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About Saker

  • Birthday 10/17/2000


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  1. First name: @SakerNumber:19Other information?: THX YOU ❤️
  2. Adio amigo compañero espero te valla bien en la vida y fuiste un bueno owner la verdad ?
  3. ¤ Name[/nickname]:Saker ¤ Age:16 ¤ Country:venezuela ¤ Occupation:graphic edition ¤ A short description about you:I am someone who likes everything a little ¤ How did you found out Csblackdevil Community:By gametracker ¤ Favorite games:CS 1.6,CSGO AND LOL ¤ Favorite server [community only]:NewLifeZm ¤ A picture of you:
  4. Saker

    reqwest admin

    Pro for helper and read the rules
  5. Your name:Saker Claimed Admin name:cRosso[V]erXx Date and time:3/12/18 - 3:35 PM Aproximativ Reason of complaint:I was playing normal when this ADMIN Insult I do not know very well for who was very good but there is this Proof (screenshot or console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/fDxKCgm
  6. ¤ Nickname: Saker ¤ Name: Brayan gutierrez ¤ Age: 16 ¤ Country: venezuela ¤ City: guacara ¤ Favorite Games:ARK,CS 1.6, CSGO AND LOL ¤ Favorite Shows: ¤ Favorite Movies:Infinity wars and the saw ¤ Favorite Songs / Favorite genre: Vallenato and reggaeton ¤ What would you like to do in life:Be a creator of software and creator of games ¤ Favorite actor - why ?: The rock It acts very well ¤ Favorite actress - why ?: .. ¤ You Smoke? / What brand of cigarette smoke: No ¤ What alcoholic drink frequently: Vino ¤ Favorite juice: Orange juice ¤ In what country would you like to live: Venezuela ¤ Favorite football team: Barcelona ¤ Car models: volkswagen ¤ A brief description about you: I am very friendly and I like to share with everyone I do not like people ipocritas ¤ How did you find NewLifeZm?: One day a friend invited me to play on a server called walkingdeadzm after a while I joined the forum and grew up like this ¤ If you win 1 million dollars, which would be the first thing you do?: Give 500 thousand to my mom
  7. CONTRA, no Activity + Read rules
  8. Welcome to Newlife
  9. CONTRA, Activitate proastă + Mi-e dor de legătura dintre ore
  10. Saker


    PRO, good activity And you have been respectful as far as the rules
  11. You do not have good activity + I miss the rules password CONTRA,
  12. hola amigo mio como estas Xd

  13. mano sera que me verificas mi tag: http: //csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php? / topic / 262024-% C2% A4request-tag% C2% A4 /


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