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Mr. Gold

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Everything posted by Mr. Gold

  1. This occurs on a specific order and i should receive basically the items through ammo packs... I purchased today the shotgun item through ammo packs, don't know the entie name... it costs 77 ammo packs... and after i purchased Tryder and surprise, i don't have the shotgun in the "inventory"... Normally i should have it but instead i got in loss with 77 ammo packs and i can ensure it can happen with other weapon items then trying to get Tryder...
  2. For you to understand a little better because in my initial post I didn't tell any kind of lie, all the active ones on the server flew over the map, I being the only one with slay because I flew there. If you were to follow the rules, you should have given them all a slay because that's why you're an admin on the server, to apply the rules to everyone, not just some.. And it would be reasonable to tell how much you abuse when you use strafe, especially when you buy sonic feature + jetpack... Do you think you are impenetrable and the rules don't apply to you?
  3. ¤ Your Name: Spikyd ¤ Accused Admin: Mad bot ¤ Time And Date: 5 minutes ago ¤ Reason Of The Report: He use slay on me for 2 things, one of them included is STRAFE ... i have a message for him: Your logic is trash in comparation with this game functionality, you can't slay me for strafe. Strafe is a skill that all players do, even in official competitions. Not only in cs 1.6, also in cs go... I can also say you are doing strafe forward and backwords when you buy sonic feature so stop taking an superior position when you are in game cause you are a (Censored by VollmeR). ¤ Proof: Other admins can confirm
  4. Mr. Gold

