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« Rank System Ultimate » ❯ Description: I present to you the best CS 1.6 rank system on the internet, developed entirely by me (with a little help from HueHue), where tremendous effort has been invested, and its code is highly optimized, readable, and organized. The rank system is fully based on reapi, with all stats such as XP, level, kills, headshots, and many more being retrieved directly from it and saved via SQLite. The system features a variety of elements like Skills, team XP, assists, a Stats Viewer menu to review player statistics, unique /top15, /rankstats, and Map End Stats MOTD screens that can be easily customized, and much more. All features are configurable through a configuration file, which includes detailed explanations. Additionally, there’s a lang file with translations for all languages included in CS 1.6. An API is also integrated, offering multiple natives for creating custom sub-plugins or utilizing ones I’ve already made. The rank system is highly optimized, operates smoothly on fully loaded servers, and is currently bug-free. The system is designed for extensive customization options, including HUD, MOTD, in-game messages, settings, and more. Below, I will outline all the features in detail. ❯ Unique MOTD Screens: Custom Top15, Rank Stats, and Map End Stats MOTD screens have been designed to display player statistics, featuring numerous characteristics. The design, images, text, colors, and more can be modified via the configuration file rsu_edit.ini or in real-time during gameplay using the command /rsuedit (admin only, with ADMIN_RCON privileges). Below is the default look of each MOTD screen: Top 15 The default Top 15 view includes columns such as Rank, Name, Assists, Kills, Deaths, Headshots (with percentage), Most Valuable Player, Rounds Won, Bombs Planted, Bombs Exploded, Bombs Defused, Weapon Kills (e.g., Knife), XP, Skill, and Rank. Clicking on a column header will sort players in ascending or descending order by that column. Each player entry shows whether they’re online or offline, their country flag, Steam avatar, and icon (for Steam users), and whether they’re new to the server. Color-coded names for VIPs or admins can also be customized via the config file. Border colors for each skill level can also be tailored. Clicking on a player will redirect you to their Rank Stats page (shown below). By default, the ranks follow CS:GO’s ranking system. You can view them here. You can easily replace these images or add new ranks with custom images. Hovering over the currently displayed weapon in the top stats will reveal a submenu showing stats for all weapons. Clicking on one reloads the stats for that weapon. Access the Top stats using /top or /topX, where X is the number of top players to display (e.g., /top20, /top50, /top100, etc.). You can also use /bot or /botX to view the bottom-ranked players. A player search feature is available below the table, allowing searches by name, IP, or Steam ID, with pagination included. Rank Stats The individual player statistics page is organized into three columns: The first column displays the player’s Steam avatar (if applicable), which links to their Steam profile. It also shows their country flag, online/offline status, name, server position, and skill level. Above their skill level, the default ranking criteria are displayed, as set in the config file. Below this, the player’s highlights are shown, such as MVPs, Rounds Won, Bombs Planted, Bombs Exploded, and Bombs Defused. The second column lists the player’s primary stats: Kills, Deaths, Assists, Headshots (and percentage), Kill/Death Ratio, Shots Fired, Hits, Damage, Accuracy Percentage, Efficiency Percentage, First Login, Last Login, and Time Played. The third column showcases the player’s Top 5 Favorite Weapons, including images, names, kill count (+ HS), and the weapon name. Map End Stats Here’s how the stats displayed at the end of each map look. At the top center, you’ll find the title of the stats, and below it, on the left, is the name of the map played. Below the map name, it shows the winning team with the most rounds. If both teams have equal scores, it will display Match Draw by default. Underneath, there is a table displaying the Top Players of the Match and trophies for the top three places. Similar to Top 15, this screen also includes an online/offline indicator, country flag, Steam avatar, and icon, as well as a “new player” tag for recent entrants. To the right