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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2015 in all areas

  1. Buna / Hello Streetzm.csblackdevil.com IP [ ] - we are selling now Server Averge: 28 Server current rank: 72 (pastmounth 19) gametracker link: http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Selling price: 200 Euros ( with addons +host ) Features of Zombie Plague 6.2 UltimateX We search people who can buy with 230 euros host+addons - don't waste time if you are not interested ! payment method ( Paypal / ) -----------ROMANIAN VERSION------------ Buna / Hello Streetzm.csblackdevil.com IP [ ] - vindem acum Server Averge : 28 Locul actual Server : 72 ( pastmounth 19 ) Link gametracker : http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Pret vanzare : 200 de euro ( cu addons + gazdă ) Server Page: GameTracker / Twitter / Facebook / Steam Features of Zombie Plague 6.2 UltimateX Cautam oameni care pot cumpara cu 230 de euro gazdă + addons - nu pierde timpul dacă nu sunteți interesat ! metoda de plata ( Paypal / ) Contact Infor[CENSORED]on: Steam:http://steamcommunity.com/id/javedcsbd/ / Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/doribush Skype: Night.Official / Skype: Dori.Bushi Yahoo: Nightcsbd@yahoo.com
    4 points
  2. Wellcome to CsBlackDevil Community hope you enjoy you'r stay with us ! PS: and you'r old member of CSBD but you made now!
    2 points
  3. 1. Color, Fire, Snow, Water 2. Border 3. Explosion
    2 points
  4. For People Romantic xD :DD Very good Song
    2 points
  5. ø Produs oferit: Cont steam [ http://steamcommunity.com/id/staRcristIY ] [ fara itemele din inventar ] ø Detali produs:Contul este impecabil, fara vac ban sau altele. Pe steam am si euro truck simulator 2, va dau si contul de ets2 mp [ contul de joc/site ] ø Preț: --- ø Produsul dorit:Licenta garry's mod si alte iteme [ cartonase/iteme cs:go ] Adaug : PaySafe 10 $ ø Detalii produs:---- ø Contact: pm aici sau add cristy.dnd [skype] ø Imagini: http://steamcommunity.com/id/staRcristIY Daca doriti sa facem schimb, va arat contul pe skype 1. Nu intru cu Tw la voi. 2. Nu dau primul in niciun caz. 3. Nu da-ti add daca nu aveti ce am cerut
    1 point
  6. Name of the oponent: Freak' Theme of work: http://i57.tinypic.com/vnh8q0.jpg Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): signature Size:450x225 Text: Fight Watermark: CSBLACKDEVIL Working time: 24h
    1 point
  7. Nu recomand. 1. Gift CS Complete 10 e ? Să fim serioși... 2. Nu cred ca poza de mai sus este de la profilul tau, si mă refer la acest profil. Demonstreaza-ne ca acel inventar este detinut de tine
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. ¤ Name in game : Ali-KhaN ¤ Age : 16 ¤ Name : Ali ¤ City : Hyderabad ¤ County : Jeay Sindh ¤ Country : Pakistan ¤ Favorite Games : Cs1.6 ¤ A short description about you :nothhg ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : Through Some Freinds and Server's ¤ Server preferred ( server only from community ! ) :-- ¤ A picture of you ( if you already have one and want to post ):--
    1 point
  10. Welcome To CsBlackDevil Enjoy Your Stay Have Fun
    1 point
  11. Welcome to CSBD have fun
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Description of the problem: need more effects like blue flame , etc. Photos: http://i.imgur.com/rTA5VdC.gif Other details: give me link of all effects of ps if possible. It will be very grateful of u
    1 point
  14. Hello Open effect on ps cs6. Select all layers. Then group all layers. Place the image on the effect. Select screen mode. Crop the image as u want. Then save for web .
    1 point
  15. deci daca te intereseaza pot sa til gazduesc eu mai departe lasi pm daca esti interesat !
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. That last person he leave his car on the road to give him a hug Later when that person who was blind folded he will see this video he will have to much respect for that person Not all people are bad Bad people are everywhere and in every religion Give as respect We will give you respect #RESPECT
    1 point
  18. "Islam means Peace." We wish to break down barriers and spread awareness about Islamophobia, encourage Muslims to behave as the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us in kindness and good manners, to teach both extremist muslims and non muslims that violence and terrorism is NOT islam, and we urge non-Muslims to learn about the true Islam. Pick up a Quran and learn for yourselves the truth. People may interpret any faith in how they choose to perceive it, but the Quran is the only unaltered message/scripture. "We have believed in Allah and in what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Descendants, and in what was given to Moses and Jesus and to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims [submitting] to Him." (Quran 3:84) #Muslim_and_Proud
    1 point
  19. Select line tool Create a line by pressing shift Go to Fliter - Blur - Motion Blur Angle: if you want horizontal line, select 0, or if you want vertical line, select 90. At distance, select how you want it.
    1 point
  20. Parerea mea sincera, este singura comunitate unde ma simt ca "acasa", mai ales fiind si membru din 19 iunie 2013, pana in momentul de fata m-am simtit bine pe aceasta comunitate. De ce bin si nu foarte bine, este o mica problema cu staff-ul, unii nu isi merita gradul deloc, altii chiar isi bat joc de responsabilitatiile care le au, pe scurt ei cred ca daca au grad sunt mai presus decat ceilalti, si asta nu este adevarat, toti ar trebui sa fim egali, bine helper, moderator, super-moderator, administrator este mai sus decat un simplu membru, dar sa nu isi ia lumea in cap. De admini care nu merita acest grad nu pot zice, pot vedea si ei acest lucru. In general, ca comunitate merge destul de bin, ar mai trebuie sa aducem fiecare membrii noi pentru a po[CENSORED] teamspeak, forum etc. Sper ca nu am suparat pe nimeni, dar nu sunt genul de persoana "omul care linge unde a scuipat" sa nu zic celalalt proverb, nu stau sa zic minciuni, zic adevarul pe fata. Mult succes cu comunitatea si la mai mult !!!
    1 point
  21. Steav is very romantic guy hhh xd
    1 point
  22. Moderators ; Super-Moderators & Administrators , are doing an amazing job ; helping member , managers , etc... i've liked the community , Thank you STAFF for your hard work ! #RESPECT
    1 point
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