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  1. [EN] Before posting a topic make sure to read the rules carefully so you won't be warned or punished by STAFF community! Rules: Before posting any topic in this section make sure to see if the topic was already posted, otherwise your topic will be hidden. It is allowed to post only 1 Politics / Economics topic at every 24 hours. The Politics / Economics topic should not contain innapropriate images / scenes (sex, pornography, violence, 18+, etc.) If you will publish more than 2 Politic / Economics topic every 24 hours, you will be punished with Verbal Warning and after with warning points according with the rules of community. The Politics / Economics topic must be closed by a Moderator every 24 hours! Before posting use "Search" button to see if somebody already posted the topic. It is not allowed to respond on Politics / Economics topic with words like "great topic, good job, keep it up, beautiful topic, etc." It is forbidden to publish about piracy or warez! The title must be ''Quality'', to gather the audience. Moderators/Journalists must review before approving a topic at this section. Moderators/Journalists should hide the Politic / Economic topic only if it's incorrect (talk with member afte you hide it so he must understand next time when he will post in this section). Your topic must contain atleast 1-2 photo/image, if not your topic will be be hidded by Moderators/Journalists. Put Link of the news that you got google mandatory, otherwise it will be hidden. ATTENTION! If you don't respect those rules you will get warning points on forum, read carefully before posting so you won't get warn! [RO] Înainte de a posta un subiect, asigurați-vă că citiți regulile cu atenție, astfel încât să nu fiți avertizat sau pedepsit de catre STAFF-ul comunitatii! Reguli: Înainte de a posta orice subiect în această secțiune, asigurați-vă că ați văzut dacă subiectul a fost deja postat, altfel subiectul dumneavoastra va fi ascuns. Este permisă postarea unui singur subiect de politică / economie la fiecare 24 ore. Subiectul Politică / Economie nu trebuie să conțină imagini / scene neadecvate (sex, pornografie, violență, peste 18 ani etc.) Dacă veți publica mai mult de 2 subiecte politice / economice la fiecare 24 ore, veți fi pedepsiți cu avertizare verbală și apoi cu puncte de avertizare conform regulilor comunității. Subiectul Politică / Economie trebuie închis de un Moderator la fiecare 24 ore! Înainte de postare, utilizați butonul „Căutare” pentru a vedea dacă cineva a postat deja subiectul. Nu este permis să răspundeți la subiectul Politică / Economie cu cuvinte precum „subiect grozav, treabă bună, țineți-o, subiect frumos etc.,, Este interzisă publicarea despre piraterie sau warez! Titlul trebuie să fie „Calitate”, pentru a aduna publicul. Moderatorii / Jurnaliștii trebuie să revizuiască înainte de a aproba un subiect in aceasta sectiune. Moderatorii / Jurnaliștii ar trebuii să ascundă subiectul Politic / Economic numai dacă este incorect (discutați cu membrul după ce îl ascundeți, astfel încât el să înțeleagă data viitoare când va posta în această secțiune). Topicul tau trebuie sa contina macar 1-2 imagini/poze, daca nu topicul dumneavoastra va primii hide de la Moderatori/Jurnalisti. Puneți linkul de știri că ați obținut google obligatoriu, altfel va fi ascuns. ATENŢIE! Dacă nu respectați aceste reguli, veți primi puncte de avertizare pe forum, citiți cu atenție înainte de a posta, astfel încât să nu primiți avertisment!
    1 point
  2. The IOM program has, since 2005, helped facilitate the deportation of more than 18,000 vulnerable migrants from Morocco. Rabat - Morocco deported a record 2,400 undocumented migrants in 2022 under the voluntary deportation program set in place in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM). According to an IOM report, the migrants who opted last year to return to their countries of origin included 1,443 men, 616 women, 207 boys, and 191 girls. The number of deportations spiked in 2022, almost a 300% increase from the 796 recorded in 2020, the statement noted. The rise in the number of assisted voluntary deportations is largely due to increased funds, allowing the program to cater to more applicants. The IOM report further signaled the lifting of COVID-imposed restrictions on mobility as a factor contributing to the rise in the number of deportations. Since 2005, the IOM has helped facilitate the deportation of more than 18,000 vulnerable migrants from Morocco. The program includes humanitarian aid to support migrants reintegrating into their communities, the report detailed. A little over 60% of the migrants surveyed said that they opted for the program because of the lack of financial resources and their inability to maintain adequate living conditions. In comparison, 15% said they had chosen to return to their home countries after they were unable to reach their destination country. Detailing the number of migrants by country, the report shows that the majority of migrants benefiting from the program are from Cote d’Ivoire with 657, followed by Guinea with 598. Moroccans deported back home At the end of 2022, 216 Moroccans benefited from the OIM international voluntary deportation program, with 193 men, 18 women, two girls, and three boys. OIM data indicates that the largest number of deportation cases were from Turkiye with 99, followed by Tunisia with 49, and Germany with 22. link: https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2023/03/354528/morocco-deported-record-2-400-undocumented-migrants-in-2022
    1 point
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