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You were Spamming in multiple Request sections in multiple Servers.
Read the Rules of this Community.
Quote4. Posting rules4.1 Off-topic/post-hunt/spam4.1.1 Off-topic post is not related to the subject of the topic.This kind of post is not allowed.4.1.2 Post-hunt refers to the posts that have the base on their amount and not on the meaning. Posts that contain a non-sense text or "generic" answers is considered post-hunt.Example: "hello" "hard" "beautiful" "cool" "good job" "nice"
"generic" answer means: statements that are not real or have no connection with the subject, example: "I love the game, I played it, it was cool" this response can be considered "generic" because it is not a developed response or the user is unconscious about the subject.4.1.3 If the rules have been broken in a post, those who will claim with a text "closed and warn", "Ban bann" will be sanctioned for the post-hunt. For reports/announcements use the report command below the avatar you wish to report.4.1.4 Spam defines the excessive posting in a certain category with unnecessary topics/posts or same subject/answer.Next time you will be warned.