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  2. On the cover of a po[CENSORED]r forum of grinders, the name with which the most radical biohackers are known, on the background of a cybernetic hand receiving life through the God of Michelangelo in his famous fresco of the Sistine Chapel, motto: Your mind is software - program it Your body is a shell - change it Death is a disease - cure it It defines perfectly the philosophy of biohacking, which seeks to overcome our condition of human beings with the help of technology to achieve immortality, and with it eternal happiness. Do you consider yourself a happy person? A person who has no vital concerns, does not suffer from illness, and is comfortable with his own body. Look around. Are your family, your friends, happy? Humans have evolved thousands of years, but we can not consider ourselves a perfect species. Millions of people go hungry, suffer diseases, injustices and other shortcomings. In the cycle of the Universe we have a short life that hardly reaches the 100 years, and only 30 or 40 of those years can be considered full youth. Many people have a job that they hate because their intelligence or their physique do not give more of themselves. It is the essence of the human condition, on which social classes, political ideas and religions are based. A human condition that we deny: the Elixir of Life, the Holy Grail, the Fountain of Eternal Youth, Frankenstein ... Myths and legends that seek to go beyond the limits of Nature. Today they can become reality with the help of biohacking. Humanity, from the beginning of time, has pursued immortality and eternal youth. For the first time in the history of our species we can see a future in which we will have overcome all diseases, aging and even death, with the help of technology. Then we will stop being human to become transhuman. A first step towards posthumanism, where Humanity could dispense with its own body and live eternally as data in a neurological network, or detach us completely from our condition of living beings, thanks to Artificial Intelligence. Transhumanism was forged in the 60's of the last century, influenced by the birth of computers and the first works of science-fiction cybernetics. The philosopher Fereidoun M. Esfandiary, known by the name of FM-2030, set his first bases. In the 1990s another philosopher, Max More, organized a discussion group in California that gave rise to the World Transhumanist Association, now known as Humanity +. Already has more than 6,000 registered members. You can access a variant in Spanish in Asociación Transhumanística. More and more philosophers, biologists, and freethinkers defend transhumanism as a viable reality. And the first step to get it is biohacking. Perversion or evolution? Biohacking, also known as DIY Biology (DIYbio) or DIYbio, aims to improve our human condition by making nanotechnology, genetic engineering, and technology implants available to everyone: chips, sensors, machines and others Mechanisms that allow us to overcome the physical and intellectual limits. Conditioned by film or literature, we come to mind from cyborgs like Robocop to reborn living dead in Frankenstein's laboratory. Do we want to become that? The reality is that today technological implants that a century ago would have seemed an aberration, such as silicone breasts or a titanium hip, are quite common. The UK has even officially recognized Neil Harbisson as the first cyborg in history, considering that the antenna that has implanted in the head to distinguish the colors through the sound (see black and white) is part of his body and You should not take it off when you pass a customs check: It is important to distinguish between traditional medicine and biohacking or DIY biology, which advocate the "do it yourself" concept. Develop implants, chips, medicines, DNA alterations and other mechanisms that you yourself can implant in your own body to overcome a physical or intellectual limitation. Ethical biohacking advocates these practices as long as they do not endanger our health, such as the use of chips under the skin to identify us or to measure our glucose levels. In pages like Hackteria biohackers build their own home biological laboratory with step-by-step instructions for setting up your own microscope, incubator or centrifuge: But as in all philosophical currents there are also extremists. They are known by the name of grinders, and they do not have problems to endanger their own life, with the aim of implanting a technological mechanism that improves their capacities, without waiting for possible medical permits. Rich Lee, a well-known biohacker, implanted transmitter magnets inside the ears with the aim of emulating the ability of bats to see in the dark. Lee is the inventor of Lovetron 9000, a small motor that surgically implants under the pubic bone of a man, causing a vibratory effect during the erection that supposedly produces greater pleasure during the sexual act. Sexual biohacking is in high demand, but its practice creates controversy even among transhumanists. Cory Toby, a certified biologist and member of the Los Angeles biohackers community, is very clear: "Those who engage in sexual biohacking fall into two categories: implants that do not produce much improvement over what is currently set, or crazy follies Who has no idea of biology or