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Everything posted by Pacman™

  1. Welcome to csblackdevil , enjoy your stay
  2. As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home. Platforms: Playstation 4, Xbox One & PC Publisher: Bethesda Softworks Release Date: US: November 10, 2015 EU: November 10, 2015
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  3. actually none of these , my opinion is metal gear solid V , it's a master piece game , the story is amazing and the graphic is great , or we can choose fallout 4
  4. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

    1. Skittellss


      Don't cry ? wait for Spartaa !! =))

    2. guigousuperstar11
  5. NewLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com [ Zombie Plague] -

  6. Welcome to csbd. take a look at every section , we have cool stuff , games etc.. Have fun.
  7. Welcome to CSBD Have fun.
  8. Welcome to CSBD Have fun.
  9. Good luck !
  10. Welcome to CSBD Have fun.
  11. Welcome to CSBD Have fun.
  12. bonne anniversaire have a great day
  13. Welcome to CSBD Have fun =)
  14. Welcome to csbd. Have fun
  15. Mass Effect is one of my favorite games of the past decade. Despite its technical shortcomings, BioWare's first in what it promised to be a trilogy took the role-playing genre to new cinematic heights. Mass Effect 2 is a better game in near every way. From the very first scene, you will be hooked. And the farther you dive into this epic action role-playing game, the better it gets. It fulfills the promise of its predecessor while continuing to push the boundaries of what we should expect in a videogame. This is the continued saga of Commander Shepard. It's the [CENSORED]ure, and all sentient life across the galaxy is in peril. An advanced race of machines known as Reapers is intent on wiping the slate clean. Shepard, a distinguished soldier, has faced this threat and emerged triumphant once, but victory is far from assured. Now Shepard must take the fight to the enemy -- a mission that is dubbed suicidal from the outset. Things don't look very promising, but Shepard has a plan. It involves recruiting the best and brightest from around the galaxy and somehow convincing them their lives are worth sacrificing for the greater good.
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  16. Pacman™

    Arma 3

    I’ve heard people who served say that your time in the military is what you make of it. Arma III, a deep combat simulator, is the same in that it largely asks you to make your own fun using its vast array of meticulously recreated military hardware and gorgeous, expansive battlefields. It requires great effort and patience before you can derive any amount of what you’d traditionally think of as gameplay from it, though. What it offers in return is multiplayer that’s sometimes very impressive and completely unique, but it’s also convoluted in ways that cannot be excused with aspirations to realism. I knew what to expect going into Arma III from previous experience with Bohemia Interactive games, yet I was still overwhelmed by the amount of features I had to wrap my head around before I could play it with even moderate proficiency. It’s a first-person shooter alright, but it’s not another “left trigger to aim down the sights, right trigger to shoot” kind of game. You’re going to have to use almost every key on your keyboard, memorize specific key combinations and what each does depending on whether you’re on foot, in a tank, a helicopter, etc...
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  17. Build your base, order your troops, and command them in the field of battle. It's been the standard operating procedure of the real-time strategy genre since Dune II cemented the foundation. Now with Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II, Relic has smashed apart a major pillar of the RTS formula by eliminating base building. In its place have been fused elements of role-playing games, whereby the squads you control in each of the campaign carry over mission to mission, grow, and evolve according to what gear you decide to equip and what skills you decide to improve. The notions of persistence introduced in the expansions to the original Dawn of War have been expanded, the cover system and destructible environments from Company of Heroes imported, and the capture point mechanic for resource acquisition built in and simplified for the skirmish mode. It's a game that, like Massive Entertainment's World in Conflict, slices the strings that bind genre entries to tradition, and in the process emerges as something as strange as it is familiar, that sometimes stumbles in its newness but still manages to find its footing. The game is divided into a campaign mode and skirmish mode, all of which feature multiplayer. In the campaign, Relic gives you the option to play cooperatively, with those participating working together to vanquish the enemy, though it's only the host who reaps the persistent rewards. In the skirmish mode, you can participate in 1 versus 1 or 3 versus 3 matches online with others or against AI-controlled opponents of several difficulty levels using Tyranid, Eldar, Space Marine, or Ork armies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__8sClNC4Tk In the campaign, you'll play strictly as the Space Marines, and though both modes illustrate Relic's move to eliminate base building, the campaign is the more obvious example. Instead of constructing a linear, mission-to-mission campaign, Relic has opted for an reworked version of the persistent campaign map that showed up in the Dark Crusade and Soulstorm expansions to Dawn of War. This time there's a far greater narrative element that's woven into the action. As a newly promoted Force Commander for the Blood Ravens chapter of the Space Marines (genetically altered superhuman soldiers) you'll battle against the Eldar, Orks, and menacing Tyranids to save your home planets. Aboard the starship Armageddon you'll only ever amass six squads throughout the campaign, and you'll never build a unit-producing structure; you only capture relays and buildings to reinforce squads and net other bonuses. It's up to you which four squads to bring into any mission, as well as how to equip them. Unlike real-time strategy games past where each unit has a specific function with a few ways to differentiate through research upgrades, Dawn of War II lets you gradually accrue an assortment of wargear throughout the campaign that can dramatically affect functionality. Collected as a reward for completing a mission or dropped from enemies killed in the field, wargear consists of new armor sets, weaponry like chainswords, power axes, and heavy bolters, as well as a large number of accessories like melta bombs to smash up vehicles or Terminator armor-mounted missile racks for annihilating structures.
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  18. Welcome to csblackdevil... Have fun
  19. Welcome to csblackdevil Have fun
  20. need for speed rivals
  21. Welcome To CsBlackDevil enjoy your staying
  22. Yes this is so strange in a good way actually, i saw it the first time white and gold and when i come back to see it again it's blue and black OMG
  23. welcome
  24. hello
  25. My Game Over : [Pc and ps3] The last Of us out last call of duty assassins'creed 3 Gta 4 Need for speed Hitman Battlefiled Tomb raider l.a noire metal gear solid God Of War Silent hill downpour Etc ......
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