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Everything posted by ErrorGame

  1. Accepted ! Send me you'r info (Nick + PW + Tag) on Discord: timeeaeu6
  2. +1 Voted!
  3. Bind For Items With Ammo First Page: bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 1" // Fire Grenade bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 2" // Frost Grenade bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 3" // Explosion Grenade bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 4" // Killing Grenade bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 5" // M249 Para Machinegun bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 6" // G3SG1 Auto-Sniper bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 7" // SG550 Auto-Sniper Second Page: bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 9;menuselect 1" // AWP Sniper Rifle bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 9;menuselect 2" // NightVision Googles bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 9;menuselect 3" // Jetpack + Bazooka bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 9;menuselect 4" // Unlimited Clip bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 9;menuselect 5" // 100 - Armor bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 9;menuselect 6" // 200 - Armor bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 9;menuselect 7" // Multijump +1 Third Page: bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 1" // Tryder bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 2" // Golden Kalashnikov bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 3" / / Golden Desert Eagle bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 4" // Survivor bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 5" // Sniper bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 6" // Nemesis bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 7" // Assassin Bind For Items With Points First Page: bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 3;menuselect 1" // Double Damage bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 3;menuselect 2" // Server Slot bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 3;menuselect 3" // Admin Model bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 3;menuselect 4" // 100 Ammo bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 3;menuselect 5" // 200 Ammo bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 3;menuselect 6" // 300 Ammo bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 3;menuselect 7" // God Mode Second Page: bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 3;menuselect 9;menuselect 1" // Armageddon Round Bind For Zombies bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 1" // T-Virus Antidote bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 2" // Infection Bomb bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 3" // Zombie Madness bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 1;menuselect 4" // Knife Blink If You Are Dead And A Zombie, You Still Can Buy This Items bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 3;menuselect 1" // 100 Ammo - Packs bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 3;menuselect 2" // 200 Ammo - Packs bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 3;menuselect 3" // 300 Ammo - Packs Bind For LM bind "KEY" "say /lm" bind "KEY" "createlaser" bind "KEY" "takelaser" Bind For Admins bind "KEY" "say @[Zombie's Go Attack Or 3x Slap -> 1x Freeze -> 1x Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Shoot Other Player's LM Or Direct Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Place LM On AFK Or Direct Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Ask For Ammo/Mod/Jetpack/Points Or Gag (6 - 12) Minutes!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Block Other Player's Or Direct Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Zombie's Go Out Of Water Or Direct Freeze!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Go On The Top Of The Map Or 3x Slap -> 1x Slay!]"
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  4. +1 Voted
  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  7. +1 Voted
  8. +1 Voted
  9. Press Here To Join to our GTR clan !
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  10. +1
  11. +1 Vote
  12. +1 Vote
  13. Accepted ! Trimite-mi datele tale pe discord ! nick + pw + tag
  14. Accepted ! Send me info nick , pw + tag
  15. Voted
  16. Voted !
  17. +1 Vot
  18. +1 Vot
  19. PLAYER RULES Gag Players who continuously Spam (6 min). Players who keep on asking for Ammo/Mods/Jetpack will receive a warning followed by Gag (6 min). Players who Insult (12 min). Players who abuse in English or any other language (12 min). Insulting or disrespectful remarks eg. Noob, idiot, or any word that is offensive or disrespectful (6 min). Slap Players who are under Map or above the limit where zombie/humans can't reach! (Maximum 3 Slap than Slay) Zombies who are camping to extend the Round (3 Slap ---> Slay). Slay After a Player has bought a Mod, you need to wait 2 Round's to buy your Mod, if you bought a Mod and you didn't waited 2 Round's you will receive a Slay. Players who Block or Zombies which Camp will receive Slay. If someone buys Nemesis and kills everyone but protects an enemy, receives Slay. Giving free in Armageddon Round with Nemesis is not allowed and will be followed