De ceva timp m-am tot gandit sa deschid acest topic , dar nu am gasit momentul. Plecand de la premiza ca toti suntem oameni si ca inafara de gaming avem in comun si probleme reale de diverse tipuri , acest topic se adreseaza acelora ce trec printr-o problema emotionala sau de orice alt motiv. Sunt momente cand ai nevoie de un sfat si nu ai de unde sa il primesti. Cere-ne parerea si poate vei primii sfatul ce va aduce rezolvarea corecta.
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For some time I have been thinking to open this topic, but I have not found the time. Starting from the premise that we are all people and that we have in common besides gaming and real problems of various types, this topic is for those who are going through emotional problems or any other reason. There are times when you need advice and you do not where to get it. Ask our opinion and maybe you will get advice that will make the correct resolution.
Not supported jokes , useless posts will be reported as Post-Hunt