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Everything posted by andrei.ruginosu
Rejected here is the reason ->
accepted seend me pm whit info
Rejected i don`t find you moderator on the server. T/C
accepted helper. (i give you a chans) T/C
Rejected you just start play here today. Make good activity and come back whit a new request. Good luck.
Accepted Helper send me pm whit nick: And password: T/C
Accepted helper send me pm whit Nickname: Password: Ps: master-kill is my right hand. T/C
Hi Jimcho you know we are friends. Asuis not retry is have crash i know becaze it hapen to me to today. Asuis no't play for the rank is almost the time afk. My friend you have to ask before you make actions.
¤ Your name: Andrei ¤ Claimed Admin name: Evomer ¤ Date and time: 2019-09-08 / Time 14:35 ¤ Reason of complaint: I was human and i seek afther zm and instead to slap zm i slap me and slay me i have prove on the picture. ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://postimg.cc/gallery/3hrwwjxgi/9a2f40c2/
¤ Nickname: Andrei ¤ Nume: Andrei ¤Varsta: 26 ¤ Tara: Suedia ¤ Oras: Ljungby ¤ Jocuri favorite: CS 1.6 si Minecraft. ¤ Emisiuni preferate: Nu am asa ceva. ¤ Filme preferate: Lucifer si Teen wolf. ¤ Ce gen de muzica asculti: Hip hop si Rap. ¤ Ce doresti sa faci în viata: Pai planul este sa ma realizes mai mult decat am visat si sperat vro data. ¤ Actori preferati: Tom Ellis, Tyler Posey, Dylan O`Brien. ¤ Actrite preferate: Meagan Tandy, Inbar Lavi. ¤ Esti Fumator ? / Ce marca de Tigari fumezi: LM lung rosu si FAST. ¤ Mancaruri preferate: Thai si mexican. ¤ Bauturi alcoolice Preferate: Nu beau. ¤ Sucuri preferate: Pepsi si fanta exotic. ¤ În ce Tara ai dori sa Locuiesti: Abu Dabi in hotelul palmier. ¤ Echipa de fotbal preferata: Nu ma uit la asa ceva. ¤ Model auto Preferat: Opel Insignia ¤ O scurta descriere despre tine: Pai am 26 de ani am sotie si copil o fetita de 1 an. Imi place sa pescuesc si sa petrec timpul cu familia mea. In timp liber ma mai joc cs zm si minecraft. ¤ Cum ai auzit de NewLifeZm : De la Ciprian Fondatorul. ¤ Daca ai câstiga 1 milion de dolari, care ar fi primul lucru pe care l-ai face ?: las dona. (Sunt prea multi bani pentru o viata de om, alti au nevoie mai mare)
Accepted Last chance. T/C
ACCEPTED Send me pm whit nick: password: tag: T/C
ACCEPTED Send me pm whit nick: password: tag: T/C
ACCEPTED ps: You have to chose onother tag becaze the actual tag is not working no rusian or china alfabet. Only classic alfabet. Send me pm whit nick: password: tag: T/C
ACCEPTED Send me pm whit nick: password: tag: T/C
ACCEPTED Send me pm whit nick: password: tag:
ACCEPTED Send me pm whit nick: password: tag: