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Naser DZ

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Everything posted by Naser DZ

  1. Hello To fix it You need to add in AntiVirus program a rule to not check TS3 Client protected/secured connection.- To check if it is the AntiVirus kill all it processes in task manager. #Regards
  2. ------------------------------------------------------ G A M E I N F O R M A T I O N Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch [reviewed]) Developer: Soleil Publisher: Adult Swim Games Released: August 21, 2020 MSRP: $39.99 ------------------------------------------------------ Battle Through Time is a low key re-telling of the events of season five, and is heavily reliant on characters that appeared in the 2017 revival. I say "low key" because the story is more of a guideline, re-using clips from the show as cutscenes and hurriedly rushing through the narrative that the game kind of assumes you already knew about. Outside of one neat moment near the end, Battle Through Time is a lot of retreading throughout nine linear time-hopping stages. Nearly every story beat is the same: you start a level separated from Ashi (Jack's love interest), get sent through a portal, deal with a threat, then shuffle to a new portal as you search for Ashi and attempt to defeat the evil Aku once and for all. You might be thinking: "that's kind of like the show!" But the television series actually has emotional moments and character development packed in among all of the dazzling action sequences. Once you're done (complete with a very abrupt and not-satisfying ending), you can tackle several unlocked challenges or replay everything on one of four difficulty settings: if you finish the game on hard, you get an endless mode for your troubles. It's not worth replaying though, as it's a startlingly average experience from start to finish. In fact, Battle Through Time's problems are evident very early on and are plentiful. ------------------------------------------------------ Levels often feel empty or devoid of life, with similar enemies (accompanied by so-so AI that is easily stunlocked or mostly meanders around) flooding gated arenas. The game even re-uses minibosses frequently (one appears in nearly every level): with one section re-using the same two enemies multiple times. Although cutscenes (again, ripped from the show) and a few other portions of the game are fully voiced, many sections (including nearly all in-game content) lack voice performances entirely. Any cast reprisals are well-handled, but are sadly few and far between. Its action framework is very rudimentary, complete with lots of gates for unlocking new abilities. I can see where they were going with it for sure, but it just isn't there. Weak and strong attacks can be weaved together for light combos, along with a dash (which evolves into a roll), a block mechanic (which can be altered to parry and counter) and a double-jump. You can also swap between multiple melee and ranged weapons, the latter of which require ammo: with all weapons outside of a select few (like the base sword or your fists) governed by durability. Weapons break very easily, which feels completely pointless for such a short linear game. The odd design choices don't stop there though, as upgrading talents (across three skill trees) requires multiple reagents. It's cumbersome and hampers the development of your player character's build, as most of the time the upgrades merely add more variety into the mix. For the most part, you only need your base weapons and a good dodge reflex. It's also strange when juxtaposed to several other designs; like the time one of my fun bows quickly broke in a boss fight, prompting me to swap to a 50-stack of shurikens to spam at a boss that didn't have ranged attacks. ------------------------------------------------------ I was only able to test the Switch version, and while the framerate takes a slight hit, it's not egregious most of the time. I did, however, encounter around one glitch per level, like enemies moving out of the boundaries of a closed arena (they always came back). Fortunately, I didn't experience any crashes or game-breaking glitches. Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is a weak adaptation of the series, but the action mechanics just aren't all there either, dragging it down even further. With a few tweaks it could be a fun little weekend mascot game, but as is, this adaption isn't going to appeal to just about anyone. ------------------------------------------------------ System Requirment : MINIMUM: 64-bit operating system and processor required Operating System: Windows 7 64bit Processor: Intel Core i5 3rd Generation RAM: 8 GB of memory Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti or AMD Radeon HD 7750 DirectX: Version 11 Disk space: 10 GB available disk space Sound card: Windows-compatible sound card Additional Notes: PREFERRED: Xbox Wireless Controller (Xbox One, Windows 10) OR DUALSHOCK 4 wireless controller (PS4) ------------------------------------------------------ RECOMMENDED: 64-bit operating system and processor required Operating System: Windows 10 64bit Processor: Intel Core i7 7th Generation RAM: 16 GB of memory Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 DirectX: Version 12 Disk space: 10 GB available disk space Sound card: Windows-compatible sound card Additional Notes: PREFERRED: Xbox Wireless Controller (Xbox One, Windows 10) OR DUALSHOCK 4 wireless controller (PS4) ------------------------------------------------------ Official Trailer :
  3.  First Giveaway of CS-CSBLACKDEVIL.COM, maybe you will win account Netflix or 5k point, try with your lucky, good luck


