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Fear is an illusion

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Posts posted by Fear is an illusion

  1. In aceasta sectiune sunt bine-venite topicurile care au ca teme orice ,ce apartine unui cadru amuzant !




    Topicurile care nu au nicio legatura cu amuzament,divertisment vor fi STERSE !


  2. 1. Folosirea chat-urilor, hack-urilor pe server se sanctioneaza cu Ban Permanent / Destroy .

    2. Limbajul vulgar / neordonat se sanctioneaza cu Gag 5 - 10 minute .

    3. Este interzisa reclama la alte Servere / Domenii . Ban Permanent / Destroy

    4. Nick-urile dvs. trebuie sa contina mai putin de 16 caractere si mai mult de 3 .

    5. Injuraturile la adresa adminilor sau cele grave se pedepsesc cu Gag / Ban / Destroy ( dupa caz ).

    6. Sunt interzise scripturile de silent defuse sau silent walk, script de aim, script no flash etc . Ban Permanent / Destroy.

    7. Lag constant ( latenta client  > server ) mai mare de 200  --> Kick / Ban 10-30 ( minute ).

    8. Comportamentul ce strica buna functionare a jocului ( aruncarea bombei in baza sau in locuri unde nu poate fi recuperata, omorarea ostaticilor, evitarea intentionata a inamicilor, prea mult "mirc" adica multa vorbarie ) se sanctioneaza cu Gag / Slay / Kick / Ban 100 - 1000 ( minute ).

    9. Campat cu bomba dupa primul minut de joc -> Slay / Kick ( Echipa T ).

    10. Campat cand bomba este plantata -> Slay / Kick ( Echipa CT ).

    11. Jucatorii cu nick-uri indecente sau ofensatoare se sanctioneaza cu Kick / Ban 120 - 1000 ( minute ).

    12. Mutarea insistenta la echipa castigatoare se pedepseste cu Kick la prima abatere / Ban 200 ( minute ).

    13. Este interzis urcatul pe harta . Slap / Slay / Kick.

    14. Schimbarea sistematica a numelui se sanctioneaza cu Gag / Kick / Ban 120 ( minute ).

    15. Reconnect ( retry ) dupa gag / in exces ( ranker ) / ( retry ) + respawn in aceiasi runda se sanctioneaza cu Slay / Kick / Ban 120 ( minute ).

  3. NICK :

    VARSTA :

    ID Y!M :

    ID STEAM :

    IP :







    1.Trebuie sa respecti toate regulile serverului.
    2.Trebuie sa ai minim 20 de ore jucate pe acest server.
    3.Trebuie sa fi activ zilnic sau cel mult la doua zile.
    4.Trebuie sa urmezi modelul de Cerere.
    5.Trebuie sa respecti titlul subiectului :  Cerere admin "Nickname".



    Nu pune false informatii despre tine.
    Puteti veni dupa 7 zile, cu o noua Cerere, daca cererea ta a fost Respinsa.


  4.  Nume în joc:
     O scurtă descriere despre tine:
     De unde ai aflat de Skull.CsBlackDevil.com:




    Orice prezentare va fi deschisa minim 24 de ore. Dupa 24 de ore Moderatorii au obligatia sa inchida topicul.

  5.  Tip :
        *Dimensiuni :
        Text :
        Tematica (Stock obligatoriu):
        *Ultima cerere :
        *Alte informatii :

    Watermark : (Obligatoriu) : CsBlackDevil / csblackdevil.com / www.csblackdevil.com / csblackdevil / CSBD ):


  6. People from different parts of the world have been left terrified after hearing what is believed to be an evil-sounding trumpet noise coming from an unknown location in the sky.

    Residents who were able to capture the ominous sound went to upload their recordings on social media sites. Several of these clips came from Canada, Australia, Germany and the United States.

    In a video shot last month from Germany, a child can be seen frightened stiff as the strange noise blasted from afar.

    In Canada, Kimberly Wookey was able to record numerous clips of these mysterious sounds. She uploaded several of them on Youtube.


    "This is the second time I personally have heard these sounds here in Terrace BC Canada," Wookey wrote on her Youtube account. "First time was June 19th 2013 at approx. 9-9:30am but it was not quite as intense."

    In another entry, dated Aug. 29, 2013, Wookey claimed she was awoken by the loud noise, which she knew she had heard before. She said that she went to see her seven-year-old son who was also terrified by the noise.


    According to reports, scientists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) believe the noise could potentially be the "background noise" of the Earth.



  7. Maria Sharapova announced it had failed a doping test during the Australian Open.

    Sharapova was discovered with a forbidden substance Meldonium, from 1 January, once the new WADA regulations.

    Natty received a list with the latest updates to banned substances on 22 December 2015, but said he had not consulted it before the Australian Open.

    Maria Sharapova, the world no. 7, said she took these pills for 10 years for heart problems, and did not know that became prohibited by the end of 2015.

    Sharapova said she was taking the medicine for 'health issues' including a family history of diabetes.

    International Tennis Federation confirms she will be provisionally suspended from the sport from March 12.



  8. image5a.jpg

    The Blue Lagoon


    The Blue Lagoon geothermal spa is one of the most visited attractions in Iceland. The spa is located in a lava field in Grindavík on the Reykjanes Peninsula, southwestern Iceland. Bláa lónið is situated approximately 20 km (12 mi) from the Keflavík International Airport and 39 km (24 mi) from the capital city of Reykjavík, roughly a 20 minute drive from the airport and a 50 minute drive from Reykjavík.


    The warm waters are rich in minerals like silica and sulfur and bathing in the Blue Lagoon is reputed to help some people suffering from skin diseases such as psoriasis. The water temperature in the bathing and swimming area of the lagoon averages 37–39 °C (99–102 °F). The Blue Lagoon also operates a research and development facility to help find cures for other skin ailments using the mineral-rich water.

    In 1976 a pool formed at the site from the waste water of the geothermal power plant that had just been built there. In 1981 people started bathing in it after its purported healing powers were po[CENSORED]rized. In 1992 the Blue Lagoon company was established and the bathing facility was opened for the public.


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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