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Posts posted by Strix

  1. 16 minutes ago, Sharing@n said:

    Your Nickname:Sharing@n 

    Your Problem: in servers CSBD Does not appear Of the owner server 






    Hello, you are not the only one who encounter the problem, i cannot see neither managers of the servers nor the mods of any other sub-category, maybe it has been removed, if not, i think its a bug that can be fixed only by administrators, the only thing you can do is to be patient and wait until it is fixed

  2. 20 hours ago, _Klay_ said:

    Hm give him points to delete your warning ? and if you dont send him no one would hide your warining, okay let me tell you something, You didint show other screens, that i was joking with you, i dont need any shity points, I would get 2k points from my friend Verox, Also in that time i was bored, no one talking nothing, so i trought im gonna make some fun like  joking with peoples, but i joke with wrong people, i dont know what is in your mind to do or you wanna be moderator, As what i want to say, It was a joke @♛ Gabi Papi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ♛ , And mr scar, i warned you cause you asking for moderator to lord you can see reports logs @adminstrators You actually said " Legends is back now, Tell him i deserve mod" If you need to be one of our staff, work hard, And i wont any others points Already, Thank you all!



    i dont think that verox will give you 2k points if you want, also u was talking seriously, and you really want points

    i alredy had the same situation with klay, asking me for real money, and when i told him no, he hated me keept making me troubles evrytime

    @Legends ♔ know that he really asked me seriously for money before.

    : )

    • I love it 3
  3. 1 minute ago, _Klay_ said:

    Do know know what provoke means ? I talked with you nicely, there is no provoke i think, also your friend who told you about topic at staff desk, im gonna deal with it , lets wait for adminstrators reply ?

    yes i know what a provokation means, it is telling a member that he steal proposals and that he lie and thatevryone hate him

    telling me i steal proposals:


    telling me that i am a liar:


    telling me that you hate and i steal your words and acting god:


    telling me that idk how to talk and other bla bla: 


    idk how to describe this xd :


    tellling me that i paid legends to deal with him on last report ( and thats not true ) :


    acting like a god with your words ' what we are going to do with this guy ' i think no need to say that you just as to punish me without judjing me


    10 minutes ago, El L0rd said:

    as i've been mentioned and i was a witness, i ll reply the following. 

    i'll be simple and count with you the number of rules you've broken mr gato. : 

    1. Threating a Staff member (link
    2. Disrespecting a staff member (link)
    3. Aggressive and violent attitude towards everyone i can say that he giv direct orders to staff members too.
    4. Come back after EVERY ban and that's HIGHLY prohibited. <20:57:50> "Mr.Gato" fue prohibido para 2 días en el servidor por "_L0rd_" (ANTI BAN


    Klay was discussing  to gato about "stealing others proposals (really gently )  and gato was like "omg you want fight?" "close your big mouth" you can fin this even in gato's proof.  

    i would like to point out this is not the first time he does this and it won't be the last time unless we take actions. 

    this is becoming humiliating to the staff itself. you should know your real position. 

    such immaturity can't be handled in the community and most of staff members believe that gato brings problems with him 

    if i were in Klay's position i would ban you defiantly more than 2 hours, they are too little for all what'you ve said .

    i consider this as post hunt because you just repeated what klay said and u add your 10 lines blablabla

    " Klay was discussing  to gato about "stealing others proposals (really gently ) "  hahah thats funny

    • I love it 2
  4. 20 minutes ago, _Klay_ said:

    Bro you back to the old problems, Me and naudy are friends again, he forgived me, Also u was provoking me and disrespecting while im speaking with you also You get removed from mod due to your behaivour   https://imgu r.com/a/CXyMZPf and you are not allowed to tell members what happen in staff area, it's STAFF area for a reason wut is this https://imgur.com/a/iYgstld https://postimg.cc/image/pdc6ln80n/ You were anti ban 3 times  and this is not allowed i think <20:57:50> "Mr.Gato" fue prohibido para 2 días en el servidor por "_L0rd_" (ANTI BAN) also that he is lookin for fights and i'm not the first one that take actions against him And you keep comming with anti ban And still provoking me!!, @El L0rd Was there, Lord can you explain please!