    [Solved] Unban

    ¤ Numele: Vis Motrix ¤ Ip-ul tau : Nu il stiu ¤ STEAM ID-ul tau: STEAM_0:0:458394617 ¤ Motivul banului: "60" ¤ Adminul care te-a banat: Bada ¤ Ora: 13:30 aproximativ ¤ Dovada (screenshot din consola): https://ibb.co/gmwkwQz
  5. You advice me to speak english ? That is not an obligation, i didn't say that.. That is a request.. You are not here in League of legends or other game... And if i wanted help i will ask for... Why you gag me ? For telling you to shut up cause you asked me to speak in english ? You're my mother or what ? Play your game, don't try to be in the center of attention
  6. As a player i said back politely "please shut up" .. what's your problem by other players speaking their own language ? What use is for 2 romanian players speak in english about their funny moments or friendship... stop acting like a mother superior, you are not any god you think you are and if i say shut up for you that is an INSULT ? hahahahahaha bro, you don't tell people what to do... what you say now, you consider on what i said in my language that i NEED HELP ? LMAO ... get a life dude
  7. Your name: Mr. Gold Claimed Admin name: AHyem Date and time: 16/12/18 - 10:30 Reason of complaint: First of all he request to speak in english cause he don't understand the romanian language.. He yesterday spoked other langauge than english, don't know which one so i told him "so pls shut up"... i asked politely, without any insults.. The witness is player Marian Proof (screenshot or console or demo): *DEAD* Marian : :)) *DEAD* NewLife* <>--<AHyem>--<> : english please Mr. Gold : ahyem - To buy Jetpack + Bazookan Press M, 2, 9, 2 keys! - *DEAD* Marian : imediat *** aNdy killed TRASH with a headshot from knife *** *DEAD* NewLife* <>--<AHyem>--<> : yes Mr. Gold : where are you from ? *DEAD* NewLife* <>--<AHyem>--<> : tunisia [ZP] The frags leader is Marian @ 43 frags [ZP] The packs leader is TRASH @ 332 packs Mr. Gold : ok *DEAD* [Ilove Playboy<3] TRASH : wtf how PakisTanI s1 : s2 **** NewLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com || Zombie Plague 6.2 (UltimateX) **** *** aNdy killed Dezo with a headshot from infection *** *** aNdy killed -'Sc0Rp!oN'- with a headshot from infection *** [ZP] Press M to open the game menu! PakisTanI s1 : s2 *** aNdy killed ROCKY 47 with a headshot from infection *** *** Miguel Arriechi killed -'Sc0Rp!oN'- *** *** Hamza____Rajaa killed Dezo with a headshot from xm1014 *** Mr. Gold : i saw you yesterday speaking other languange than english Mr. Gold : so pls shut up - Use Jetpack to stay out of infection -n- Use Bazooka to hit zombies and get packs - *** ZereF. killed ROCKY 47 with a headshot from xm1014 *** Marian : ? Marian : +1 *** ZereF. killed aNdy with a headshot from xm1014 *** [Ilove Playboy<3] s1 : s2 The Time: 16/12/2018 - 10:44:13 [ADMIN] <>--<AHyem>--<>: gag Mr. Gold for 1 minutes
  8. What proof is needed here ? I used bad words and he gag me. Seems to be normal. But i hate when he don't see the players who are blocking, destroying lm or the ones who are asking me to share some ammo packs (gag). Have a nice day. You can close topic!
  9. I have an announcement to admin "AldofromTropoja" . I really don't know since when you are admin on this server but before you gag a player for bad words you need to have eyes on players who block and destroy LM because there are less players that they are using bad words than blocking and destroying LM. Do you understand, boy ? I'm saying this because since i saw you admin on server you only slay zm's for not attacking and gag players for bad words (those two actions).. this is not a hard work for you as an admin and btw.. you have more reponsabilities as a helper or what grade you have on server. Good luck. P.S. : This is not a report, that's why i didn't respect the model, is just an attention.
  10. Ohhh... thank you, i apreciate it.. I expected to get only refuses XD
  11. ¤ Your Nickname: Mr. Gold ¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/druidofparanor/ ¤ Age(you must have or higher than 14 years): 25 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: English ¤ Your Location: Romanian Country ¤ Experience As Admin: 7-8 years ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (22:00 To 12:00 PM): Full time¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server (Click Here You Must Write Your Nickname https://www.gametracker.com/player/Mr. Gold/¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: The only reason i want admin is to make a balance on the server and that means : Kick ass on players who block, destroy LM, etc.. when is about to apply the rules.. Pe romaneste, nu iert pe nimeni.¤ Password [Required - Read The Rules] : L05NewLife13
  12. Your name: Mr. Gold Claimed Admin name: Viking Date and time: 9 / 12 / 18 --- 01:50 Reason of complaint: Being spectator for less than 30 seconds after i miss button and gone accidentally to spectator Proof (screenshot or console or demo): ABDULLAY3V s1 : s2 *** Lock Pick3r killed Pc|CsStrike|VzLa with a headshot from xm1014 *** Pc|CsStrike|VzLa : admin leviadlo block ABDULLAY3V s1 : s2 *** Venom killed Huseyn[IBN]Hasan *** vladnmp : ban Mr. Gold died *** The_Saw killed Viking with a headshot from infection *** *** The_Saw killed LEDIAVLO with a headshot from infection *** LEDIAVLO : dale Respawn - s1 : s2 NewLifeZM Bosses are Playboy(Peru/Brazil) & Ciprian(Romania) *** vladnmp killed Faheem with a headshot from infection *** [ZP] You are now spectator! *DEAD* ABDULLAY3V s1 : s2 *** Viking killed GamerNobato0Pro with a headshot from infection *** *SPEC* Mr. Gold : ........................ Venom killed The_Saw with xm1014 Siga killed Faheem *ALIVE* Respawn - Viking : out of spec or kick Venom killed vladnmp *** Siga killed Viking with a headshot from xm1014 *** *ALIVE* Respawn - Viking : gold out of spectator *** Jean killed LEDIAVLO with a headshot from ak47 *** *SPEC* Mr. Gold : wait 1 round to transfer in, i miss button .. i wanted to m4 Kicked by Console Kicked BTW : You are so bad admin mate ? this is not an insult but think twice before you take a action He kick me because i accidantally gone to spec and the respective round was to end ( couple of seconds ) and he kick me for keeping the slot occupied when half of server had players AFK.. this is equal like being spectator for those players who are AFK... but like a good admin like he is he wanna take actions... I have been for 1 hour on server and this was his only action... He see me when i'm spectator but he don't see how other players BLOCK or not attacking as ZM ... HaHa.. You're a joke man