by Slay. Those who shoot or destroy other people's /lm. Using /lm (Laser Mine) on Afk Zombies is forbidden , and will lead to a Slay. Only allowed during Survivor mod. During Armageddon, any nemesis with a grade lower than Co-Owner not using auto-attack will be given slay. Freeze If Zombies Don't Attack in Mods (Plague, Nightmare, Sniper, Survivor, Swarm) then they get Slay. If Zombies Camp in Water they receive Freeze then slay if they are the last Zombies in last seconds! Ban Players who Retry after Gag (60 Minutes). Players who are using M6 when they are Zombie (60 Minutes). Players who Retry as Last Zombie (60 Minutes). Players who use Hacks/Scrips (5000 Minutes/Permanent). Players who advertise other Servers (Permanent). Players who Insult God/ Religion/ Any part of the Family/ Any other extreme insults (Permanent). Players who do SGS, Starfe or use Bhop (5000 Minutes). Destroy Players who Insult God/ Religion/ Any part of the Family/ Any other extreme insults. Players who are in the Blacklist/Banned for using Hacks/Reconnect after temporary Ban. Players who are using hacks Notes It is forbidden to use any kind of Hacks/Scripts It's forbidden to take human mod map after map. Human mods can only be bought every second map. eg. if you bought sniper one map, you can only buy a zombie mod the next map, and will be allowed to buy a human mod again the map after. Zombie mods can be bought map after map Hiding is only compulsory during survivor mod. During sniper mod, it is not compulsory to hide. Insults and disrespectful remarks are strictly forbidden. Any admin caught insulting anyone will be suspended or removed depending on the severity. Players will receive gag Any player/admin with a grade lower than co-owner will be kicked after staying afk for more than 1 hour without auto attack. Buying human mod 2 maps in a row is forbidden (Players/Admins--Anyone caught will be warned/slayed/suspended/removed) If server or admin gives you mod it's forbidden to buy again mod in the same map (you will receive slay), if you buy mod and then server gives you mod it is luck, so you will not be slayed. PLAYERS AND ADMINS cannot buy any mod in the first three rounds of the map Who will buy will receive slay Name change is allowed 1 TIME per map
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  20. Follow the model otherwise your request will be rejected ¤ Your Nick: ¤ Your IP - Address: ¤ Your Steam - ID: ¤ The Reason You Have Been Banned: ¤ The Admin Who Have Banned You: ¤ The Time You Have Been Banned At: ¤ Evidence - (Screenshot / Demo):
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  21. Hello everyone To give a complaints about Admins who're broking rules you can follow this model otherwise your report will be rejected ¤ Your Name : ¤ Admin reported : ¤ Thetime And Date : ¤ Reason : ¤ Proof (Pictures / videos : Note : The proof must be clear or the report will be rejected Note : Try to avoide double post (forume rules)
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  22. [EN] Name from server : Wanted Tag : [RO] Numele de pe server : Tagul dorit :
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  23. ★ ENGLISH VERSION ★ ★ Zombie Plague - Commands ★ > They are not allowed to be used in the first three rounds of the map. > It is not allowed to use (zp_sniper, zp_survivor) after 22:00 (Romanian time + night) - Exception: Founders. > (zp_nemesis, zp_assassin, zp_sniper, zp_survivor) can only be used 2x times in 24 hours in own benefit or give it to the player - Exception: Founders. > (zp_zombie, zp_human, zp_respawn) are allowed a maximum of 1 time per map and can only be used if the current mode is a normal infection. > If an admin has given a player a mod, he cannot give him another mod on the same map. > (zp_jetpack) is allowed a maximum of 2x times per map. > (zp_giveap) cannot be used if a player has more than 120 ammo, also cannot be used with more than 100 ammo (for own benefit or to give to player). > (zp_giveap) can only be used once per map. only use it 1x per map. > Anyone who breaks the zombie plague - command rules will be punished without exception. ★ Ban / Destroy / Eliminate - Commands ★ > It is not allowed to use a ban command on other admins (regardless of the Situation). > The manager will not use a ban command on other admins and managers. > The administrator who still does it, gets: (Suspend / Warn / Remove). > The manager can only use the ban command after that admin is removed and became a normal Player. > It is allowed to use the ban command on ex - administrators and players who violate the rules of the server. > The same goes for the Destroy - Command. > It is forbidden to use the destroy / eliminate command in any case (only Founders or with their Permissions are allowed to use it). ★ Voting A Map ★ > If you want to vote a map, talk with your teammates first. > You must check "lastmaps" in chat before voting for a map, maps listed in "lastmaps" cannot be used. > After an automatic vote is done by the server, you have to discuss with your teammates if you want to stay here or choose another map. > Don't change the map as you want, always start a vote for the player and vote with matching maps for the right amount of players. > Do not Vote in the Middle of the Map. > If a map is in "lastmaps" which is automatically voted by the server, you are allowed to vote a