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Everything posted by ogard

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  9. go fix activity first ,,,than make reqst again.
  10. even not read rules.......go fix in 7 day
  11. is "pro " from me.. have enough time play, but should more increase ur activity more as an admin. note: use english for everything u want say !
  13. Your Nickname: ogard ¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: no ¤ Age(you must have or higher than 14 years):23 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak:English ¤ Your Location: Indonesia ¤ Experience As Admin: 18 month ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (22:00 To 12:00 PM): yes¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server https://www.gametracker.com/search/cs/?search_by=online_player&query=ogardYou Must Write Your Nickname350+ hrs ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin:Help the sv again to the top rank ¤ Password [Required - Read The Rules] :CiprianLoveAll
  14. maybe i just a new admin in her..but YES, i feel difrent from begining i play here and last i play here. many new admin not respect each other . thats why i not play again ....i love this server, but its not same again . hope new owner can make this server more great. and for bos Jaegarn ( u still my boss DD ) contack me if u play again ..hehehe. im not say good by...i wanna say...see u again.
  15. Your nick: ogard Your ip ( www.iptest.ro? Your STEAMID:no steam The reason you have been banned:idk The admin who banned you:idk The time:permanet -.- Your proofs (screenshot Or Demo):https://imgur.com/a/YOvJPYH
  16. u will be a good admin.... ofc i am ..........YES ...
  17. ogard

    [REJECTED] admin

    he even wrong to type pw..... not read rules.... if he have other admin accs..so he cant be admin in this server... proof as players first for actifity in fiew days....
  18. yap...viking is nor from united state.... so server has been hacked....
  19. u are not " READ " rules....... to be a good admin = read and understanding rules... contra..
  20. u will overcme that pain.... we r waiting u....
  21. u not use all model ... password rules !! so u not read rules yet.... contra... many new Helper or admin not read rules than they break many rules use command of admin..
  22. u r come back...camper....,,DD....
  23. Wellcome to family ,,,hope u enjoy to play here...
  24. Good for u to read rules.. but..... u activity very low. comeback next week n make activity high
  25. Activity must Fix.... Realy need rules..... Give him chance to proof his activity ....i wach...he have good attitude a chance for HELPER.


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