science. " Biohacking as a science Transhumanism not only causes ethical conflicts to science. Imagine what it means for religions! For centuries religion has been assimilating scientific certainties with more or less tranquility. Most theologians accept that the Earth is millions of years old and that Man does not come from Adam and Eve. But transhumanism and posthumanism argue that in the future we will be able to dispense with our body and replace it with chips, sensors, and implants, and even download our mind into a data network. If someday that becomes reality ... where is the concept of soul? And the one of free will and destiny, pillars of almost all the religions? Transhumanism is a transgressive concept, but it does not want to fight with religion or science. In the statutes of the organization Humanity + the first standard that they impose is "the ethical use of technology". They do not do anything that is not safe or ethical. Biohacking is a way of implementing transhumanism. And as with computer hackers, there are biohackers who follow ethical standards, and others who do not. Can you define a biohacker? The concept is similar to that of the computer hacker, but applied to biology. A biohacker argues that technology applied to the healing and enhancement of the human being should be available to everyone, not just to scientists or pharmaceutical companies. And the way to get it is through DIY or domestic medicine: the biology applied at home by people who do not have to be scientists. It is what is known by the name of citizen science. The movement was born around the year 2005 thanks to the cheapness of medical instruments and technology, and the ability to exchange information provided by the Internet. In the United States alone there are more than 21 biohacking laboratories registered and run by certified scientists working in conventional laboratories. They are monitored by the FBI, are accustomed to participate in conferences of conventional medicine and have a didactic and investigative function. Here home experiments are carried out ranging from the creation of plants that glow in the dark to the study of non-pathogenic microorganisms or the analysis of DNA extracted from the heart of a cow. This is the case of the DIY Bio organization, which holds events around the world, from HiveBio, BioHackersNYC or TheLAB, which has educational purposes: This type of institution is financed by donations and through the fees of its partners, who in return receive classes or can use the laboratories for their own purposes. There are also amateur biohacking groups that meet on weekends in private homes to conduct their own experiments. In 2011 the main DIY laboratories signed a document in which they are committed to follow safety standards, not to experiment with pathogenic organisms, and to use DIY biology for peaceful purposes. In front of what we can call amateur biohacking (even if carried out by professional scientists), there is also professional biohacking. Companies that are dedicated to making software, instruments and materials available for practicing biohacking all over the world, in a safe and legal way. Or to sponsor promising DIY initiatives. This is the case of Qb3 or BioCURIOUS, with projects such as a 3D DIY microscope and printer, or experiments to discover new ways to feed ourselves. Grinders: extreme biohacking The other end of the biohacking is the grinders. People who do not hesitate to mutilate or perform home surgeries to implant sensors, chips, magnets or LEDs under the skin. The grinders carry out risky operations with which they achieve improvements such as night vision, bluetooth communication, bifida tongue, chip identification, etc. In most cases these implants are performed under the skin, so do not pose excessive risk, except for an infection. But in others they are real surgical implants. Take a look at this gallery of biohackers implants to give you an idea of what they can get.
  3. The Russian military said that in Aleppo there are mass graves with dozens of bodies subjected to torture before execution, Sputnik said. "Mass graves were discovered with dozens of bodies of Syrians who had been brutally tortured," said Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashénkov. The general added that "most died of a shot in the head" and that "many bodies are missing fragments". Konashénkov did not rule out that in the next days more mass graves will be discovered. The Ministry said that the "moderate opposition" fighters who operated in Eastern Aleppo placed mines in cars, motorcycles and even toys. "They put mines in all possible places: in the streets, in the entrances of the buildings, in abandoned cars and motorcycles and even in toys," said the spokesman of the body, Igor Konashénkov. All the facts, said the spokesman of the Russian military department, are rigorously documented as serious war crimes perpetrated by the terrorists and will be widely publicized "so that the London and Paris sponsors of the so-called opposition understand who their proteges are in fact and Take responsibility for their misdeeds. " Syria has been living in an armed conflict since March 2011 in which government troops are confronting armed opposition groups and terrorist organizations. According to data from senior UN officials, between 300,000 and 400,000 people were killed in the conflict.