map. > When it's the first extend, you can not vote a map - on the second extend, you must immediately vote a map. ★ Notes For Managers ★ > The Manager must leave topics for (admin - requests / tag requests / admin - reports) open for a minimum of 12 hours and a maximum of 24 hours. > Manager's need to post on their forum (additions, upgrades, downgrades, removals) for any "Player/Admin". > In the managers report, only managers (Co - Owner and Superior) can respond to their own opinions and make a final decision. > When a Manager has already responded to a report, only that Manager has the right to respond and make a final decision unless it takes a Founder to make the right decision. > (Co-Owner, owner, founder is prohibited from (adding, upgrading, downgrading, removing) admins with the same notes. > Example: A Co-Owner cannot (add / upgrade / downgrade / remove) other Co - Owners, only (Founder & Owner) can, who will violation of these rules will be suspended and removed. > The admin who uses zombie plague - commands for himself, must take care of the rules, it is best to use zombie plague - commands for the player, to help the server. > Admins who don't post their bans they made to their list will get a warning at first, if they continue to do so they will be suspended for 5 days. > Admins who haven't read the rules: go read, you can avoid making mistakes and not get suspended and removed. > The administrator - access needs to ensure its security and that means keeping the password secret, only you and the owner are allowed to know it. > Admin must be available on (Forum / Discord) - to can you help the players and keep in touch with the rest of the staff ! > Admins who do not follow the rules will be penalized and removed. > Admins who message Managers to be updated will be (suspended / demoted / removed). > Upgrades cannot be given without notification and discussion with others (administrators / managers). > After 3 or 4 weeks from the date of the last upgrade, an administrator can receive an upgrade. > When you want to upgrade someone, be sure of their (server + forum activity, involvement, behavior, loyalty). > Administrators are forbidden to give (pro / contra) without a valid reason, whoever does it gets a (warning / suspension). ★ General Notes ★ > Start slapping players at "1:59" and start freezing them at "0:59", or kill the ones that are hiding because freezing will be useless, human - mods can't find them . > You are not allowed to use commands on other admins, only (Founders) can use them. > Only (Founders) can remain a spectator on the server, everyone else can remain AFK, (except for admins who demo a player because they may break or appear to be breaking a rule). > You are not allowed to use (zp_nemesis, zp_assassin, zp_survivor, zp_sniper) if any player has "180" ammo or more. > If you use (zp_nemesis, zp_assassin) you are not allowed to buy another mod on the same map. > If you spam "y + @" more than 2x - 3x times per round, you will be verbally warned. it is enough to warn the player with 2 messages, after which the admin can take action (Slap / Slay / Freeze). > Asking (Mods / Jetpack / Ammo) from players is not allowed. > The game between admin and players with bad words or insults is not allowed, (Example: noob, idiot or any other word that is offensive and disrespectful) - who breaks this rule, will be punished with (Gag / Ban = when you are a player | Suspend / Remove = if you are an admin). > You must have the same name in the forum and server. > Admins who are not active on the server will be penalized. > Former (administrators / managers) who have returned from absence, cannot claim back their old rank. Please don't beg for it! (Server - Administrator / Manager) will discuss it and call your request whether you will get back your old rank or not. > Whoever wants a higher grade on the server needs to comply with the rules, make activity, implication on server and forum, activity only on the server is not enough to be upgraded. > Anyone who doesn't respect everything here will be eliminated. > Please note that all admin's and manager's are active or afk during the night, because the server drops a lot. > The proof is required for all bans and destroys used on a player. > It is forbidden that an admin use an order on another admin, only (Founders) has the right to do this. > Admins are not allowed to give their password's to anyone! If you get caught doing that or you got found playing with an Different IP - Address, you will be suspended for 1 week and then removed. ★ Notes For Legends - Returned From Absence ★ > Stop constantly asking for your old rank! > Whoever returns from (Absence / Legends) must do 7 days of activity and 14 days of maximum activity as follows: > If it's 7 days you need to do: (900 - 1000 minutes daily) - after 7 days you will get your old rank back. > If it's 10 days you need to do: (700 - 900 minutes daily) - after 10 days you will get your old rank back. > If it's 14 days, you have to do: (500 - 600 minutes daily) - then you'll get your rank back. > After getting your old rank back, you still need to do daily activity! Note: These rules are updated periodically depending on errors and/or problems that occur. The management team will make decisions and add the rules that we consider fair for the server.
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