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Manager CS 1.6
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  1. User blacklisted.
  2. Sniper Mod : -HP : 2750 . (From 2500) -Damage (Awp) : 2000 . (From 3000) -Damage (Rocket) : 1500 . (From 3000) Reason : Too Op Because Of Splash Damage. Assassin Mod : -HP : 30000 . (From 17500) Because Can Easly Be Killed With Rockets. -Remove Shock Free . (No Slowdowns) Nemesis Mod : -HP : 100000 . (from 150000) Armageddon Round : -Survivor's HP : 10500 . (From 8750) -Nemesis's HP : 85000 . (From 100000)
  3. ¤ x-games ___!@# the Legend baned you for breaking rules and any retry / bypass after a ban = destroy.
  4. Ban will soon finish. Next time don't use any type of hack / script.
  5. [Admin Commands] 8- <Helper Commands> + amx_chat "message" + amx_say "message" + say @ message + amx_freeze "name" + amx_unfreeze "name" + amx_kick "name" "reason" + amx_slay "name" + amx_gag "name" "minutes" (max 5 minute) + amx_slap "name" "damage" + amx_last =============================== 7- <Administrator Commands> + Helper Commands + amx_swarm + amx_multiple + amx_ban "name" "time" "reason" + amx_banip "ip" "time" "reason" + amx_banlist =============================== 6- <Moderator Commands> + Administrator Commands + amx_Zombie "name" + amx_Human "name" =============================== 5- <Super_Moderator Commands> + Moderator Commands + amx_assassin "name" + amx_votemap "maps" + amx_cancelvote + amx_changelevel "map" + amx_startvote =============================== 4- <Semi_Elder Commands> + Super_Moderator Commands + amx_nemesis "name" + amx_map "map" =============================== 3- <Elder Commands> + Semi Elder Commands + amx_plague + amx_armageddon + amx_ungod "name" + amx_tanksvsvendetta =============================== 2- <Prince Commands> + Elder Commands + amx_predator "name" + amx_assassins_vs_snipers + amx_addban "STEAM_0:X:XXXXXXX" "time" "reason" + amx_respawn "name" + amx_unban "ip/steamid" =============================== 1- <Co-Owner Commands> + Prince Commands + amx_nightmare + amx_ammo "name" "2/4" + amx_survivor + amx_sniper + amx_terminator + amx_biohazard + amx_gag "name" "minutes" (max 45 minutes)
      • 19
      • I love it
      • Like
      • Brainy
  6. Opinion : - Good Work .
  7. ¤ Name : Raouf. ¤ Gaming Psudeo : CoDaVoRe. ¤ Current Rank : Super-Moderator. ¤ Total hours : 737 H 20 M. ¤ Activity : 9 hours Per day (4 Playing - 5 Afk or idle spectator). ¤Experience As Admin : GooD.
  8. -You request already been declined By a owner why you insist so much if you You don't even have requirement. -Meet requirement and post again. (Opinion)


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