  4. First Giveaway of server Cs-CSBLACKDEVIL.COM , Go


  5. ------------------------------------------------------ Game Information : Phoenotopia Awakening (Nintendo Switch) Developer: Cape Cosmic Publisher: Cape Cosmic Released: August 20, 2020 MSRP: $19.99 ------------------------------------------------------ Phoenotopia Awakening is technically a remake of a Newgrounds Flash game from 2014. Many of the mechanics and the narrative have been incorporated into the remake, but everything has been lifted up and expanded on. The starkest difference is that, rather than have you simply choose your next destination using a standard node-based world map, you’re left to explore from a top-down perspective, similar to the previously discussed Zelda II. The world isn’t very large and it’s locked down to keep the player focused, but there’s a lot hidden in its nooks and crannies. If you’re anything like me, you’ll spend an excessive amount of time plumbing those nooks and crannies. You can find heart rubies to expand your health, stamina emeralds to extend your stamina bar, moonstones to open up teleportation routes, GEO tickets to spend at a special store, lunar artifacts to sell to a thrift store, and various other items to make your life easier. If you’re not careful, the game can frequently become bogged down under the weight of all its side activities. ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ However, all those side activities may be necessary if you’re going to cope with the brutal difficulty. It’s inadvisable to delve a dungeon without being adequately prepared, as save points are rather rare in dangerous areas, and the penalty for death is being unceremoniously dumped off at the last one you stopped at. Every boss in the game got its turn kicking my butt. Even the starter slime gave me a hard time until I managed to get its pattern down. They’re well-designed battles, though. Fast and deadly, but not unpredictable, like something out of Punch-Out!!. With every attempt I could feel myself getting better at anticipating and reacting to attacks. I’d make it further, use fewer health items, until finally, I was able to topple the baddie. I’d liken the difficulty to playing a Mega Man game with only the default buster: not impossible, but you’re going to have to focus and work at it. ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ The story is set some countless centuries after a great war ravaged earth. Humanity has since emerged from their protective underground vaults and re-established a society that both lives off of and fears the technology of their ancestors. You play as Gail, a girl whose entire village is abducted by aliens while she’s away rescuing children. Honestly, the story plays in the distant background. You don’t even glimpse the principal antagonists until much later in the game, and even then, it’s implied that they’re mere mercenaries working for the big bad guys. Instead of directly dealing with the problem facing her, Gail is largely side-tracked by the problems of others. With that said, I don’t have much issue with the overall narrative. I found the writing to be extremely enjoyable, with a large degree of levity and a heaping helping of dry wit. It’s also consistent throughout, bringing chuckles straight through to the end. I just wish the main thread was more engaging. ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ Part of the issue is that Phoenotopia Awakening is a staggeringly long game. The advertising suggests it’s 25 hours if you follow the critical path, which may be massively underselling it. With all my side-questing and dungeon diving, I clocked in at over 50 hours, and I’m certain I didn’t see or do everything. I’m not one to complain about too much content, but I’m left feeling the game was a bit unfocused and bloated. As I said, I hope you’ve got an appetite for discovery, because there’s a lot out there. The adventure is helped along by some fantastic pixel-art visuals and expressive music. While some of the art and music hearken back to the original Flash game, they, like the rest of the game, have received a significant facelift. The animations and backgrounds are detailed, the colors are vivid, and the music is consistently enjoyable. I’d probably be tempted if they dropped a vinyl of the soundtrack. ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ I think the major sticking point for most people will be with the stamina system. Everything from sprinting to swinging your bat drains the stamina gauge, and if it empties, you’re left waiting for it to fill. This can make combat feel jerky, especially in the beginning, where you wear yourself out by attacking, then have to limp away to the corner to recharge. It wasn’t a deal-breaker for me, however, for the whole tour, I was left thinking that some people were going to hate it. You’ll also have to get past how unfriendly the game is. Even the environments are packed with doorways and NPCs that will take a long time to sift through if you want to experience everything. The save system is especially unforgiving, and more than once I had to put the controller down as it was too much to bear how much progress had been lost after an embarrassing death. Even the mantra of “save early, save often” won’t protect you from heartbreak. Nonetheless, I found myself largely enamored with Phoenotopia Awakening. Its often humorous and sometimes sentimental dialogue got through to me, and its challenging but tight platforming action really appealed. I’m a little bit weary from my trek through its expansive campaign, but I’m satisfied all the same. It’s an aesthetically pleasing, unforgivingly mean, but an altogether lovingly assembled experience. ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ This Game is for Nintendo Switch ------------------------------------------------------ Video Trailer :
  6. congrats kho . 39oba l global mod ❤️