of each player, their Kills, Deaths, Kill/Death Ratio, MVPs, and Rank are displayed. Below the top player statistics, the individual stats of the player viewing the screen are shown. This includes the total kills and deaths they achieved in the match, along with the total XP they earned. The MOTD screens display properly on all resolutions for both Steam and non-Steam versions. For Steam, they are fully visible without scrolling in both "normal" and "widescreen" resolutions. Screenshots of the MOTD screens for non-Steam can be viewed here. ❯ MOTD Customization The /rsuedit command (admin only, with ADMIN_RCON privileges) opens a menu for customizing the MOTD screens in real-time during gameplay. The menu consists of six sections, each corresponding to specific parts of the MOTD screens. Inside each section, you’ll find several settings, each determining the behavior of a specific segment in the MOTD screens. Below is a list of all sections, their settings, and descriptions of what each setting changes: [Top15] This section contains modifications related to the Top 15 MOTD screen. Top15_Background = default – Changes the background. When set to default, the default background will be used. Top15_Table_Color = 6, 6, 6 – Changes the table color. Top15_Header_Color = 93, 94, 105 – Changes the header bar color. Top15_Cell_Color = 0, 0, 0 – Changes the cell bar color. Top15_Id_Color = 255, 215, 0 – Changes the cell color for the current player’s ID. Top15_Border_Color = #9a8547 – Changes the border color of the table. Top15_Header_Text_Color = #d3b35a – Changes the header text color. Top15_Cell_Text_Color = #a9a9a9 – Changes the cell text color. Top15_Search_Color = #a3850f – Changes the color of the "Search" button. [Rankstats] This section contains modifications related to the Rank Stats MOTD screen. Rankstats_Background = default – Changes the background. When set to default, the default background will be used. Rankstats_Header_Color = #222227 – Changes the color of the header fields. Rankstats_Cell_Color = 34, 34, 39 – Changes the color of the cell fields. Rankstats_Border_Color1 = #00ffff – Changes the border color of the header fields. Rankstats_Border_Color2 = #b8a365 – Changes the border color of the cell fields. Rankstats_Header_Text_Color = #c9c9db – Changes the text color of the header fields. Rankstats_Primary_Color = #808080 – Changes the primary color. Rankstats_Secondary_Color = #b8a365 – Changes the secondary color. Rankstats_Progress_Color = #00ffff – Changes the rank progress bar color. [MapEnd] This section contains modifications related to the Map End MOTD screen. MapEnd_Background = default – Changes the background. When set to default, the default background will be used. MapEnd_Title_Color = white – Changes the title text color. MapEnd_Map_Color = yellow – Changes the map name color. MapEnd_Header_Color = 6, 6, 6 – Changes the header bar color. MapEnd_Cell_Color1 = 6, 6, 6 – Changes the color of the first cell row. MapEnd_Cell_Color2 = 6, 6, 6 – Changes the color of the second cell row. MapEnd_Id_Color = 255, 255, 0 – Changes the cell color for the current player’s ID. MapEnd_Header_Text_Color = yellow – Changes the color of the header texts. MapEnd_Cell_Text_Color = #a9a9a9 – Changes the text color of the cells. MapEnd_Border_Color = yellow – Changes the table border color. MapEnd_Stats_Color = #dcdcdc – Changes the color of the stats section. MapEnd_Primary_Color = #a9a9a9 – Changes the primary color. MapEnd_Secondary_Color = yellow – Changes the secondary color. [Name colors] Under this section, you can add specific colors for players with certain flags. Syntax: <flags> = <color> default_name = white abcdefghij = red acd = #32cd32 b = orange [Skill colors] This section allows you to change the colors of each skill defined in the [Skills] section of the main configuration file rank_system_ultimate.ini. Syntax: <skill> = <color> default_skill = #b8a365 L- = #FCE590 L = #FCE590 L+ = #FCE590 M- = #FFC900 M = #FFC900 M+ = #FFC900 H- = #F2880F H = #F2880F H+ = #F2880F P- = #FF3333 P = #FF3333 P+ = #FF3333 G = #000000 [Rank images] Under this section, you can add or modify rank images by assigning an image URL to the corresponding rank. It is highly recommended to use .png format images with dimensions of 60 x 24. Note that you only need to specify the rank's number as per its order in the [Ranks] section in the rank_system_ultimate.ini file. If set to default, the default image will be used. Syntax: <rank number> = <image link> 1 = default 