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G R 4 V E N ⵣ

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G R 4 V E N ⵣ last won the day on July 24 2022

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  1. We are waiting for you, where are you bro?😔

  2. We are waiting for your return bro🥺


    1. -Sethu




      he is 

      One of the best person I know 

    2. 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷-
    3. BirSaNN
  3. We missed you man ❤️😢

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BirSaNN


      who is her ? 

    3. -Artisan ツ

      -Artisan ツ

      the best manger 

      old in thunder

    4. BirSaNN


      ahmm  who is her ? now 

  4. Waiting for you to come back brother 

  5. Good day @Sethu HUNT3R le Me, This is an excellent suggestion you've made, it would really help the players and the newbies and make them more vigilant and aware of the most important rules, In the other hand, like @Palestine. and @AnnDy. mentioned, it will also keep the players away from visiting the community, which is bad. But no worries! We already have this option, just write (/vip) instead of (/rules) and all the informations will appear on the screen (regarding the community, vip, commands and the rules) Waiting for more suggestions...
  6. Hi GRAVEN i cant doit please do it for me please



    1. Abdullah3212


      Graven please post my text i can t adjust it please do it for me


  7. DOWNGRADES; Nick : zenel.ko1 / xNightmaric / zunt.pro Old grade : Co-Owner / Helper / Helper New grade : Tag / Player / Player Reason : Lack of interest / Inactivity / Poor activity NOTE: More downgrades are on the way. Tighten up or bounce! UPGRADES; Nick : / @snoxyy / @AnnDy. (KKT) / @Zombie™/ @Danker / @DlaXxx / @gzuz / @Sethu HUNT3R le Me / @Sammpa (xStinG) / @AHMED ELSAYED / @yousuf12 (.kiz.NATA.) / @joker Iraq zombie / @NO_MERCY / @TheKinkgDevils Old grade : Co-Owner / Co-Owner / Co-Owner / Prince / Semi-Elder / Administrator / Moderator / Moderator / Helper / Helper /Helper / Helper / Helper New grade : Owner / Owner / Owner / Co-Owner / Elder / Semi-Elder / Administrator / Administrator / Moderator / Moderator/ Moderator /Moderator / Moderator Reason : Good behavior, solidarity, exquisite activity, and most importantly; their loyalty. NOTE: Consider these upgrades as a boost to motivate you, because i'm quite confident that you have more to offer to the server. The future upgrades will be accepted via the upgrade requests. Keep it in mind!
  8. You've spent the required amount of hours inside the server, you respect the rules, and so far I haven't noticed a mistake or bad behavior coming from you. But i expect you to improve your activity. Pro.
  9. From now on, we expect you to improve your activity. Pro.
  10. Good evening @Palestine., and thank you for your suggestion. I'll keep my desicion mercifully short. We already have a rule regarding this exact situation, destroying another player's lm leads directly to a slay action no matter what. (i advise you and the other staff to re-check the rules again and take a deeper look.) And in case if the admin is the perpetrator, me and my colleagues won't hesitate to suspend him or even remove him from his rank. Waiting for more suggestions...
  11. He got accepeted on the offer section. We hope he doesn"t disappoint us.


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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