    1. -Apex


      Mrc 7bb ❤️ 

  7. aya mabrook 3goba l global ❤️

    1. #Em i[N]O'

      #Em i[N]O'

      3aych 5ouya naser 

  8. Congrats VIP pu.ta ?❤️

    1. Culea


      thanks pu.ta ❤️

  9. I had a good time with you. I considered vgr project as my second family and work hard

    Thanks For every one help me and support me , i never forgot who help me

    Thanks , See you soon with good healthy

    My Best Regards to you and all members/staff CSBD


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. z0ne


      come ts3 right now !!!!!!!

    3. #Sissa


      Wlh La rahi m9wda ya kho i will Think again on it miss u hope u best ?

    4. #Mr.EVIL


      You have a long life and a path and you have to take better care of it than this shit. good luck in your life dude ❤️ 

      i will miss you ❤️ 

  10. Hello But express with youI , I don't really know you. But I will give you my openion about you and your activité , I think that a good activity , And your information is convincing , You have , #Pro Good Luck
  11. If you interested to be in team V-G-R but you dont know how to post review , check it out , good luck 




  12. Hello I creat Anothe Video , because we doing some updates in Rules ! This video toutorial , have a fun ! The video is with quality 1080p60
  13. Game Information : Iron Man VR (PS4 [reviewed with PSVR]) Developer: Camouflaj Publisher: Sony Released: July 3, 2020 MSRP: $39.99 Having experienced the Index's Knuckle remotes and the Oculus Touch 2.0 controllers for a long while now, it's really hard going back to those two Move remotes. Look, I respect the hustle of the Move. In my house, they even have their own charging cradle! But the precision of the two aforementioned control styles have thoroughly surpassed what the PSVR can do, and I sincerely hope that Sony has something planned for VR in the next generation. With that in mind, Camouflaj makes it work and pushes the Move in ways studios before have failed at. We'll get to the controls in a moment, but Iron Man VR manages to find a comfortable medium between the sacred and the profane. A marriage of sorts of comic source material and the MCU, Iron Man starts off with the familiar storyline of Tony Stark retiring from weapons making and living at his home in Malibu with his public Iron Man persona on full display. They even follow the "Tony was captured in a cave and had a change of heart" motif from the first MCU film. That's just the prologue, though. After a five year time jump Iron Man VR spreads its wings a bit, even if it heavily re-uses themes that have been touched upon multiple times in the MCU already. Josh Keaton (veteran voice actor and long-time "super" performer) does his best with what he's given as Stark, but he's really able to show his chops with the character Gunsmith: an AI created by Tony to assist him in times of war. It's a double-role with a few clever (though sometimes on the nose) script choices that help highlight the strong duality of Tony Stark. Jennifer Hale's Pepper Potts is sadly sidelined (if we get a follow-up, I hope it's a multiplayer game with Iron Man and Rescue) but does a great job as usual with what she has to work with. Combined with a main villain that has a very Psycho Mantis feel to it (including the whole "I'm hijacking your UI for nightmare fuel" angle) the small cast feels lively, especially within the intimate framework of VR. Iron Man is very much narrative-focused, with introspective monologues and lots of fun character interactions. Even during a mission things feel like they're moving at a rapid and punchy pace, akin to the feel of a lot of comic storylines. Camouflaj took a bit of a risk here packing so much story in (a few chapters have very little interaction and almost function like an adventure game), but I think it paid off. Iron Man VR is best played standing, as you'll need some room to maneuver both of your hands to trigger those palm thrusters. It takes some getting used to but the emulation of Iron Man's "actual" suit is genius, especially once you start doing tricks like propelling yourself forward with one hand/thruster and blasting enemies with the other. The control scheme and the ability to look around really make Iron Man VR; allowing it to break free from its arcadey foundation and sometimes elementary background visuals. A separate targeting system for each hand is really cool, and funnels back into one of my key loves for VR: an innate need to re-learn everything I've known about gaming controls for the past three-plus decades. Amid the game's sparing technical failings (and re-used environments), on higher difficulty settings the game is extremely tactical and twitch-based. The VR immersion helps, but something as simple as putting up your palm to fire a repulsor blast, or bringing your wrist into formation to shoot missiles is cool looking and fun in practice. I also dare you to not stick out your chest when you fire off a Unibeam. It's not foolproof though, mostly due to the limited nature of the corded PlayStation VR and the button-based turning system (the game even warns you about getting wrapped up. When those moments would hit all I could think about is playing it on the cordless Oculus Quest with better remotes. Hopefully this sub-IP isn't a Sony exclusive forever. The game itself is littered with load times, a few of which break the tension mid-level following a particularly shocking scene. Load screens in general are lengthy and frequent, and if you die during a tough section: lord have mercy. I also had one experience with pop-in (which fixed itself in five seconds) and one crash after a mission ended (auto-save had me covered, I lost no progress). I