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The 2015 Midwinter reboot is a open world, first person, action role playing game with strategy elements. Release Date :2015 About Game: First released in 1989, Midwinter was created by pioneering British game designer Mike Singleton, who died in 2012. The new Midwinter project has the full support of the Singleton family, and includes key members of the original development team. Original Midwinter programmer and industry veteran Dave Gautrey is the technical lead on the game, using the original game code and design documents as a foundation. Games journalist, scriptwriter and author Dan Whitehead has taken on the creative lead role, responsible for narrative design and gameplay. Chilli Hugger founder Chris Wild, developer of the iOS remake of Singleton’s The Lords of Midnight, is overseeing the project. January 2014 pre Alpha landscape test Midwinter has been in pre-production throughout 2013 and will enter the next stage of development with a Kickstarter campaign in early 2014. Screen Shots: Game Trailer: under realse date System Requirements Minimum Recommended OS: Windows® Windows Vista (SP2) / Windows 7 (SP1) / Windows 8 OS: Windows 7 (SP1) 64bit / Windows 8 64-bit CPU: Intel Core2 Duo/AMD Athlon 64 X2 @3GHz, Intel Core i5 @2.4GHz CPU: Quad core CPU @3GHz RAM: 4 GB RAM: 8 GB GPU: DirectX 10–compliant, 512 MB VRAM GPU: Radeon 7900 Series / GeForce GTX 670, >2GB VRAM DirectX: 10 DirectX: 11 Free Disk Space: 20 GB Free Disk Space: 20 GB Sound: DirectX® 10–compliant Sound: DirectX® 10–compliant [Note] this post will be moved to > Gaming Preview > Strategy [Topic has been edit by Javed ]4 points
An online-only open-world shooter-RPG from Ubisoft Massive, coming to PS4 and Xbone in 2014. A PC version was also mentioned by the game's executive producer Fredrik Rundqvist, but has not been openly confirmed yet by marketing. Release Date: 2015 About Game: Overview In a [CENSORED]ure setting wracked by disease and the downfall of civilization due to man's hubris and inhumanity to man, players work together to shoot people and explore [CENSORED]ure New York City. Gameplay While console players can play as a variety of humans with guns and explosive devices (some of which roll), tablet players can control drones that rain down fire on the enemy. Players can view a holographic map, skill points, loadouts, and mission information from computers worn on their characters' wrists. Story The Division will not have a story-based singleplayer mode, but instead a story will be fully integrated with the game's online experience. Game Trailer: System Requirments Minimum Requirements Core 2 Duo E6700 2.66GHz Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 6000+ GD CPU hardware score: 5 Login GeForce GTS 450 Radeon R7 250 2GB GDDR5 GD GPU hardware score: 7 3 GB GD RAM hardware score: 5 Win Vista 32 DX 11 20 GB FPS GD Adjusted Requirements Core i3-530 2.9GHz Athlon II X3 440 GD CPU hardware score: 6 GeForce GTX 470 Radeon R7 260X GD GPU hardware score: 9 4 GB GD RAM hardware score: 6 Win Vista 64 DX 11 20 GB FPS Predicted Requirements Core i5-4430 3.0GHz Phenom II X6 1100T GD CPU hardware score: 9 GeForce GTX 760 Radeon R9 280 GD GPU hardware score: 10 6 GB GD RAM hardware score: 8 Win 7 64 DX 11 20 GB FPS Game Trailer:4 points
¤ Name in game : KeNLoZeR ¤ Age : 18 ¤ Name : Tom ¤ City : Ro ¤ County : Romania ¤ Country : From Romania ¤ Favorite Games : All Games ¤ A short description about you : - ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : Best - ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : i am New ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): - New Note : You Will Find me a Good I was looking for a good society, such as -> CsBLackDevil3 points
Crytek UK's sequel to Kaos Studios' 2011 shooter moves to an open-world structure, dropping the player into Korean-occupied Philadelphia as a resistance fighter. Screen Shots: Full of Action Game Trailer: Minimum System Requirements: Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 2.66GHz AMD Phenom 8750 Triple-Core Nvidia Geforce GTX 460 AMD Radeon HD 5870 1024MB 6GB RAM DirectX 11 40GB Hard Disk space Windows 7 64-bit Recommended System Requirements: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 2.66GHz AMD Phenom II X4 805 Nvidia Geforce GTX 660 Ti AMD Radeon HD 7950 8GB RAM DirectX 11 40GB Hard Disk Space Windows 7 or 8.1 64-bit3 points
