Spectrum/Charter, Optimum/Altice, DIRECTV, Dish, Hulu, fuboTV, Sling.)Live stream: NBC Sports Live | fuboTV | Sling | Peacock Premium. - You can watch NBC Sports Live if you have a cable subscription. If you don’t, you can get NBCSN via a la carte packages from fuboTV, Sling and Peacock Premium. (with free trials).More soccer coverage via the Associated Press:BERLIN (AP) — Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang scored late to steer Arsenal into the last 16 of the Europa League with a 3-2 win over Benfica on Thursday, while Napoli and both German teams were knocked out.Arsenal had to come from behind to advance 4-3 on aggregate, while Napoli is out despite beating Granada 2-1 in the second leg. The modest Spanish club surprisingly advanced 3-2 on aggregate.“The dream continues!” Granada midfielder Luis Milla said on Twitter.Bayer Leverkusen and Hoffenheim went out with 2-0 losses at home to Swiss side Young Boys and Norwegian minnow Molde, respectively.“A huge disappointment,” Leverkusen coach Peter Bosz said after losing 6-3 on aggregate.Manchester United drew 0-0 with Real Sociedad for a 4-0 aggregate win, and Milan progressed on away goals, 3-3 on aggregate, after drawing 1-1 at home with Red Star Belgrade.Goals from Lukas Provod and Abdallah Sima in the second half gave Slavia Prague a 2-0 win at Leicester to progress after their goalless first leg.Roma had little difficulty getting past Sporting Braga with a 3-1 win at home for 5-1 over two legs.AUBAMEYANG’S LATE DECIDERAubameyang scored twice for Arsenal, including the decisive 87th-minute winner just as the Gunners were poised to go out on the away goals rule despite playing both games abroad due to coronavirus-related travel restrictions.The teams played the second leg in Athens while the first leg ended 1-1 in Rome after Benfica’s home game was relocated from Portugal.Aubameyang opened the scoring in the 21st, finishing clinically after Bukayo Saka played him through.Diogo Gonçalves equalized with a perfectly placed free kick inside the top left corner in the 43rd.A mistake from Dani Ceballos gifted Benfica its second goal after an Arsenal corner in the 61st. Benfica goalkeeper Helton Leite produced a long kick out that Ceballos tried heading back to his own goalkeeper, but only inadvertently laid it off for Rafa Silva, who rounded Bernd Leno before finishing into the empty net.It was just the Portuguese team’s second effort on target on the night.But left back Kieran Tierney replied with a strike inside the far post in the 67th after showing good composure to elude a Benfica defender, and Aubameyang completed the turnaround with a close-range header to the 19-year-old Saka’s cross.“We never seem to do it the easy way,” Tierney said.UNITED YOUNGSTER MAKES BOWShola Shoretire came on as a substitute to become Manchester United’s youngest player in European competition. Aged 17 years, 23 days, Shoretire replaced previous record holder Norman Whiteside.Sociedad captain Mikel Oyarzabal missed a good chance to start an unlikely comeback when he sent a penalty high and wide in the 13th minute, and United did enough thereafter to keep the visitors from getting into the game.United defender Axel Tuanzebe thought he scored his first senior goal midway through the second half, but it was disallowed as teammate Victor Lindelöf had crashed with his knee into Jon Bautista’s head while jumping for the ball. The Swedish defender was booked after a VAR review.TRIBUTE FOR TA BIMilan forward Franck Kessié paid tribute to Atalanta youth player Willy Ta Bi after scoring his penalty early against Red Star Belgrade. The 21-year-old Ta Bi died of cancer on Tuesday. Kessié held up a shirt with the text “To God, champion.”Mirko Ivanic played a brilliant pass for forward Ben to equalize in the 24th, two minutes after he hit the crossbar with a free kick.Belgrade defender Marko Gobeljic, who had conceded the penalty early on, was sent off with his second yellow card in the 70th as his team was chasing the goal it needed to get through.EINDHOVEN OUT, AJAX THROUGHEgyptian forward Kouka scored late for Olympiakos to knock PSV Eindhoven out despite a 2-1 defeat. The Greek team won 5-4 on aggregate.Ajax progressed with a 2-1 win over Lille (4-2 on aggregate), Rangers cruised through with a 5-2 win over Belgian team Antwerp (9-5), Shakhtar Donetsk beat Maccabi Tel Aviv 1-0 (3-0), Villarreal defeated Salzburg 2-1 (4-1), Dinamo Zagreb beat Krasnodar 1-0 (4-2), and Dynamo Kyiv won 1-0 at Club Brugge to progress 2-1 on aggregate.
  24. Lenovo (via HXL) has teased the Radeon RX 6900 XT and Radeon RX 6800 XT Legion Edition graphics cards on the company's Weibo account. The graphics cards are likely an exclusive for Lenovo's Savior Blade 7000P 2021 gaming PCs, though.It's unknown if Lenovo manufactures the Legion graphics cards itself or the company relies on a third-party OEM. Aesthetically, the Radeon RX 6800 XT Legion Edition looks awfully familiar, like a dolled-up Radeon VII. The rectangular shroud makes a comeback with the characteristic "R" logo with red illumination in the corner. To give the design a new twist, Lenovo opted for a black exterior and some RGB lighting.The Radeon RX 6800 XT Legion Edition looks a tad bigger than AMD's reference edition, however, so it should still take up three PCI slots inside your case. The triple-fan cooling setup remains untouched, but the backplate has been customized to Lenovo's Legion branding.The Radeon RX 6800 XT Legion Edition draws power from two standard 8-pin PCIe power connectors. Other than that, we don't know the graphics card's other specifications.Lenovo has given its Savior Blade 7000P gaming systems a much-needed upgrade to AMD's latest Ryzen 5000 (codename Vermeer) processors. Therefore, the Radeon RX 6800 XT Legion Edition will be able to leverage the Smart Access Memory (SAM) feature, which essentially allows the processor and graphics card to tap into each other's memory. This results in a nice boost in gaming performance.The graphics card shortage is affecting both AMD and Nvidia graphics cards, and it doesn't look like the situation will improve anytime soon. Lenovo's Savior Blade 7000P 2021 could provide consumers an option to gain access to a high-end graphics card, even if it's just in China.