have a feeling this game is pushing the PSVR too far at times. Once you're done with the eight-ish hour story, you can hit some time trials, repeat missions in a post-game chapter, mess around with a few Stark manor minigames or tackle a final super-hard-mode-only challenge. There's also armor upgrades to chase, but that's less enticing of a prospect as many facets of the suit can't have more than one mod installed at a time. Now, eight or so hours is a decent run for a VR game, but as time has passed this has become the new normal for titles helmed by major studios. There's padding here to help hit that mark, so you need to be into the idea of VR already: this isn't a "system-seller." For every few moments in Iron Man VR that gave me an absolute rush, there were several that felt comfortably sterile. That's not the best ratio, but I'd definitely play more and I hope that Camouflaj gets their hands on Iron Man again: if only to see how they can top themselves and mend their mistakes. --------------------------------------------- This Game is for Playstation 4 ! --------------------------------------------- Video Trailer :
  14. Android users have again been warned to up their security awareness after more malicious apps were pulled from the Google Play Store. Overall, 25 Android apps were removed after they were found to be targeting user Facebook login information, with apps posing as mobile games, video editors, wallpaper apps and fitness trackers. The malicious apps, some of which had been on the Play Store for more than a year, had been downloaded more than 2.34 million times in total, warned security firm Evina, however users should no longer be at risk thanks to Google's own security protections. If Facebook was open in the foreground, the malicious app would launch a web browser window containing a fake Facebook login page overlaying on top of the real app, attempting to try and trick users into entering their details into the fake page, which would then send these details off to a remote server. Evina reported the 25 malicious apps to Google at the end of May, with the search giant taking the apps off the Play Store this week after confirming the findings. Google says it disables any apps removed from the Play Store on any user devices that may have downloaded them, with its Play Protect service notifying affected users of any issues.
  15. A portable Raspberry Pi is something of a dream that most Pi enthusiasts would desire. The power and availability of the Pi with none of the wires and mess. The latest to attempt this lofty goal is the CutiePi tablet, currently seeking funding via Kickstarter. Inside the CutiePi tablet is a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3+ Lite which shares the same Broadcom BCM2837B0, Cortex-A53 (ARMv8) 64-bit SoC @ 1.2GHz SoC and 1GB of LPDDR2 SDRAM as the Raspberry Pi 3B+ packed into a SODIMM package. The Compute range of boards are largely used in industrial or embedded applications. Measuring 213 mm x 176.6 x 12mm (8.38 x 6.95 x 0.47 inch) the tablet comes with an 8 inch IPS touch screen at 1280 x 800 resolution. An internal 5000 mAh Li-Po battery provides power to the tablet, and can be charged via a USB C charger. Wireless connectivity is via 802.11 b/g/n and Bluetooth 4.0. A built in 5 megapixel camera can be used for projects and webcam duties.
  16. Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan, despite being away from films, has remained in the limelight. She is quite active on social media and often creates buzz on the internet with her glamorous photos. A throwback picture of Suhana shared by one of her fan pages is doing rounds on social media. The photo has Suhana smiling ear to ear as she poses with a group of friends.Suhana turned 20 in May, but she had to celebrate this birthday at her home, Mannat due to coronavirus lockdown. Giving her Instagram family a sneak peek of her day, Suhana shared stunning slo-mo videos of herself on the photo-sharing app. Dressed in a floor-length spaghetti strap dress, Suhana posed for the cameras as swift winds flew through her hair. Posing for a seemingly at-home photoshoot, Suhana looked gorgeous, to say the least.
  17. Sitanan Satsaksit was on the phone to her brother early in the evening on 4 June when he told her to hold the line. Wanchalearm, also known as Tar, was handing over a few dollars for meatballs at a stall opposite his home in the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh. Then Sitanan heard noise coming from the other end of the line. "I heard a loud bang. At first I thought he had a car accident as he shouted 'I can't breathe, I can't breathe,'" she tells the BBC. Sitanan could hear the screams of her brother as men shouted in Khmer, a language she doesn't understand. But her brother had not been hit by a car - he was being kidnapped. Witnesses at the scene say they saw a group of armed men bundling Wanchalearm into a black SUV. As he shouted for help in Khmer, some people started moving towards him, but the armed abductors warned them to back off, before speeding away. Confused and terrified, Sitanan could hear the muffled voice of her brother for another 30 minutes. Then the line went dead. A friend of Wanchalearm made some inquiries for her. "Twenty minutes later, this person called me back to say: 'Keep calm sister, Tar was abducted,'" she recalls. Wanchalearm Satsaksit, 37, a prominent Thai pro-democracy activist who had lived in exile in Cambodia since 2014, has not been seen since. He is the ninth exiled critic of Thailand's military and monarchy to become a victim of enforced disappearance in recent years.
  18. Find and post daily new , successful and the most popu-lar musical titles :


