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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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About H4cK3R*uL

  • Birthday 08/02/1995


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    H4cK3R*uL # Lord of the Dark
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  1. # Nume: S. M. Ionut # Nickname: ArTh # S. M. H4cK3R*uL Ionut. # Localitate: Calafat, Dolj # Contact: PM forum sau http://steamcommunity.com/id/hacks69 # Inventar: http://steamcommunity.com/id/hacks69/inventory/ # Metoda de plata: GEMS, CSGO KEY [Steam Trade, 100% Safe] [h1]Items for sale; Obiecte de vanzare;[/h1] Non-Marketable Cards; 1 Card = 80 Gems; 1 Card =1 CS:GO Card; 50 Cards = 1 CS:GO Key; CS:GO Cards / Sets *** 1 Card = 100 Gems; 1 Set = 500 Gems; GooCubelets: OCD *** 1 Set = 500 Gems; GooCubelets: The Algoorithm *** Set = 500 Gems; Sleengster *** Set = 500 Gems; They Came From The Moon *** set = 500 Gems Why So Evil 2: Dystopia *** Set = 500 Gems The Deer *** Set = 300 Gems CS:GO Cases; 1 Case = 10 GEMS; 2 Cases = 1 Random Card; 200 Cases = 1 CS:GO KEY; Unturned items; 1 Item = 10 GEMS; 3 Items = 1 Random Card; 250 Items = 1 CS:GO KEY; BattleBlock; 1 Item = 10 GEMS; 3 Item = 1 Random Card; 250 Items = 1 CS:GO KEY; Team Fortress items; 1 Item = 10 GEMS; 3 Item = 1 Random Card; 250 Items = 1 CS:GO KEY; [h1]Steam games; GIFTS; Special Items;[/h1] * Cannons-Defenders: Steam Edition --- 1,700 Gems * Dead Island: Epidemic --- 3,000 Gems * Deep Space Dash --- 1,600 Gems * Defy Gravity Extended --- 1,700 Gems * Drayt Empire --- 1,700 Gems * FEMINAZI: The Triggering --- 1,000 Gems * Final Quest II --- 1,700 Gems * Hexaball --- 1,600 Gems * Hyper color ball --- 1,700 Gems * King's Guard TD --- 1,800 Gems * Midnight Carnival --- 1,500 Gems * Minion Masters --- 2,300 Gems * Murder Miners --- 1,700 Gems * Office Battle --- 1,700 Gems * OR --- 1,600 Gems * Pain Train --- 1,800 Gems * Particula --- 1,600 Gems * Project Starship --- 1,500 Gems * Purgatory --- 1,500 Gems * Road Madness --- 1,800 Gems * Sixtieth Kilometer --- 1,500 Gems * Slash It --- 1,600 Gems * Sleight --- 1,500 Gems * Space Farmers --- 3,500 Gems * Spaceport Hope --- 1,500 Gems * Spin Rush --- 1,500 Gems * Squirbs --- 1,800 Gems * The Chosen RPG --- 1,500 Gems * The Deletion --- 1,500 Gems * Timberman --- 1,700 Gems * Upside Down --- 1,800 Gems # I accept CS:GO keys: for GIFT / objects valued at 3,500/3,800 GEMS * Schimburile echitabile sunt finalizate in cel mai scurt timp posibil. https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=322708355&token=moY07RTe
  2. ø Modalitate de contact (Y!m / Skype): Steam hacks69 ø Produs(e) scoase la vânzare: Cont Steam - CS 1.6 / GTA:SA [SA:MP] ø Preţul produsului(elor): 10E PaySafe /// 150 Random Items [Cartonase, fundaluri, arme CS:Go, emoticoane] \\\ Negociabil... ø Poze produs(e): Link cont: http://steamcommunity.com/id/playcs16ro ø Metodă de plată: PaySafe ø Alte specificaţii: Vreau o tranzactie fara probleme
  3. Salut tuturor, va multumesc pentru urarile de bun venit.
  4. Salut.
  5. ¤ Nume în joc: H4cK3R*uL ¤ Vârsta: 18 ani ¤ Nume: Ionut ¤ Oraș: Calafat ¤ Județ: Dolj ¤ Țară: Romania ¤ Jocuri preferate: Counter-Strike ¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine: Pai ce sa zic?! Sunt calm de felul meu dar nu stau bine cu nervii, deci ma enerverz foarte repede. Imi plac brunetele si iesirile in cluburi, si multe altele.... ¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil: Marele si nelipsitul internet. ¤ Server preferat (server doar din comunitate!): De cateva luni nu mai joc nimic, deci nici un server. ¤ O poză cu tine (în cazul în care ai deja una și vrei să o postezi): Alta data.


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