  25. Our guide to the best business cloud storage services gives a detailed breakdown of all the best platforms out there, but before you dive in it’s worth exploring the benefits of cloud storage for business. Doing so will allow you to manage expectations for how it can help improve your business—before you speak to a developer or approach a provider.Similarly, having an understanding of how the transition to the cloud works is valuable so there aren’t any surprises down the line. Put simply, though, there are many advantages to being cloud-native and the move-over is not something to be concerned about.There are many reasons to move your firm over to the cloud and utilize business cloud storage. However, we’ll only focus on the most significant to give you a taste for the key benefits.Firstly, moving to the cloud can help greatly reduce costs. For example, by outsourcing your data storage, your energy bills may be reduced, as well as the amount you spend on in-house IT staff. Similarly, most business cloud arrangements are made on a rolling contractual basis, meaning software (and perhaps even hardware) upgrades may be included in your monthly fee.It can also make scaling your operation far easier. For the sake of argument, say you decide you need to rapidly expand your team by 50%. Rather than having to install a huge amount of new hardware to accommodate this expansion, you can simply contact your cloud provider and ask them to extend your storage, number of users, and—if applicable—bandwidth.Having a business on the cloud will also help foster collaboration in your teams. By having all their files and documents in one space, that is accessible anywhere in the world, teams can more easily reach the information they need. Collaboration features to look out for include real-time editing, integration with third-party platforms, instantaneous file-syncing, and custom link generation.The cloud can also be better for the environment. Outsourcing your data storage facility to an efficient, specialized provider, means less energy may be spent on storing your data, helping those firms with a CSR or ESG-focus reduce their carbon footprint.Depending on your provider, the cloud can also offer cast-iron security against malicious parties. With 256-bit encryption and SSL/TLS transfer tunnels now industry-standard, there’s very little risk of a leak. Many cloud platforms even offer a “no knowledge” approach to data management, meaning even they have no way to access your information.Perhaps the most overriding point to remember, though, is that cloud computing has come on leaps and bounds over the past few years. Transitioning to it has never been more straightforward, not least because the market leaders now offer a mature product that is incredibly well designed. Your firm will not be an early adopter of the technology, and with the initial problems now fully ironed out, that’s a good thing.How to move to the cloudMost platforms make the transition to the cloud straightforward—indeed, it’s within their best interest to do so. However, there are some things that you should be aware of before diving in.Firstly, the best option for you is probably the best option for your competitor or another similar business. If possible, reach out to those in your network at other organizations and query what cloud platform they use and whether they’d recommend it. This can be especially important if you are in a sector that is particularly suited to one provider, for example.Next, it’s time to figure out which aspects of your operation need to be on the cloud. Some parts, such as payroll and collaborative documents, are a no-brainer, but that might not be the case across the board. Legacy applications, for example, might not be compatible with some cloud platforms and might be easier to leave in your local network.For larger businesses, it might also be necessary to ensure you have the right developer know-how to hand. If you choose a reputable platform, the risks when you’ve moved should be minimal, but a developer will help through the more treacherous part—transitioning.Finally, it’s also worthwhile preparing for life when your migration is complete, so consider what can be done to get the most out of your new cloud subscription prior to moving over. There are lots of routes to consider aside from the obvious data back-ups. You could, for example, begin writing a wiki to be stored on the cloud that includes information for employees, such as best practices, white papers, and the like.The best options on the market right nowOur guide to the best cloud storage services provides an in-depth view of what the market has to offer at the moment. But as a quick primer, here are three excellent options worth considering.Dropbox was early out of the blocks and so has had longer than most to add to its list of features and improve its user interface. As such, its current product is brilliantly sleek and easy-to-use, making it a crowd pleaser for everyday users. However, it also has a raft of business functionalities. Dropbox Transfer allows you to send files of 100GB over the cloud, whilst Dropbox Spaces, for example, are machine learning-driven group folders that make collaborative working incredibly user-friendly.SpiderOak is one of the providers to offer the aforementioned “no knowledge” system, meaning it can’t access anything on its own servers. Whilst this adds peace of mind to those who want their information sealed tight, it means if you lose the master password, all your information is lost too. SpiderOak’s impressive focus on security means it isn’t packed with features, but it’s still intuitively and attractively designed.For teams who already work in Microsoft, OneDrive for Business is a fantastic option. Jam-packed with features and with a clear focus on collaboration, the platform leaves very little to be desired. It integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams, Exchange, and Office 365, whilst an AI-managed folders system will immediately streamline your workflow. There are some areas that could be improved, such as its macOS app, but really OneDrive is head and shoulders above most of the competition.ConclusionDropbox, SpiderOak, and Microsoft OneDrive are all fantastic options, but it’s important to research as many providers as possible before committing. After all, every business has different requirements—you may, for example, benefit from spending more on storage than on third-party app integration.After you have determined your requirements, moving to the cloud has never been easier. Many providers will help guide you through the process and have expert customer service to answer even the most technical of questions. And if you do make the move, there are huge benefits to on offer—including improvements to your firm’s bottom line and environmental impact.


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