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  4. Haha I'm unstoppable, Always active even on holidays :D :yuhu:

  5. The video, recorded by one of the attendees with the camera on his phone, shows something that has not been seen until now: everything that Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş did before assassinating the Russian ambassador in Ankara, Andrei Karlov; So informed the website Infobae. The policeman was always behind the diplomat, while he spoke and a collaborator translated. He moved gently from side to side, his hands on his belly. I waited patiently. Until in the course of three seconds he pulled the pistol from his sack, aimed at Karlov and shot him several times. He made sure he killed him. "Allahu Akbar! ('Allah is great'), "were the first words that shouted the terrorist. Then he uttered the apparent motives for his attack: "Do not forget Syria! Do not forget Aleppo! As long as you are not sure, you will not be sure! Those responsible for the atrocities have to pay the price here! "Shouted the man, identified as a member of the Turkish security forces. The attacker, who had been assigned to the custody of the Russian ambassador, was shot dead by security forces minutes after the shots that killed Karlov. In the last year, Russia became fully involved in the Syrian civil war. There, he helped the Bashar al-Assad regime to fight the rebels in his country, where a veritable massacre was carried out. Aleppo is one of the symbols of the conflict.
  6. All those who have ever dived through the Linux universe will have some of their distros as a reference. Ubuntu is the reference, the most po[CENSORED]r, but followed very closely by others. The main one is Linux Mint, which now publishes its version 18.1 under the name of Serena. This Linux distro is considered one of the best, especially for desktop PCs. It has several versions, each with a different desktop environment, although the most iconic is Cinnamon. Linux Mint 18.1 Serena comes with some updates, although they follow a continuist line regarding Sarah, the previous version. The main features of the new Linux Mint are purely aesthetic. Although all operating system packages are updated to keep them up-to-date since their installation, the most important thing has to do with the interface. The Cinnamon 3.2 desktop includes support for vertical panels, performance enhancements in hardware compatibility, visual changes and a new screen saver. It does not break radically with the previous version, although it comes to solve some problems that comes presenting Cinnamon and that have led some users to look for alternatives.
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  7. The Syrian Government handed over to the representatives of the international mission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), tests of the use of mustard gas by combatants operating in the Asian country. "We present all the documents of the mission, which were verified and accepted, the mission will arrive in Syria again to collect samples that will be analyzed further," said the spokesman of the Syrian national agency in charge of implementing the OPCW Convention, Samer Abbas This is the evidence gathered by experts from the Russian Ministry of Defense on the use of the 240 mm mortar shell with mustard gas on October 31, 2016 in the Afrin canton, he said. So far the OPCW has only received documentary evidence, while the materials will remain in Syria until it can be transported by charter flight to The Hague. It is expected that they will arrive next January. The mission, which was acted upon by the Syrian authorities on 12 December in Damascus, consists of eight inspectors from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Slovakia and Slovenia. Mustard gas is a chemical that affects the throat, respiratory tract, and can cause blindness, abscesses in the gastrointestinal tract, among others.
