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Posts posted by KrowN

  1.                                                                               dims.jpg

    Like the idea of Cadillac's car subscription service, but feel its lineup is a little too... proletarian? If you live in Atlanta, you're in luck. Porsche is launching a Passport service in the city that gives you "frequent" vehicle swaps, unlimited mileage and coverage for the essentials (insurance, registration, maintenance and taxes) for as many as 22 different cars through a mobile app. If you want to ferry the kids to school in a Cayenne but cut loose with a Cayman on the weekends, you just have to tap your phone screen. Think of it as Netflix for speed junkies.

    Just be prepared to pay a lot for the privilege -- and don't count on getting access to every car in the Porsche stable. The $2,000 per month "entry" Launch plan gives you access to eight vehicles, including the Boxster, Cayman S, Cayenne and Macan S. If you want Passport's full 22-car roster (including the 911 Carrera S and Panamera 4S), you'll have to step up to the $3,000 Accelerate plan. And as you might guess, you're not about to order a super-exotic like the 911 GT2 or customize a car to your exact specifications.

    Passport kicks off in November. Porsche is treating the program as a pilot, so expansion to other regions is likely contingent on its early performance. Whether or not this is a good deal depends on how often you use the service and the models you choose. The most expensive lease for a stock Cayman S sits at about $1,200 a month, but that doesn't cover secondary costs and still limits your yearly mileage. And of course, you can't swap vehicles on-demand. This is for well-to-do drivers who are more interested in eliminating the headaches of luxury car ownership than they are developing an emotional attachment to the car of their dreams.

    It's not hard to see why Porsche would try the subscription model, at least. Like Netflix, this gives Porsche a way of ensuring a steady stream of revenue from customers regardless of how much they use the service. You're paying the same amount whether you're commuting to work or blasting down side roads. Also, Porsche is likely preparing for the possibility of declining car ownership. A sports car is already considered an indulgence, and that's only going to become truer as ridesharing and self-driving cars take hold. A subscription like Passport could make it easier to drive sports cars only when you have the opportunity, rather than making you commit to a machine you might only drive a few months every year.

  2.                                                                                     gettyimages-612051666_custom-0021c683c06

    hen-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick kneels during the national anthem in a game against the Dallas Cowboys on October 2, 2016.
    Thearon W. Henderson/Getty Images
    More than a year ago, Colin Kaepernick, then a quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, sat, then knelt, during the national anthem before NFL games. Kaepernick took a knee to protest the treatment of African-Americans and minorities in the U.S., and his actions have generated a lot of conversation.

    Players have spoken up for him, and some joined in his protest. Coaches have supported him, and some have called him out. President Trump called protests like Kaepernick's disrespectful to the flag.

    But Kaepernick is not the first athlete to take a stand on social issues. Here are a just a few:

    In 1967, Muhammad Ali cited religious reasons for refusing to be inducted into the U.S. Army. His heavyweight title was stripped and he was later convicted of draft evasion, a conviction that the Supreme Court overturned in 1971.

    In the 1968 Olympics, after winning the gold and bronze medals in the men's 200 meters, U.S. Olympians Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their fists, each wearing a black glove, during the medal ceremony to make a statement about human rights. Later, both were suspended from the U.S. Olympic team.

    In 2014, five St. Louis Rams players walked on to the field with their hands in the air, in the "Hands up, don't shoot" pose, to show solidarity with the protesters in Ferguson, Mo., after the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

    In light of these examples, and numerous others, we want to hear from you: Do you have questions about the intersection of sports and social activism?

    Here's how this works: Tell us your question by submitting it below. Our team at Morning Edition will go through responses and pick one — or potentially a few — to investigate further. Your question could be the central topic in a future sports segment on Morning Edition.

    We will contact you if your question is chosen. Check back here for updates on this segment.

  3. 12 minutes ago, OyaYansa said:

    Hi xPP^, To Solve You Problem Follow Steps

    1.Lunch Game
    2.Click ` in Keybored
    3.Write in Conosol cl_timeout "99999" 
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    Hope this can help you


    Ty Oyayansa

    1 minute ago, Legends ♛ said:

    So listen :)

    Go Press "Ctrl+Alt+Delete" and press "start task manager" after that find "explorer.exe" the select him press end processes after that go in right top corner it say "APPLICATIONS" Then select "new task"  and write explore.exe.

    This should help you... 




    Do this if your internet is not good. 

    Or this problem is about your net.. myb your net is not to good so try to fox your net...chack modem cable and other stuf..

    If that all this dont work try to do this: Click start menu  go in control panel then Network and Internet after that Network And Sharing Centre and find new Local Area

    I hope this will help you if no send me message on ts we will try something else 

    Ty Legends Probelam solved 

    and :congratualtions:Welcome to Golobal Moderator

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