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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2014 in all areas

  1. ¤ Nume în joc: Jannicke <GeO> ¤ Vârsta: 25 ani ¤ Nume: Topea Georgiana ¤ Oraș: Rolvsøy ¤ Județ: Fredrikstad ¤ Țară: Norvegia ¤ Jocuri preferate: CS 1.6, Fifa, Need For Speed ¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine: O fata cuminte la locul meu, pasionata de fotografiat, gatit si muzica. ¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil: De la dudu ¤ Server preferat (server doar din comunitate!): Heroes.csblackdevil.com ¤ O poză cu tine (în cazul în care ai deja una și vrei să o postezi): Am la avatar
    3 points
  2. I am willing to create a new game modification. I would like you to help recommending me some of the features listed below. 1. A game modification name such ("Zombie Plague"), ("Zombie Outstanding") or ("Zombie Swarm"). Anything unique is appreciated.2. A list of extra items you'd appreciate. For Zombies, Survivors, Humans, Nemesis, Assassins and Snipers.3. A list of zombie classes you'd like. Also including their special effects, speed, gravity and so on...4. The color of the menus and chat messages. A menu might contain Red, White, Yellow and Gray. Chat colors are Red, Blue, Gray, Normal or Team-Color.5. A list of the V.I.P. features. Multiple Jumps, Unlimited Clip and so on...6. The admin and the V.I.P. levels. How 'd their names look like? Also, I'd like to do it multilingual. If someone might translate from English to Spanish, Russian, German, French, Portuguese or Italian, I'd appreciate. Any other suggestion is welcomed. This should be done this year. I can't say anything about the month. Thank you.
    1 point
  3. Joc: CS 1.6 Nume dorit (Nume.CsBlackDevil.Com): highlifezm.CsBlackDevil.Com Numar de sloturi: 32 Oferta gazduire: (Krond Premium / Special Offer): Krond Mod de joc: Zombie Plague/ Zombie OutStanding Contact proprietar, administrator ( Y!M / Skype): y!m best_extream ; skype vanea432 Caut: O persoană matură care este dispusă să contribuie la plata hosting-ului. Detalii : Serveru pina pe data de 16 va fi procurat , si un saptaminal de la csdb-boost , Va rog mult cei care nu sunt interesanti sau care naveti un ban in buzunar si umblati cu tepele pentru a face niste euro de boosturi sau host nu va bagati , deoarece m-am saturat sa deschid sute de servere si sa nu ajung cu macar unu sus undeva , vreau ceva bun de data asta si cu existenta a serverului pe mult timp Va multumesc la toti pentru atentia si ajutorul acordat. Caut: 2 Fondatori care sa contribuie la plata hostului [10 euro paypal ] 4 Owneri care sa ma ajute la inceput 1/2 luni [5 euro] 3-4 Co-Owneri care sa se ocupe cu poularea sv [aducerea playerilor , donatii boost 1,2,3 euro] Ofer: Fondator :Acces ftp+Manager Cs 1.6 Owner : Acces user.ini+Manager Cs 1.6 Co-Owner : Manager Cs 1.6[daca vrea] MODEL : Nume : Prenume : Varsta[peste16 ani]: CNP Primele 3 cifre : Experienta : Grad: Cat Donati : Id : Daca e vorba de outstanding va fi pe baza mysql bazat pe site rank top15 si admins
    1 point
  4. Vreau sa-ti aduc la cunostinta ca modul Zombie Plague 6.2 este strict interzis pe aceasta comunitate. Mr.Love: " Datorita evenimentelor intamplate in decursul primei jumati a acestui an 2014, am hotarat, ca addons-urile Zombie Plague 6.0 / 6.2 marca [dvl]aditza ( twixq), sa fiestrict interzise pe serverele din comunitatea CsBlackDevil. Fac exceptie serverele ce detin asemenea addonsuri, de dinaintea postarii acestei prevederi, si anume: - ZmOldSchool.CsBlackDevil.Com - ThunderZm.CsBlackDevil.Com - WalkingDead.CsBlackDevil.Com - NewSchool.CsblackDevil.Com - ShadowsZm.CsBlackDevil.Com Orice incalcare a prevederii va fi sanctionata." Cu stima, staff-ul CSBD
    1 point
  5. Astazi, 10/9/2014, este ziua in care designerul nostru drag si in acelasi timp si moderator isi sarbatoreste ziua de nastere ! La multi ani dev ! Iti doresc multa sanatate, fericire in familie alaturi de cei dragi si toate visele ( in photoshop ) sa ti se implineasca. EN:
    1 point
  6. La multi ani Happy birthday Feliz cumpleanos Parabens ))
    1 point