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Probabil ai sa zici ca nu citesti bine insa te asigur de la bun inceput ca si tu poti sa iti faci singur un program de backup al tuturor fisierelor importante. Ca sa reusesti sa iti faci un mic programel de backup nu trebuie decat sa citesti putin help-ul unei comenzi din comand prompt (vechiul si batranul MS-DOS). Ce ? MS-DOS, este nebun vrei sa ma intorc in timp? probabil ca astea ar fi intrebarile multora dintre voi. MS-DOS-ul nu este un program prin care te intorci in timp pentru ca daca nu stiai el inca dainuie si in ultimul sistem de operare Windows 7. Dar sa revenim la subiectul acestui articol si anume backup-ul unui folder sa zicem Documente de pe partitia D pe un Hard disk extern: Ce trebuie sa stiti cititi o simpla comanda numita xcopy ce are urmatoarele atribute: C:\Users\admin>xcopy /? Copies files and directory trees. XCOPY source [destination] [/A | /M] [/D[:date]] [/P] [/S [/E]] [/V] [/W] [/C] [/I] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/G] [/H] [/R] [/T] [/U] [/K] [/N] [/O] [/X] [/Y] [/-Y] [/Z] [/B] [/EXCLUDE:file1[+file2][+file3]...] source Specifies the file(s) to copy. destination Specifies the location and/or name of new files. /A Copies only files with the archive attribute set, doesn't change the attribute. /M Copies only files with the archive attribute set, turns off the archive attribute. /D:m-d-y Copies files changed on or after the specified date. If no date is given, copies only those files whose source time is newer than the destination time. /EXCLUDE:file1[+file2][+file3]... Specifies a list of files containing strings. Each string should be in a separate line in the files. When any of the strings match any part of the absolute path of the file to be copied, that file will be excluded from being copied. For example, specifying a string like \obj\ or .obj will exclude all files underneath the directory obj or all files with the .obj extension respectively. /P Prompts you before creating each destination file. /S Copies directories and subdirectories except empty ones. /E Copies directories and subdirectories, including empty ones. Same as /S /E. May be used to modify /T. /V Verifies the size of each new file. /W Prompts you to press a key before copying. /C Continues copying even if errors occur. /I If destination does not exist and copying more than one file, assumes that destination must be a directory. /Q Does not display file names while copying. /F Displays full source and destination file names while copying. /L Displays files that would be copied. /G Allows the copying of encrypted files to destination that does not support encryption. /H Copies hidden and system files also. /R Overwrites read-only files. /T Creates directory structure, but does not copy files. Does not include empty directories or subdirectories. /T /E includes empty directories and subdirectories. /U Copies only files that already exist in destination. /K Copies attributes. Normal Xcopy will reset read-only attributes. /N Copies using the generated short names. /O Copies file ownership and ACL information. /X Copies file audit settings (implies /O). /Y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing destination file. /-Y Causes prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing destination file. /Z Copies networked files in restartable mode. /B Copies the Symbolic Link itself versus the target of the link. /J Copies using unbuffered I/O. Recommended for very large files. The switch /Y may be preset in the COPYCMD environment variable. This may be overridden with /-Y on the command line. Ce face ea pai nu face foarte multe, insa e ceva mai desteapta decat o simpla copiere precum click drepata copy si paste deoarece ea stie sa faca si diferenta intre anumite fisiere din calculatoarele voastre si anume: Asa cum am amintit mai sus vrem sa facem un backup in totalitate la folderul Documente aflat in partitia a doua D: direct pe Hard disk-ul extern care are alocata ca exemplu litera M. Ca o paranteza: de preferat este ca Hard disk-ul extern sa aiba o litara cat mai indepartata din alfabet pentru a nu se incurca cu eventualele stikc-uri de memorie sau adaptoare de card-uri cuplate la calculator. Conform instructiunilor date de Microsoft pentru comanda xcopy de mai sus, pentru a putea copia fara erori si in functie de timpul cat ati modificat fisierele comanda de copiere poate fi de genul: xcopy D:\Documente M:\ /C /D /E /Y Pentru a putea crea un asa zis program aceasta comanda se poate introduce intr-un fisier notepad si salvat cu extensia bat la fel ca in imaginea de mai jos. In cazul in care exista mai multe foldere la care ati vreti sa facei backup in functie de timpul cand le-ati modificat singurul lucuru care trebuie sa il mai faceti este sa adaugati pentru fiecare folder imparte cate o linie ca urmatoarea: xcopy calea_de_unde_se copiaza spatiu calea_unde_trebuie_copiat_directorul:\ /C /D /E /Y un exemplu mai concret ar fi: xcopy D:\teme\lucrare licenta\ M:\Lucrare_licenta\ /C /D /E /Y Mare atentie: daca aveti foldere cu spatiu in denumirea lor gen (lucrare licenta) calea acestora trebuie sa fie intre ghilimele. Acelasi lucru se aplica si la destinatia de copiere. Sursa: TutorialePC.2 points