  8. A group of scientists from Harvard University in the United States has designed the first fully autonomous soft robot. It is an octopus that fits in the palm of the hand that has no hard components, chips or batteries, and to move you do not need to be connected to a computer. The researchers had to carry out more than 300 tests to get to manufacture the octobot. To make the robot, they first created a custom mold with the shape of the octopus, in which they introduced a microfluidic chip, covered it with silicone and injected lines of ink with a 3D printer. Afterwards, they were baked during a period of four days, a process that has the purpose of fixing the form and evaporate the store, leaving inside empty channels. These hollow tubes, differentiated into two vessels along the body, allow the device to move by pumping a solution of hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide). To do this, a pressure is exerted that causes the liquid to flow through the tubes until it hits a platinum line, which catalyzes a reaction that produces a gas. The gas expands and moves through the microfluidic chip, which distributes it alternately through the body, causing it to swell first one group of tentacles and then the other. Thanks to this, the robot can move. At the moment the device is not finished and they would lack to develop the capacities of detection and the programming to obtain a greater control on the movements of the octobot. However, even with these pending tasks the device already represents a breakthrough in the world of robotics and demonstrates that it is possible to make soft robots completely self-sufficient.
  9. The best, HALA MADRID B):HB:


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  10. The FRITZ! Box series 4000 has a new member, the 4040 model. Born to replace the old 4020, the reality is that it completely dethrones it, implementing all the technological innovations that it lacked and that for so many users Have become fundamental elements. As it is being traditional in the devices of the manufacturer AVM, it maintains the same design in wedge smoothed and with the lateral aileron that, next to the red and silver finishes, so simple they make recognize their routers. But if we analyze its characteristics we can see that everything changes. Beginning with support for 802.11ac WiFi networks (in front of the 4020 n), which allows you to offer speeds of up to 866 Mbps in the 5 GHz band and up to 400 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz band. It also renews its wired capabilities, which are fundamental in devices such as consoles, old desktops and even SmartTV, which will now enjoy Gigabit Ethernet ports and not those limited to 10/100. To your complete service One of the most interesting utilities of a router is its use as a multimedia server. The FRITZ! Box 4040 also renews its data connections and offers 2 USB ports (one of them of the revision 3.0) to which you can connect your portable hard disks or units of memory, and access its content from any device. With absolute security The security section is also present in the development of this new equipment. And it comprises from the secure connection with your devices through the use of WPS (WiFi Protected Setup) technology, with which we will only have to press a button to connect our devices to the network, to the implementation of the main wireless security protocols like WPA2 or the possibility of creating networks of guests, with which your friends or visitors can navigate but without having the possibility to access your personal computers. Beside these virtues, and if you want to use the FRITZ! WLAN USB sticks, you can automatically transfer the settings through AVM Stick & Surf. Both for use as a neutral router, as if what you need is an extender for your network, with the 4040 sure you will not be disappointed.
  11. The geeks of PC video games are insatiable. They have graphic cards of an enormous power able to leave to the PS4 Pro almost to the height of a Mini NES. But they want more. And NVIDIA is willing to give it to you. In spite of the excellent performance of beasts like the plates equipped with chips GTX 1080 and GTX Titan X, the rumors about a new GTX 1080 Ti, a vitaminized version of the GTX 1080, have not stopped producing. In the end, it's a tradition of its latest generations of chips: NVIDIA always ends up with a Ti version, which puts the performance of the current architecture to the maximum. In a strange way, through a job offer on LinkedIn, NVIDIA has confirmed the launch of GTX 1080 Ti cards, although it does not mention dates. As we have commented, it is an improved version of the current GTX 1080: One curious fact that is stated in this message on LinkedIn is that current users of the GTX 980 Ti boards will have priority when it comes to buying the new GTX 1080 Ti. Information confirms that the first batch will be very short, something that is usually common with all new NVIDIA chips, which takes weeks, even months to reach all stores, due to its high demand. And what technical characteristics can we expect from what could be the fastest graphics card in history? Some unofficial data has been leaked through shipping documents and other sources. It is known to use the GP102 chip, the same as the GTX Titan X (Pascal). It will use a 384-bit memory interface with a bandwidth of 480 GB / sg, compared to the 320 GB / sg of the GTX 1080. The performance is An unknown, but with this data will exceed 11 or 12 TFLOP, improving the 9 TFLOP of the current GTX 1080. The goal will be to compete with the new AMD Vega boards, so the GTX 1080 Ti is likely to be launched on the same dates in the early months of 2017.