  13. So sad about that but is really bad what was going on.. He banned all the players from the server for about 10 minutes...
  14. Your name: Mr. Gold Claimed Admin name: Viking Date and time: 5-12-18 // 14:00 Reason of complaint: 0 Proof (screenshot or console or demo): Player Viking from United States has joined the game! Press the button M and 3 to change your class zombien M and 2 to buy articles lock killed EAGLE [ADMIN] Viking: ban permanently *** Agonn^ killed bolfosu with a headshot from xm1014 *** [ADMIN] Viking: ban permanently Join in our Community!nRegister at www.CsBlackDevil.Com lock killed YanGstEr [ADMIN] Viking: ban permanently [ZP] The frags leader is lock @ 53 frags [ZP] The packs leader is lock @ 390 packs *ALIVE* YanGstEr : lock plzzz ammmo govew **** NewLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com || Zombie Plague 6.2 (UltimateX) **** lock killed Agonn^ with awp [ZP] Press M to open the game menu! lock killed EAGLE with awp [ZP] lock bought Sniper lock killed Ja Wenoo ? with awp [ADMIN] Viking: ban permanently Available commands: /rank, /top, /damage,n/hs, /stats, /statsme, /effect Player ELO from Poland has joined the game! *ALIVE* YanGstEr : lock BUILD 1631 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 22 Couldn't open file overviews/zm_ice_attack3.txt. Using default values for overiew mode. Couldn't open file overviews/zm_ice_attack3.txt. Using default values for overiew mode. Player bolfosu from Romania has joined the game! Player Default-Blackghost from Israel has joined the game! Player ELO from Poland has joined the game! Player Ja Wenoo ? from Venezuela has joined the game! Player Estoy Solito(JAJAJAJAJAJA) from Venezuela has joined the game! Player YanGstEr from Pakistan has joined the game! Player Viking from United States has joined the game! Player *_*HEADSHOT*_* from Brazil has joined the game! **** NewLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com || Zombie Plague 6.2 (UltimateX) **** *** YanGstEr killed Viking with a headshot from xm1014 *** [ZP] Press M to open the game menu! [ADMIN] Viking: ban permanently Adaugă la favorit [ZP] The frags leader is YanGstEr @ 1 frags [ZP] The packs leader is *_*HEADSHOT*_* @ 14 packs [ADMIN] Viking: ban permanently **** NewLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com || Zombie Plague 6.2 (UltimateX) **** [ZP] Press M to open the game menu! Player Moster(Galaxy) from Venezuela has joined the game! Ja Wenoo ? : admin como puedo tener skin [ADMIN] Viking: ban permanently *** ELO killed YanGstEr with a headshot from infection *** NewLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com/ BUILD 1631 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 23 Couldn't open file overviews/zm_ice_attack3.txt. Using default values for overiew mode. Player **--*AHyem*--** from Tunisia has joined the game! Player Default-Blackghost from Israel has joined the game! Player Ja Wenoo ? from Venezuela has joined the game! Player Viking from United States has joined the game! lock timed out Player *_*HEADSHOT*_* from Brazil has joined the game! **** NewLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com || Zombie Plague 6.2 (UltimateX) **** [ZP] Press M to open the game menu! *** Agonn^ killed *_*HEADSHOT*_* with a headshot from infection *** *** Agonn^ killed YanGstEr with a headshot from infection *** Player YanGstEr from Pakistan has joined the game! Mr. Gold : why change map ? *** YanGstEr killed <>--<AHyem>--<> with a headshot from infection *** *** YanGstEr killed Viking with a headshot from infection *** *** Agonn^ killed Default-Blackghost with a headshot from infection *** *** Agonn^ killed Crastto with a headshot from infection *** YanGstEr : D9 *** YanGstEr killed Ja Wenoo ? with a headshot from infection *** *** Mr. Gold killed <>--<AHyem>--<> with a headshot from xm1014 *** YanGstEr : ? Adaugă la favorit Agonn^ : wtf are you doing [ADMIN] Viking: ban permanently [ADMIN] Viking: ban permanently [ADMIN] Viking: ban permanently [ZP] Press CTR+SPACE to fly! [ZP] Press RIGHT CLICK to shoot! [ZP] Damage to Viking :: 614 damage BUILD 1631 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 24 Couldn't open file overviews/zm_ice_attack3.txt. Using default values for overiew mode. [ZP] The frags leader is @ 0 frags [ZP] The packs leader is Angelia Jolie @ 5 packs Player **--*AHyem*--** from Tunisia has joined the game! Player Ja Wenoo ? from Venezuela has joined the game! Player Viking from United States has joined the game! Player *_*HEADSHOT*_* from Brazil has joined the game! **** NewLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com || Zombie Plague 6.2 (UltimateX) **** [ZP] Press M to open the game menu! Player YanGstEr from Pakistan has joined the game! Server tried to send invalid command:"motdfile models/player/terror/terror.mdl " Server tried to send invalid command:"motdfile models/v_ak47.mdl;motd_write x " Server tried to send invalid command:"motdfile models/v_m4a1.mdl;motd_write x " Server tried to send invalid command:"motdfile resource/GameMenu.res;motd_write x " Server tried to send invalid command:"motdfile halflife.wad;motd_write x " Server tried to send invalid command:"motdfile cstrike.wad;motd_write x " Server tried to send invalid command:"motdfile maps/de_dust2.bsp;motd_write x " Server tried to send invalid command:"motdfile events/ak47.sc;motd_write x " Server tried to send invalid command:"motdfile dlls/mp.dll;motd_write x " Server tried to send invalid command:"motdfile decals.wad;motd_write x " Server tried to send invalid command:"motdfile custom.hpk;motd_write x " Server tried to send invalid command:"motdfile liblist.gam;motd_write x " Server tried to send invalid command:"motdfile tempdecal.wad;motd_write x " Server tried to send invalid command:"unbindall " Server tried to send invalid command:"_restart " Mr. Gold : viking ??? [ADMIN] Viking: banned Crastto permanently Reason: 0 Player MonleoxD:v from Venezuela has joined the game! [ZP] ***********************************************************


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