  7. Hey , Hattrick I hope you like my suggestion 1 - Mod Name "Zombie OutSeries" or "Zombie Fabolous" or "Zombie Miracolous" or "Zombie Paranormal" or "Zombie AbNormal" 2- Extra Items Nades - 1 Explode. 2 Fire. 3 Frost. KillBomb (For humans) = 42 Ammo Classic Diffrent Weapons Jetpack + Bazooka Ammo & Damage (in Hud + Chat) = 30 Ammo Multijump x2 = 10 Ammo Unlimited Clip = 10 Ammo Armor + HP (100 Ap) (20 HP) = 8 Ammo Armor + HP (200 Ap) (50 HP) = 12 Ammo Tryder ("with 666 Ap + 666 HP + 6 Weapons") = 32 Ammo Golden Ak47 = 42 Ammo Golden CrossBow = 35 Ammo Trip Mine ( Ammo + Damage , Hud + chat ) = 6 Ammo Buy Survivor (Give Automaticly 1 tripmine + 3 weapons "remove Jetpack if have" ) = 180 Ammo Buy Nemesis = 140 Ammo Buy Sniper (Special Skin "like alpine snipers skin" special Weapon skin + silenciator ) = 165 Ammo Buy Assassin = 150 Ammo Extra Zombie team Antidote (same) Madnnes (same) Infection Bomb (same + limited 4 in 1 Round) = 26 Ammo Knife Blinks (+ 5 blinks) = 10 Ammo Buy 3 Blinks ( when 1 zombie buy this , gives all zombies +3 Blinks) = 40 Ammo Blow Scream (Zombie make a blow + "Scream Sound" + effect Glow in Yellow with Radius damage +ammo + when blows humans got away with a ScreenShake "like tripmine explode" ) 3 = Shop Menu (with "Ammo Packs" only cmd /shop) God Mode = 150 Ammo (deactivated in Armagedon ) Double Damage = 60 Ammo Buy Admin Model = 890 Ammo Server Slot = 300 Ammo +1,000 HP = 45 Ammo +2,000 HP = 65 Ammo Aramgedon Round = 130 Ammo 4 - Zombie Classes (removed raptor class & addet Smoker -> effects Below) Classic (same Details liek outstanding) Mutant (same) Pretador 4 (same) Frozen (2 Jumps) Regenerator ( regeneration Hud + Effects same ) Smoker (Hp & Grav & Speed same as raptor + Effects = "when infect 1 human blows a little bit white smoke around + White Glow when infect someone) Abillity 3 have 3 Knife blinks. Hunter (same) 5 - Game mode plays (Removed Assassin & Snipers , Addet Apocalypse Round) Normal Infection Nemesis (same) Survivor ( 3 guns + 1 Tripmine "if have jetpack automatic remove" ) Sniper ( Special Skin "like alpine snipers skin" special Sniper gun Skin + option silenctiator + 1 Tripmine ) Assassin (same) Swarm Multi Plague Armagedon Nightmare Apocalypse ( this makes with equal percentages "Snipers & Survivors & Assassins & Nemesis & Humans & Zombies) 6 - V.I.P Features (Add Accses for Give 3 Nades every 20 seconds) 300 Hp Acces "H" VIP Model Access "M" 50 Ap Access "A" Increased Damage Access "D" Multijump x3 Access "J" Unlimited Clip Accses "U" 3 Nades Every 20 Sec Accses "N" Show Spec (Gold Member @) Acces "G" 7 = Messages HUD and Chat Every Item Bought Show Message who Bought in HUD ! Advertising HUD & Chat messages like Outstanding 8 = Admin Tag's Add Option to make Tags With ColorChat like this [ CsBlackDevil ]
    1 point
  8. hey hattrick "ZOMBIE PLAGUE 7.0 "Survivor" not only for VIPS . When someone buy or get free mod Survivor " Receive this new iteams " 2 Jumps 'x" 2 laser mines "double Damge " Sniper you can change the Sniper Skin into any horror skin. with some blood. when someone buy or get free mod of Sniper " Receive this New Items " 2 .Jumps and damge 9000 " 1 bullet and zombie dead. High Speed. Plague Mode Zombie Get fast speed. ( human have free jets ) Zombie get the smoker catch System Zombie receive the Health on 20 Sec on all classes. "Zombie Mod Should zombie win it so Plague round can be for only zombies win and the Humans if are to much (skilled/Pro ) They can also win with thems owns skills. and chat Colore Red ( Zombie Plague Round Red Chat ) Swarm Mode ( yellow Chat ) maybe its usefull for u and maybe not just tryied to help u nothing more else bfl
    1 point
  9. Hacking Internet of Things (IoTs) have become an amazing practice for cyber criminals out there, but messing with Traffic lights would be something more crazy for them. The hacking scenes in hollywood movies has just been a source of entertainment for the technology industry, like we've seen traffic lights hacked in Die Hard and The Italian Job, but these movies always inspire hackers to perform similar hacking attacks in day-to-day life. Security researchers at the University of Michigan have not only hacked traffic light signals in real life, but also claimed that it’s actually shockingly easy to perform by anyone with a laptop and the right kind of radio. If we compare the traffic light hacks in movies and real life, the reality is much easier. In a paper study published this month, the security researchers describe how a series of major security vulnerabilities in traffic light systems allowed them to very easily and very quickly seized control of the whole system of at least 100 traffic signals in an unnamed Michigan city from a single point of access. Researchers took permission from a local road agency before performing the hack, but they did not disclose exactly where in Michigan they did their research. ‟Our