#CeLTiXxX's Achievements
Single Status Update
hey man do you have a problem with me????
1: why you gave me warnned in my gallery
2: i made report for him because he everytime removed my posts in my gallery and inslite me
3: you everytime give me warning are you respect only staff or whattt
4: i told him stop reply in my gallery..........
5: tell me if you have problem with me and i will
First of all read the rules before come to my prfile and post this, An the other thing is If someone delete your post just talk with GFX Designer not with me i dont care about Design Section, and finally i gave u Verbal Warning, other Global Mod could Gave u Warning Points.
So be careful with your words!
you have to do it when you see a line that you have to take the rules and do not tell me that it is not your specialty because it makes the place very complex and i don't care about anything i just care how i help this site or i was can get any grade i dont want to get warinng because someone its not good