2 = default 3 = default 4 = default 5 = default 6 = default 7 = default 8 = default 9 = default 10 = default 11 = default 12 = default 13 = default 14 = default 15 = default 16 = default 17 = default 18 = default 19 = default All modified settings are saved permanently and recorded in the rsu_edit.ini configuration file. You can also edit the corresponding settings directly within the file. ❯ HUD Information: This is the HUD information displayed to the player regarding their rank status. By default, it appears as shown above. It can be changed to a DHUD format, with customizable colors, positions, and placeholders. Here is a list of all placeholders and their meanings: %name% - The player's name. %xp% - The player's current XP. %xp_percent% - The current XP percentage to the next level. %level% - The player's current level. %rank% - The name of the player's current rank. %next_xp% - The XP needed to reach the next level. %next_level% - The player's next level. %next_rank% - The name of the player's next rank. %max_levels% - The maximum number of levels. %server_rank% - The player's rank in the server. %max_server_ranks% - The maximum number of ranks in the server. %skill% - The name of the player's current skill. %skill_range% - The player's current skill range. It is calculated using the formula: 100.0 * Kills / (Kills + Deaths) %next_skill% - The name of the player's next skill. %next_skill_range% - The range needed to reach the next skill. %minutes% - The minutes the player has spent on the server in one session. %seconds% - The seconds the player has spent on the server in one session. %newline% - Adds a new line. The order in which placeholders are used does not matter. The maximum HUD length is 512 characters. If the player dies, the information switches to display the stats of the observed player. ❯ Stats Viewer: The system includes a menu for viewing the statistics of other players currently in the server. When you click on a specific player, the Rank Stats MOTD screen for that player opens. You can sort players in the menu by XP, Kills, MVP, Rounds Won, Bombs Planted, Bombs Exploded, Bombs Defused, Time Played, and Skill. ❯ Settings: As mentioned in the description, the system includes a configuration file for easy customization of all features. Within the file, you’ll find various sections, each containing settings related to the respective feature. Below is the list of all sections, their settings, default values, and descriptions: [Settings] The default language for MOTD screens. Available languages: en (English), de (German), sr (Serbian), tr (Turkish), fr (French), sv (Swedish), da (Danish), pl (Polish), nl (Dutch), es (Spanish), bp (Brazilian Portuguese), cz (Czech), fi (Finnish), bg (Bulgarian), ro (Romanian), hu (Hungarian), lt (Lithuanian), sk (Slovak), mk (Macedonian), hr (Croatian), bs (Bosnian), ru (Russian), cn (Simplified Chinese), al (Albanian), pt (European Portuguese) If left empty, the default language will be the one set by the player via amx_langmenu. MOTD_LANGUAGE = The save type for player data. (0 = save by name | 1 = save by IP | 2 = save by SteamID) SAVE_TYPE = 2 When to save player stats. (0 = save at the start of each new round | 1 = save at the end of each map) Any value greater than 1 will save stats every X minutes, as determined by the set value. SAVE_INTERVAL = 0 Chat prefix for every message. ($1 = normal color, $3 = team color, $4 = green color) CHAT_PREFIX = $3[$4Rank System Ultimate$3]$1 Show rank information for the player at the start of each round, such as rank changes or if they entered/left the Top 15. RANK_INFO = 1 Enable/Disable ranking for bots. RANK_BOTS = 1 Time a player is considered "new" to the server (in seconds). TIME_NEW = 7200 Default sorting criteria for Top 15 players. The first value determines the default sorting criteria (0 = XP, 1 = Name, 2 = Kills, etc.). The second value specifies which weapon to display stats for by default (e.g., 0 = Knife, 1 = Glock18, etc.). DEFAULT_ORDER = 13 0 If greater than 0, players won’t earn XP unless 'X' number of players are connected to the server. MINIMUM_PLAYERS = Which teams receive XP. (0/empty = all teams | 1 = terrorists only | 2 = CT only | 3 = spectators only) TEAM_SET = HUD rank status type, if enabled. (0 = HUD | 1 = DHUD) HUD_TYPE = 0 HUD rank status information for the player. HUD_INFO = Name: %name% %newline%Level: %level% / %max_levels% %newline%XP: %xp% / %next_xp% (%xp_percent%%%) %newline%Rank: %rank% %newline%Server Rank: %server_rank% / %max_server_ranks% %newline%Skill: [%skill% %skill_range%] HUD rank status for players at the maximum level. HUD_INFO_MAX = Name: %name% %newline%Level: %level% %newline%XP: %xp% %newline%Rank: %rank% %newline%Server Rank: %server_rank% / %max_server_ranks% %newline%Skill: [%skill% %skill_range%] HUD values (red, green, blue, position X, position Y). HUD_VALUES = 0 255 -1 0.01 0.17 Message visibility when a player levels up or down. (0 = visible to all players | 1 = visible only to the player) LEVEL_MESSAGE_TYPE = 0 Screen effect for leveling up (red, green, blue, brightness, duration). LEVELUP_EFFECTS = 0 255 0 75 1.0 Sound for leveling up. (empty = no sound) LEVELUP_SOUND = warcraft3/levelupcaster.wav Screen effect for leveling down (red, green, blue, brightness, duration). LEVELDN_EFFECTS = 255 0 0 75 1.0 Sound for leveling down. (empty = no sound) LEVELDN_SOUND = warcraft3/purgetarget1.wav Assist values, including minimum damage for an assist to count, monetary reward for assists, and whether assists count as a frag. ASSIST_VALUES = 40 100 1 Enable/Disable HUD for receiving XP. XP_HUD_ENABLE = 1 Enable/Disable HUD for receiving team XP. XP_HUD_TEAM_ENABLE = 1 Type of HUD for receiving XP, if enabled. (0 = HUD | 1 = DHUD) XP_HUD_TYPE = 1 Type of HUD for receiving team XP, if enabled. (0 = HUD | 1 = DHUD) XP_HUD_TEAM_TYPE = 1 Message displayed when XP is received. XP_HUD_GET = +%xp% XP Message displayed when team XP is received. XP_HUD_TEAM_GET = +%xp% Team XP Message displayed when XP is lost. XP_HUD_LOSE = -%xp% XP Message displayed when team XP is lost. XP_HUD_TEAM_LOSE = -%xp% Team XP HUD message values for XP notifications (red, green, blue, position X, position Y, effects (0 = none | 1 = blinking | 2 = typing), duration). XP_HUD_VALUES = 0 255 255 0.85 0.70 0 1.0 HUD message values for team XP notifications (red, green, blue, position X, position Y, effects (0 = none | 1 = blinking | 2 = typing), duration). XP_HUD_TEAM_VALUES = 0 255 255 0.85 0.75 0 1.0 Enable/Disable HUD notification for MVP. MVP_HUD_ENABLE = 1 Type of HUD notification for MVP, if enabled. (0 = HUD | 1 = DHUD) MVP_HUD_TYPE = 0 HUD message values for MVP notifications (red, green, blue, position X, position Y). MVP_HUD_VALUES = 150 150 150 -1.0 0.15 [Commands] Commands to open the Rank Stats MOTD. STATS_COMMANDS = say /statsme, say_team /statsme, say /rankstats, say_team /rankstats Commands to open the Stats Viewer menu. STATSVIEWER_COMMANDS = say /stats, say_team /stats, say /statslist, say_team /statslist, say /statsviewer, say_team /statsviewer, say /sw, say_team /sw Commands to display the player’s XP info in chat. XP_COMMANDS = say /xp, say_team /xp, say /level, say_team /level Commands to display the player’s rank info in chat. RANK_COMMANDS = say /rank, say_team /rank, say /skill, say_team /skill Commands to enable/disable the HUD rank status. HUDINFO_COMMANDS = say /hudinfo, say_team /hudinfo Commands to enable/disable the rank info message at spawn. RANKINFO_COMMANDS = say /rankinfo, say_team /rankinfo [Ranks] In this section, you can add your custom ranks. Usage: Rank Name = XP Needed The number of ranks you can add is unlimited. n/a = Silver I = 150 Silver II = 300 Silver III = 500 Silver IV = 750 Silver Elite = 1000 Silver Elite Master = 1500 Gold Nova I = 2000 Gold Nova II = 3000 Gold Nova III = 5000 Gold Nova Master = 7000 Master Guardian = 10000 Master Guardian II = 12500 Master Guardian Elite = 15000 Distinguished Master Guardian = 20000 Legendary Eagle = 30000 Legendary Eagle Master = 50000 Supreme Master First Class = 75000 Global Elite = 100000 [Skills] In this section, you can define custom skills. Usage: Skill Name = Required Range The skill range is calculated using the ELO formula. The number of skills you can add is unlimited. Adding the symbol * after a skill will make it the default skill for new players. L- = 0.00 L = 60.00 L+ = 75.00 M- = 85.00 M = 100.00 * M+ = 115.00 H- = 130.00 H = 140.00 H+ = 150.00 P- = 165.00 P = 180.00 P+ = 195.00 G = 210.00 [XP Rewards] Here, you define XP rewards. List of keywords: kill, death, headshot, assist, blind, bomb_plant, bomb_defuse, bomb_explode, team_kill, suicide, t_win, ct_win, t_lose, ct_lose, vip, vip_flags, weapon name (knife, usp, ak47, etc.), mvp, hostage_not_rescued, vip_assassinated, vip_not_escaped, all_hostages_rescued, vip_escaped, hostage_took, hostage_rescued, hostage_damaged, hostage_killed, vip_killed Usage: keyword = 'XP' 'Team XP'. For example: bomb defuse = 10 20 will give the player 30 XP (10 + 20) for defusing the bomb, plus 20 team XP. Team XP is optional. The values for headshot, blind, and weapon name are added to the kill value. Example: kill = 5, headshot = 3, and blind = 2 will grant 10 XP for a headshot while blinded. The vip keyword value is added to all other keywords. kill = 5 headshot = 3 assist = 2 blind = 2 knife = 5 grenade = 8 bomb_plant = 10 3 bomb_defuse = 15 5 bomb_explode = 10 3 team_kill = -7 suicide = -10 vip = 2 vip_flags = r ❯ Admin Commands: The system includes three admin commands, all of which require the ADMIN_RCON flag for access. rsu_give_xp <name|#userid> <value> -- Grants XP to the specified player. rsu_reset_stats <name|#userid|@all> <stats> -- Resets the specified player’s statistics. Using @all will reset the chosen statistics for all players in the database. List of available statistics: all, xp, kills, assists, deaths, headshots, planted, defused, exploded, roundswon, mvp, shots, hits, damage, playedtime Multiple statistics can be separated using the '|' character. Example: rsu_reset_stats Tornado_SW xp|headshots|mvp|playedtime say/say_team /rsuedit -- Opens the menu for customizing MOTD screens. ❯ API: The system includes its own library, ranksultimate.inc, which can be used to create sub-plugins. Below is an example of a simple sub-plugin that gives +15 XP to a player and +5 XP to the team (if CT) for each hit they make: #include <amxmodx> #include <hamsandwich> #include <ranksultimate> public plugin_init() { RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "hamDamage") } public hamDamage(iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:flDamage, iDmgBits) { if(!is_user_connected(iVictim) || !is_user_connected(iAttacker) || iAttacker == iVictim || get_user_team(iAttacker) == get_user_team(iVictim)) { return } rsu_give_user_xp(iAttacker, 15) rsu_give_team_xp(2, 5) } Here is a list of available natives: rsu_user_level_updated(index, level, bool:levelup) -- Triggered when a client’s level changes. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @parameter level -- The new level. @parameter levelup -- True if the client levels up, false if they level down. @returns nothing rsu_user_xp_updated(index, xp, bool:teamxp) -- Triggered when a client’s XP changes. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @parameter xp -- The XP value. @parameter teamxp -- True if the XP is team-based, false otherwise. @returns nothing rsu_get_user_xp(index) -- Returns the client’s current XP. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The client’s current XP. rsu_get_user_xp_percent(index) -- Returns the client’s current XP as a percentage. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The client’s XP percentage. rsu_get_user_next_xp(index) -- Returns the XP needed for the client’s next rank. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The required XP for the next rank. rsu_get_xp_for_level(level) -- Returns the XP required for a specific level. @parameter level -- The level. @returns -- The XP required for the specified level. rsu_get_user_level(index) -- Returns the client’s current level. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The client’s current level. rsu_get_user_kills(index) -- Returns the client’s total kills. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The client’s total kills. rsu_get_user_deaths(index) -- Returns the client’s total deaths. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The client’s total deaths. rsu_get_user_headshots(index) -- Returns the client’s total headshots. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The client’s total headshots. rsu_get_user_assists(index) -- Returns the client’s total assists. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The client’s total assists. rsu_get_user_shots(index) -- Returns the total number of shots fired by the client. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The client’s total shots fired. rsu_get_user_hits(index) -- Returns the total number of hits made by the client. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The client’s total hits. rsu_get_user_damage(index) -- Returns the total damage dealt by the client. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The total damage dealt by the client. rsu_get_user_mvp(index) -- Returns the total number of MVPs achieved by the client. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The client’s total MVP count. rsu_get_user_rounds_won(index) -- Returns the total number of rounds won by the client. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The client’s total rounds won. rsu_get_user_bombs_planted(index) -- Returns the total number of bombs planted by the client. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The total bombs planted by the client. rsu_get_user_bombs_exploded(index) -- Returns the total number of bombs exploded by the client. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The total bombs exploded by the client. rsu_get_user_bombs_defused(index) -- Returns the total number of bombs defused by the client. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The total bombs defused by the client. rsu_get_user_played_time(index) -- Returns the total time the client has spent in the server. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The total time spent by the client in seconds. rsu_get_rank_by_level(level, buffer[], length) -- Returns the name of the rank corresponding to a specific level. @parameter level -- The level. @parameter buffer -- Buffer to store the rank name. @parameter length -- Maximum length of the buffer. @returns nothing rsu_get_user_rank(index, buffer[], length) -- Returns the current rank name of the client. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @parameter buffer -- Buffer to store the rank name. @parameter length -- Maximum length of the buffer. @returns nothing rsu_get_user_skill(index, buffer[], length) -- Returns the current skill name of the client. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @parameter buffer -- Buffer to store the skill name. @parameter length -- Maximum length of the buffer. @returns nothing rsu_get_user_skill_range(index) -- Returns the skill range of the client as a float value. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The client’s skill range. rsu_get_user_server_rank(index) -- Returns the client’s rank in the server. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @returns -- The client’s rank in the server. rsu_get_max_levels() -- Returns the maximum number of levels available. @returns -- The maximum number of levels. rsu_get_max_server_ranks() -- Returns the maximum number of ranks in the server. @returns -- The maximum number of ranks in the server. rsu_give_user_xp(index, value = 0) -- Grants a specific amount of XP to the client. @parameter index -- The client’s index. @parameter value -- The amount of XP to grant. @returns -- The value of the granted XP. rsu_give_team_xp(team, value = 0) -- Grants a specific amount of XP to a specific team. @parameter team -- The team (0 = none, 1 = terrorists, 2 = counter-terrorists, 3 = spectators). @parameter value -- The amount of XP to grant. @returns -- The value of the granted XP. List of sub-plugins available for use. ❯ Price: €25 What are the prerequisites before purchasing? The IP of your server, necessary for protecting the system to work only on that IP. FTP details for your server to access the SQLite table, which will be automatically created by the rank system. AMX MOD X 1.9+ ReHLDS 3.12+ ReAPI and ReGameDLL versions matching that of ReHLDS What will I receive after purchasing? The main configuration file rank_system_ultimate.ini and the MOTD customization file rsu_edit.ini. The language file rank_system_ultimate.txt, translated into all languages supported by CS 1.6. The curl module, required for displaying player icons and Steam profiles in MOTD screens. The plugin rank_system_ultimate.amxx, protected to run only on your server’s IP. Note that obtaining the plugin for more than one of your IPs will not incur additional costs. The library ranksultimate.inc, useful for creating your own sub-plugins. How to install? Installation is very simple. Just follow these three steps: Extract all files from the archive into the addons/amxmodx directory. Add curl on a new line in addons/amxmodx/configs/modules.ini. Move the metamod plugin reunion to the top of addons/metamod/plugins.ini. Payment is exclusively via PayPal. The payment includes FULL SUPPORT for the plugin and FREE future updates. For orders, you can contact me: Here on the forum via private message. On Discord: tornado_sw. On Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198118199437/1 point
Rejected Admin requests are closed at the moment and will be announced when it's opened again T/C1 point
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Rejected Admin requests are now closed, check back later on when its announced here + on discord when it opens again1 point
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