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Everything posted by guest0223

  1. Here have explication for why delete or reset the servers : GameTracker may, in the [CENSORED]ure, make it so stats can be recovered for a brief period of time. Until then, it's not reasonable for the development team to manually go through backups to recover stats when people accidentally or intentionally delete servers. The only problems we have with Romania is that the vast majority of all types of abuse originate from there. We understand that a lot of people in that region still play CS and GT definitely wants to provide tracking for them. We also understand that the region is very competitive which has been a cause of a significant amount of the abuse from them. We do the best to to combat that, and we're sorry if they targeted you if that was the case. To anyone, feel free to provide information or suggestions to me via PM. Please note that I may or may not directly respond to all inquiries. And Stop blaming gametracker for your issues. This is definitely krond solution issues, vulnerability is the main issues on here not money. So stop tell gametracker delete your server for a amount of money. All of you are just kids trying to ruin the reputation of Romania. Be aware this is just a company ho have this issues not all so where is the problmes? gametracker or ... ? Maybe when you grow up and think first and you will see the issues is cause by your hosting not gametracker !
  2. WalkingDead.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague 6.2]

  3. NewLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague]

  4. Dacă vrei să cunoști un om cu adevărat, privește cum îi tratează pe cei inferiori, nu pe cei egali cu el. - J.K.Rowling

  5. Din cate stiu la achizitionarea unui server prin oferta de la Seth este interzis xredirectu intre servare.Oricum chiar daca ar fi permis nu iti da nimeni xredirect "moca" de la un server full sa ti-l umple pe al tau.Iti recomand sa iti cumperi boost sau dopuri pentru a-ti umple servarul.
  6. Iti recomanda sa cumperi niste dropuri sau boost pentru ca redirectele nu mai sunt folositoare dupa ultimul update de la Valve si nu mai baga nimic pe redirecte ce baga inainte.
  7. De cand s-a infiintat comunitatea asta s-au schimbat multe dar cea ce defineste cel mai bine csblackdevil este originalitatea de care dau parte.
  8. Primul membru fidel pe care il vad de cand sunt pe comunitate.Bine ai revenit.
  9. Hop si io ).Toata lumea ma stie deci nu e nevoie de prea multe prezentari ) Eu is ala din stanga,celalalt e varu,putin cam fumat ca dea e petrecere )
  10. NewLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague 6.2]

  11. NewLifeZMCsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague]

  12. NewLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com

  13. HighLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague]

  14. ZmOldSchool.CsBlackDevil.Com

  15. Nick: Osiris Server: HighLife.CsBlackDevil.Com Poze:
  16. ZmOldScool.CsBlackdevil.Com [Zombie Plague]

  17. Respecta si vei fi respectat !

  18. WalkingDead.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague]

  19. ZmOldSchool.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague]

  20. Topic Close !
  21. Accept !
  22. Avatar cu render ? Eu acceptat dar era mai potrivit pentru o semnatura.
  23. Votarea s-a incheiat. v1. - Chucky - 12 voturi v2. - revan - 1 vot Castigator eu ! Felicitari si tie revan.
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