attacks show that an adversary can control traffic infrastructure to cause disruption, degrade safety, or gain an unfair advantage,” the paper explained. SECURITY HOLES IN TRAFFIC LIGHT SYSTEMS The team, led by University of Michigan computer scientist J. Alex Halderman, said that the networked traffic systems are left vulnerable to three major weaknesses: unencrypted radio signals, the use of factory-default usernames and passwords, and a debugging port that is easy to attack This left the network accessible to everyone from cyber criminals to young hackers. traffic light hacking “The vulnerabilities we discover in the infrastructure are not a fault of any one device or design choice, but rather show a systemic lack of security consciousness,” the researchers report in a paper. In an effort to save on installation costs and increase flexibility, the traffic light system makes use of wireless radio signals rather than dedicated physical networking links for its communication infrastructure - this hole was exploited by the researchers. Surprisingly, more than 40 states currently use such systems to keep traffic flowing as efficiently as possible. “The safety critical nature of traffic infrastructure requires that it be secure against computer-based attacks, but this is not always the case,” the team said. “We investigate a networked traffic signal system currently deployed in the United States and discover a number of security flaws that exist due to systemic failures by the designers. We leveraged these flaws to create attacks which gain control of the system, and we successfully demonstrate them on the deployment.” WIRELESS SECURITY IN QUESTIONS The Traffic light systems use a combination of 5.8GHz and 900MHz radio signals, depending on the conditions at each intersection, for wireless communication in point-to-point or point-to-multipoint configurations. The 900MHz links use "a proprietary protocol with frequency hopping spread-spectrum (FHSS)," but the 5.8GHz version of the proprietary protocol isn't terribly different from 802.11n. The researchers says that anyone with a laptop and a wireless card operating on the same frequency as the wirelessly networked traffic light — in this case, 5.8 gigahertz — could access the entire unencrypted network. DEBUG PORT Now, after gaining access, next was to communicate with one of the controllers in their target network. This was done very easily due to the fact that this system’s the control boxes run VxWorks 5.5, a version which by default gets built from source with a debug port left accessible for testing. “By sniffing packets sent between the controller and this program, we discovered that communication to the controller is not encrypted, requires no authentication, and is replayable. Using this information, we were then able to reverse engineer parts of the communication structure,” the paper reads. “Various command packets only differ in the last byte, allowing an attacker to easily determine remaining commands once one has been discovered. We created a program that allows a user to activate any button on the controller and then displays the results to the user. We also created a library of commands which enable scriptable attacks. We tested this code in the field and were able to access the controller remotely.” This debug port allowed researchers to successfully turned all lights red or alter the timing of neighboring intersections — for example, to make sure someone hit all green lights on a given route. More worrying part is the ability of a cyber criminal to perform denial-of-service (DoS) attack on controlled intersections by triggering each intersection’s malfunction management unit by attempting invalid configurations, which would put the lights into a failure mode. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM At last, the team called for manufacturers and operators to improve the security of traffic infrastructure. It recommended that the traffic-system administrators should not use default usernames and passwords, as well as they should stop broadcasting communications unencrypted for “casual observers and curious teenagers” to see. "While traffic control systems may be built to fail into a safe state, we have shown that they are not safe from attacks by a determined adversary," the paper concluded. Moreover, they also warned that devices like voting machines and even connected cars could suffer similar attacks.
    1 point
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