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Da GanGsteR™

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About Da GanGsteR™

  • Birthday 11/03/2000


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  1. ghadi tkon 3a9l 3lih ola la likan kaytl9 3lina lfelsafa dyalo 3end lmamoun o makay7taremch adhan , kaytla9 michel jackson w quran f nefs lwe9t

    1. WiZzArD!


      zouhir mat lah irehmou bhal la ghi lbareh a smail 

    2. Da GanGsteR™

      Da GanGsteR™

      lakhor l3arbi likayder bhal had ne9za f secteur l3arbi hbil b9a lih ghir ykon 7la9 ykheser l bnadem wjho , zombie ka kayder lih bonana lfechfach


    3. WiZzArD!


      hhhhhhhhhhh larbi farawi nari fach fkrtini

  2. you was wrong when you think @miQ*.ҳ̸Ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ̸Ҳ was controlling you bhim ^^

  3. @everyone


    pay attention to your information on the internet and reality , everywhere in abbreviation.

    A malicious website is any website that's been designed to cause harm.
    In this article, we'll focus on phishing websites and malware websites.
    A phishing website – sometimes called a “spoof” or “lookalike” website – steals your data.

  4. Original guide of the world

    Original man & woman only.

    Fakes ones enough.

    Myself only.

    1. WiZzArD!


      smail lfaylasof dialna twhchnak 

    2. -Sn!PeR-


      A tbarkellah ela mol l3qal

  5. Wach nta occupe f denia likaysonilik makatred lih lbal

    1. WiZzArD!


      wayli fin hadchi 

    2. Da GanGsteR™
    3. WiZzArD!


      makaytl3 lia walo ta lcompte dialk ghabr 

  6. kon flsafi matkonch salafi 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. -Sn!PeR-


      ana mqawda eliya w ismail kfess

    3. WiZzArD!


      kan7s brasi 7mar fach kankhser flos 3la cs1.6  

    4. Da GanGsteR™

      Da GanGsteR™

      عيب زيدعليها تخسرهم عند بوكا ميگو عامر عندو بسراق زيت و لا عند داحماد نصوصة لي حدا جامع 

  7. لاقديم يعاد و لا جديد يذكر

  8. where are you

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Suarez™
    3. Da GanGsteR™

      Da GanGsteR™

      @Suarez-™Nothing old is repeated and nothing new is mentioned

    4. Suarez™


      i mean what happend to you

  9. Wassup Babe

    1. NikaArrowww


      my name is Nika and I like to watch movies :)
    2. NikaArrowww


      my name is Nika and I like to watch movies :)
    3. Da GanGsteR™

      Da GanGsteR™

      @ScareCrowHi and sorry i'm not in mood to answer or to come back

  10. yo 3chiri hadi moda la ?

    1. Da GanGsteR™

      Da GanGsteR™

      اهلا و سهلا عشيري صحيح لأسباب و ضروف ولازلت غائب وأظن أنني سأغيب بالمرة على الأشياء التي تأثر علي و على صحتي مذا عنك

    2. DiDИ


      ربي يشفيك و يخفف عليط
      بالنسبة لي راني نلعب غير rust 

    3. Da GanGsteR™

      Da GanGsteR™

      امين بالصحة و الراحة 

  11. Luis beqiri 👋☝️

  12. 3tak warning wa7d 7yato kamla dwztiha gha ice attack3 hhhhhhh

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WiZzArD!


      ha ntoma katchofo 7yana lah ta wla venzuelli sakn t7t 9zdira kaywerina bach ndwiw hhhhhhhhhhh

    3. WiZzArD!


      @#-Da GanGsteR-™ fach ma9tlch iron man chi wahd fina yamat netcut rah labas wlh xd

    4. Da GanGsteR™

      Da GanGsteR™

      @WiZzArD! aralia chi 50 kg bolivar 3omla dyalhom

  13. Do you feel very funny? You also want a suspension or what?

    1. Ronaldskk.


      Wtf you report me for spam ? XDD Do you even know what spam is? 

      7. Report
      7.1 Use the report in the cases someone is breaking the rules or if you consider a case of injustice. Noncompliance leads to ignoring the problem and not solving it.
      7.2 Reports are not private messages to the administrative team, do not use the report function if you do not really encounter a problem.
      Read this: @#-Da GanGsteR-™
  14. I wish you the best on your special day!

    Old friend 🥂🤞

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