  12. The Internet Security Office (OSI) of the National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE) warns that a scam has been detected that offers users free Internet with WhatsApp without WiFi connection. Extreme caution because it is very possible that you find this fraudulent offer on social networks or through the application of instant messaging. As the OSI explains in a statement, the scam simulates an official WhatsApp promotion and promises the victim that they will be able to surf the Internet for free without WiFi with the messaging app. The announcement explains that it is supposed to be a new service provided by the company and that can be enjoyed by sharing the message with 13 friends or 5 groups. In addition, to gain credibility, at the bottom of the ad you can see Facebook comments from fictitious users that ensure that the service is effective and that works wonders. However, these opinions are not real and are also part of the deception. In case of sharing the message with the required contacts or groups, the victim is randomly directed to different web pages with surveys requesting personal information, in order to steal personal data to subscribe the user to premium SMS services or use them for Other malicious purposes. At other times, instead of the polls shows a message that warns that the user's smartphone is infected with malware, inviting you to download an app to clean the terminal virus. If you have received this fake Free Internet campaign with WhatsApp and provided your phone number, please contact your operator to see if they have subscribed to premium services and cancel them as soon as possible. If you have installed an application, delete it and scan your device with an antivirus program.
  13. A total of 7,199 people have died since the beginning of the year in their attempt to reach another country, a record figure, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said Friday. That number means an average of 20 deaths per day, so the total death toll would increase between 200 and 300 for the remainder of the year, IOM said in a statement. It is possible that many deaths go unnoticed and are not registered by governments or humanitarian actors, said the Organization, which reported 5,740 deaths in 2015. In all migratory routes, the number of deaths increased, and for the last two years, passages linking North Africa, the Middle East and Europe accounted for 60 per cent of deaths worldwide. Thus, the most dangerous maritime route was the Mediterranean, where four thousand 812 people lost their lives, about 1,100 more than at the same stage of the previous year. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees said that 2016 will be the deadliest year for migrants in that sea.
  14. Do you worry about the safety of your home while you are at work, weekend or away for vacation? In this case, solutions like TP-Link with your NC450 video surveillance camera with Wi-Fi connectivity will put an end to your worries. This home IP camera allows you to connect to it from your smartphone and see everything that is happening in your house in real time. Its compact size allows it to be placed discreetly in the best location and without attention and even install it on the roof. The optical system of the TP-Link NC450 consists of a progressive sensor of ¼ inch capable of capturing images in a resolution 720p even in conditions of poor light thanks to its f / 2.0 aperture and store them in a microSD card in the device itself . 360 ° Video Surveillance System However, for situations of total darkness, the TP-Link NC450 IP camera integrates a system of infrared LEDs, something unusual in this type of IP cameras of domestic use, with which it is possible to record videos in the absolute darkness in A perimeter of 8 meters around it. Its motorized rotary orientation system enables the best viewpoint as it allows rotations of 300 degrees horizontally and up to 110 degrees vertically. This, together with the angle of vision of 75 degrees of your lenses allows to obtain a vision of 360 degrees around him. TP-Link NC450 notifies you if something happens at home The TP-Link NC450 is a surveillance camera equipped with sound and motion sensors that allows you to adjust its sensitivity to automatically activate and start recording when it detects that someone is in range or detects a noise around them. Thanks to its wireless connectivity with support for 802.11b / g / n Wi-Fi networks up to 300 megabits per second, the camera will notify you via e-mail or via a notification in the TP-Link tpCamera App installed on your smartphone, letting you know That an intrusion has been detected and the recording of the event has started and from this same app you can see the real-time images that are registering the TP-Link NC450. In addition, the TP-Link NC450 has a built-in two-way audio system so you can listen to and even communicate remotely with people near the camera from your smartphone.