  19. We Are Searching for new admin in CS-CSBLACKDEVIL.COM, if you interested to be admin, make a request here, Good Luck


    ADmin Request https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/14244-admin/

  20. aya mabrook HHH , 3goba l global

  21. There's something about small, low-TDP fanless PC's that never fails to intrigue us, and Lenovo's latest creation is no exception. This one is powered by an AMD processor and comes with enough power and connectivity for simple, low-demand applications. As spotted by Fanlesstech, the Lenovo ThinkCentre M75n IoT comes with AMD's Athlon 3050e processor, which has a TDP of just 6 W. This is obviously easy enough to cool passively, and it's wired to 4 GB of memory and two M.2 slots. Thanks to this low TDP, Lenovo is able to entertain the following statement: "Thanks to tailored, triangular-shaped fins, the ThinkCentre M75n IoT dispels heat more efficiently than most other compact PCs. In fact, this industrial PC can handle temperatures up to 50˚C (122˚F)."
  22. The new reality of Indian weddings has emerged in the era of COVID-19 as ‘digital’ continues to evolve as the new ‘prefix’ to wedding planning. The wedding industry post-COVID-19 will have a new reality which will follow new formats keeping in mind health and safety parameters and rethinking the guest experience. With the help of Indian wedding industry experts, The Knot World Wide -- a global wedding technology company -- has put together the following trends that are currently being followed and also will play a key role in the future of weddings and the industry overall.
  23. Four gunmen attacked the Pakistani stock exchange in Karachi, killing at least two people and wounding others before police shot them dead. The assailants launched a grenade attack at the main gate to the building and opened fire but police say they failed to make it to the trading floor. Staff inside took refuge in locked rooms and many were evacuated. Security forces are searching the area. Militants from the Baloch Liberation Army say they were behind the attack. Ethnic Baloch groups have fought a long-running insurgency for a separate homeland and a greater share of resources in Pakistan's Balochistan province. Pakistan has suffered years of militant violence, mostly by Islamist groups, but attacks such as this one have become rare in recent years.
  24. Music Contest #3 Edition Has Been Started Again! Go, Register, what are you waiting for!


  25. Hello, and Thanks For Mention me First of All, he is a member of our project VGR, He is a hard-working person and someone who wants to achieve their goals. In short, he has good activity, with good manners ! For me, You Have #Pro


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