    i do not care if you are friend with naudy now or no, mayby u just become his friend so get your old rank back

    and also, i didnt got removed bcuz of that reason, i got removed because i wasnt present on a meeting while rest staff were all here

    and also, yes, i said bad words but after a long conversation betwen me and u while u was trying to provoke me, and waiting me to say more bad words.

    about anti ban i told that i used it because ban was unfair, and i was trying to back to talk with you and to see the real dreason of the ban but you was scared and you keep banning me

    i wouldnt back if i ve been banned for a real reason

    last thing, you do not need to call lord to defend you, or you dont have anything to say?

    all conversation and from A to Z

    see who started and i told him ' when will you close that big mouth '

    because he didnt stop provoking me and search for fights


    https://imgur.com/a/hRCGQHr <- evrything here : )

  5.  Name applicant: Mr.Gato

     complained Name: _Klay_

     reason for complaint: well all that started on music channel, i wasnt even speaking with him, i was talking with blackfire about proposals, and then klay called me, and told me that i steal proposals from other communities ( and i dont even have more than 1 proposal ) and told me that i am lying front of evryone, i keept calm, told him that he is right many times to change the subject and told him that no one cares but he keep provoking me, i started being angry and i told him ' when will you close that big mouth ' so here it was my fault but not that big mistake to get a ban but we do not have to forget that he started provoking me, i told him that i dont wanna fight but he takes my word as a reason to fight and ban me at the end.

    and the biggest thing who provoked me is that he said that i give legends money to deal with klay and accept that last report when he insulted naudy's mother


    i asked him about the reason of all this fight but he wasnt replying, mayby the real reason here is : ' provoking a member, waiting him to say two bad words then ban him '

    also i wanna undrustand something, after all that, when fight was finished, i goes to other channel, after over two hours you banned banned me.

    i want to know why u should wait all that time to punish me? because you didnt really got what you want?

    well daniel was right:

    you are nothing more than a child with a grade playing God. "

     Time / date: -

     Proof (OBLIGATORY):

    please read evrything carefully : )


    Note: if administrators see that i deserve that ban because i said ' when you will close that big mouth ' you should also see what deserve a global moderator who provoke members and ban them 

    also @_Klay_ , you do not need to cry on admins in staff only, if you have something to say, say it here not in staff only so i could defend my self! and about the anti ban, yes, i used it, because ban was unfair, i wouldn't use it or even join ts3 again if he has right!

    • I love it 4
  6.  ➜ Nickname: 


     ➜  Real Name: 


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     ➜  Favorite Games:


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     ➜  Favorite Movie:


     ➜  Favorite Song:


     ➜  What would you like to do in your life?:


     ➜  Favorite actor - why ?:  


     ➜  Favorite actress - why ?: 


     ➜  In what country would you like to live: 


     ➜  Favorite Sport: 


     ➜  A brief description about you: 


     ➜  How did you find New-Generation Zm?: 


     ➜  If you win 1 million dollars, which would be the first thing you do?: 

    • I love it 2


    Well, not only you who got this problem, i received many messages in ts3 about this, even me got this problem this morning, but only when i connect to krond servers, when i try to join servers from other hosting, it works, so i can say (and mayby) that problem is from krond and not yours

    please try to join any server not from krond hosting, and tell us if it works or not.. so i can know if the problem is from your cs/net or its from krond

  7. 44 minutes ago, Mr.Daniel ♔♔♔ said:

    Hello my dear friend. this option is only valid. before the estimated time .. !!
    this option is no longer available because the match between PARIS and arsenal is over.
    which means that the bets are closed .. !!
    Now you must wait for other betting options .. !!

    also betting shop is still in test



    You cant join that server because you got banned, contact that server managers they can help you.


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CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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