  15. Welcome To CSBD Have Fun.
  16. The growing use of fresh water in agriculture, industry or human consumption threatens to make water reserves disappear around the world in the coming decades, causing scarcity, warned experts on Thursday. India, Argentina, Australia, California and Southern Europe are some of the regions at risk, according to a study presented at the annual conference of the American Geophysical Union, held this week in San Francisco, California. According to a new computer model, water stored underground in both the upper basin of the Ganges River in India and southern Spain or Italy could be depleted between 2040 and 2060. This could also be the case in the central valley of California, as well as in the Tulare basin, and the south of the San Joaquin Valley, also located in that western state of the United States, where groundwater reserves could be depleted for Decade of 2030. Likewise, the reserves of the great plains, which provide water to a part of Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico, could reach their limits between 2050 and 2070, the experts anticipated. According to them, up to 1.8 billion people could live in regions where water supplies will be almost or completely depleted as a result of overuse for human consumption or agricultural crops. "A large number of aquifers are at the limit of exploitation or will be depleted in a short time, especially in the more arid lands or where there is very intensive irrigation," predicted Inge de Graaf, a hydrographer at the Colorado School of Mines, Who considered it imperative to know the limits of water resources in the subsoil. 20% of overexploited reserves Several studies supported by satellite observation have already shown that some large aquifers in the world will soon be depleted. However, such observations do not allow measuring the level of smaller reserves on a regional scale, the hydrographers explained. The new computer model measured the structures of the groundwater layers, the volume of the pumping and the interaction between these aquifers and the extensions of nearby waters such as rivers and lakes. According to experts, this model also allows to predict when the level of these aquifers is too low to pump water from them. The driest regions with massive irrigation are, according to this study, those most threatened by the depletion of groundwater. The authors cite as examples the great American plains, the Ganges basin and certain parts of Argentina and Australia. This study makes estimates of the limit of subsurface water reserves on a regional scale, but scientists do not have complete data on either the geological structure or the storage capacity of aquifers, which would allow assessing Precisely the volume of water contained in each of these natural deposits.
  17. What laziness, every time passes these things, put a stop to these. , Is not the first time it happens.
  18. Memory loss is related to advanced age and a number of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's that affects our elders and that, despite the different advances, there is still no valid solution. Technology can help, and for this from Japan are testing a procedure so that the elderly and people with memory problems are not lost: with QR codes on the nails. The latest in Japan are QR codes on the nails that allow the relevant authorities to know the data of elderly or people with memory problems if they are found lost. Although it is a system that has already been tested previously on the clothes, it did not prove to be satisfactory since these people forgot to wear these clothes or they ended up losing. With the QR codes on the nails, it is more complicated that they can be erased since they will always be present in a visible part of the body. At the moment the QR codes in the nails are being tested in the po[CENSORED]tion of Iruma (northern of Japan) and it is tried to expand to the other cities of Japan. This Asian country has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, but is expected to suffer a significant decrease in its po[CENSORED]tion over the next 30 years. QR codes on the nails are funded by the Japanese government itself, making it a free service. The information of the QR codes on the nails are the address of the patient, their identity number and the telephone number of a family member. It is a waterproof QR code and has a duration of about two weeks, but due to its easy implementation and cost, it can be renewed in a very simple way.
  19. If you are a Facebook Messenger user, pay attention because a security bug has been detected. A team of researchers from security company Cynet has detected a critical vulnerability that could jeopardize the privacy of conversations of the billion users that the messaging platform has. The problem, which researchers have named Originull, uses a method that allows an attacker to use an external site to read the users' private messages, as well as view their photos and videos or consult the attachments in the conversations. Usually, the browser protects the users of the platform making it only accessible from the Facebook pages. To circumvent this restriction, what cybercriminals have done is to use subdomains of the social network as a bridge to see the data, using a vulnerability present in the server that manages the chats. Thanks to this, it was possible to access private messages "If the user opens a web page that the hacker has directed to him (through a malicious advertisement, a security problem or through the hacker's own website), the attacker can see all the chats, photos and Attachments that the user sends or receives in Facebook Messenger, "explain in Cynet's blog. "This happens even if the user sends the messages through another computer or his personal smartphone." The security bug affected both the mobile application and the browser version. However, after discovering the vulnerability Cynet experts reported the bug to Facebook Messenger, which has already remedied the security breach.
