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Everything posted by RemaKe

  1. RemaKe

    Asistenta AE

    Problem resolved. T.C.
  2. RemaKe

    Asistenta AE

    Go to "Window" and search "Timeline", select it and then search the option "Add Media" then Select it and add .avi clip....your creation...then go to file->save for web.
  3. RemaKe

    Asistenta AE

    If you want to save .gif first save .avi then open file with photoshop in timeline and then select the option in photoshop "Save for web"...
  4. RemaKe

    Problema PS

    Copile citeste mai atent napster a zis ca i se intampla la toate fonturile asa ca nu imi vorbi mie despre photoshop. Si gata cu off topic. T.C. Rezolvat.
  5. RemaKe

    Problema PS

    Eu cred ca pe voi va bate photoshopul. Baiatul a selectat din greseala sa scrie doar cu majuscule. Lasa id-ul de mess sa iti explic. P.S. sgw hd daca nu erai ripper stiai chestia asta ) dar se vede ca esti incepator in ps.
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