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Everything posted by TreY

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  2. CONTRA i had already told u on discord to wait, understand rules , and then apply for admin, u bring this impatient will not help, we are there on discord to assist you but if u just ignore what i said and do whatever you want , then i dont think i would want such a person as an admin
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  5. Inconsistent activity, already have been told to make consistent 1 week activity. CONTRA
  6. At least one week of activity to deem it consistent , CONTRA
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  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  9. contra too less activity , please improve and apply again next week
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  11. Contra, You can't request for admin in just 2 days, minimum of activity for 1 week is required
  12. Pro Good activity Read rules once again pls
  13. Pro Yes I see you playing in the mornings but too much of inconsistency , I want you to be active everyday , if you could do that, you will be very helpful as admin as you stay active at night /early mornings. Just giving you a chance because of your availability in early morning but you need improvement in activity., a lot of improvement
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