  20. The threat of attacks by the extremist group also maintains a third of the medical facilities of that region without functioning because of security problems The Boko Haram terrorist group has destroyed one-third of 740 hospitals in the northeastern state of Borno in Nigeria, while others are closed and the lives of thousands are threatening, according to the World Health Organization. The threat of attacks by the extremist group also maintains a third of the medical facilities in that region without functioning because of security problems, the agency's director of emergency in Nigeria, Jorge Castilla, told a press conference. "60 percent of the sanitation equipment lacks access to drinking water, while three out of four hospitals do not have enough chlorine reserves to purify water," the WHO official added. "This situation is very severe and there are many needs and few facilities to alleviate it, especially in the regions of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe, where there are already six million people who require vital assistance," said Castilla. According to the manager, the situation is particularly worrisome because some northeastern areas have a mortality rate four times higher than the highest emergency threshold, and a malnutrition rate between three and ten times higher than the same indicator. An average of 4.13 daily deaths per 10 thousand inhabitants is detected in certain areas of the north, a statistic that assumes special importance if one considers that the WHO considers emergency any situation in which one of every 10,000 people per day dies . At least one million people are trapped in unsafe areas and are unable to receive humanitarian aid, which prevents access to health facilities and control the spread of diseases such as diarrhea, malaria or tuberculosis, which cause most of the deaths, Estimates the WHO. WHO experts estimate that these outbreaks are just 'the tip of the iceberg' of what could be an expansion of this infectious disease that particularly affects the children of northern Nigeria. Despite this, the WHO Director of Emergency in the African country recognized a certain decrease in mortality from previous levels, when humanitarian organizations lacked access to the northeast of the national territory, but it is impossible to have figures to confirm this. Boko Haram, whose classification as a terrorist group is endorsed by the international community, has been struggling since 2009 to impose an Islamic state governed by the Sharia law.
  21. The Android operating system has just given life to a new variant of its platform, this time with the Internet of Things (IoT) as the protagonist. What until now was known as Brillo is transformed into Android Things, an operating system that from now on will be dedicated exclusively to IoT devices. What Google has done has been to bring together Brillo, its "software" for the Internet of Things, with some of the services that until now were available on the Android developer platform (Android Studio, Google Play services, platform Google Cloud ...). From there is born Things, a platform that is already available to developers who want to give life to their devices through a platform based on the simplicity of Android. Android Things adds to the list of specific versions of Android oriented devices that go beyond mobile (see Android Wear or Android TV, for example), and does so with the idea of becoming the reference of connected devices Which will reach the market in the coming years. On the other hand, Google has also announced that it will carry the compatibility of its Weave platform (a system that allows the connection between IoT devices and Google services) to this new operating system.
  22. The Colombian Constitutional Court yesterday approved a fast track mechanism, known as a 'fast track', so that Congress can quickly validate the laws that will allow the implementation of the peace agreement between the government and the FARC guerrilla. The vote of the magistrates of the high court was 8 in favor and 1 against the approval of the special legislative procedure, which follows the ratification of the peace agreement by the same parliament last November 30, informed the Constitutional Court. Senate President Mauricio Lizcano said the decision would allow Congress to implement the law in as little as six months. Murder. Another peasant leader who responded to the name of Guillermo Veldaño, of the Patriotic March movement, was killed on Monday with six head shots. The event was registered in the township of Puerto Vega, Putumayo department.
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