A stylish and original Spaghetti Western mulitplayer combat game. Secret Ponchos ambitiously delivers a new style of combat – isometric quick-twitch fighting. It’s fast-paced, tactical and addictively competitive. Watch the bounty on your head increase as you gun down others in both solo and gang fights. What's your Head Worth? About the Game ATTENTION: Please read the REQUIREMENTS carefully, we've had a lot of support requests from people who purchase the game without reading the requirements, and while we are happy to try and help everyone who reaches out, it does take time away from developing the game. REQUIREMENT : PS4 DUALSHOCK CONTROLLER, MICROSOFT XBOX 360® CONTROLLER FOR WINDOWS® (OR EQUIVELANT) IS REQUIRED. Keyboard & Mouse support is currently in development, but NOT available at this moment. REQUIREMENT : It is REQUIRED to have a Directx11 supported video card, not just the directx11 software installed. We're working on adding DirectX10 support, but we do not want anyone stuck in the meantime. SUGGESTED PLAYTIMES : 12pm & 8pm PST: Secret Ponchos is a newly released Early Access multi-player title, with a small po[CENSORED]tion that is currently ramping up. The number of players will fluxuate at certain times of the day. To provide everyone opportunities for solid play sessions, we have created suggested play-times to saturate the community po[CENSORED]tion. You are welcome to play Secret Ponchos whenever you like, but these times are there for you if you encounter any troubles as we ramp up our po[CENSORED]tion. The Dev team will also join in at these hours, and we've been having a great time playing with the community About Secret Ponchos creates a new compelling format of combat. It's quick-twitch action gaming, that is fast paced, fun and competitively addictive. Presenting combat from an overhead isometric view dramatically changes the feel of the Fighting Game and Team Shooter genres. You have a 360 degree view of the action unfolding around you, and gameplay is driven by both what you choose to do, and how well you can control timing and spacing for quick-twitch battles. Compete to survive in 1 vs 1 duels, free-for-all mode, or get your friends together for gang combat against rivals (up to 8 players). Create your outlaw from a dynamic set of western characters, each with its own weapon types and different combat styles. As you gun down other players you will define your legacy as you increase your notoriety with each kill. But watch out – as the price on your head increases, it becomes a more valuable target, and others will be gunning for you in this Wild West setting. In a nutshell Secret Ponchos is an isometric action-based PvP fighting game, taking place in a stylish Spaghetti Western universe. Key Features Line of Sight: Take cover behind the environment to break line-of-sight between you and enemies. When breaking line-of-sight you will disappear from your enemies view, allowing you to ambush, flank, or take a moment to reload and regroup. Combat Modes : 2-8 Players supported. Play 1v1 intense duels, or team shootouts supporting 2v2 , 4v4 and even 8 Player FFA matches. Modes available in early access can be seen in the Early Access Schedule (above). Local PvP Coop/SplitScreen : Have a friend over, and use split screen to either play against each other or cooperatively against other teams online. *Splitscreen PC is disabled in the first version of Early Access, but it will be supported as an upcoming feature Persistent Characters & Upgrades: As you gun down opponents the game tracks your characters match history and bounties you have collected. Unlock perks, skins, and reputation classes as you earn notoriety and the bounty on your own head rises. Early Access + Full Release on Launch + 1 Free Expansion Character as a Thank-You Screen Shots Game Trailer: System Requirements Minimum: OS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 Processor: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 460GTX or AMD Radeon HD 6800 1GB DirectX: Version 11 Network: Broadband Internet connection Hard Drive: 3 GB available space Sound Card: Direct X 11 sound device Additional Notes: Controller / Gamepad Required : Sony PS4 Dual shock, Microsoft Xbox 360® Controller for Windows® Keyboard/Mouse supported NOT supported in this Version. Please note: these specifications are deliberately high as we are in the early stages of optimization. They will be gradually reduced.2 points
Joc: cs 16 Nume dorit (in cazul in care serverul va ramane in comunitatea noastra): HELL.CsBlackDevil.Com [Classic DD2 Only] Numar de sloturi: 32 Mod de joc: classic mod @ Deathmatch ModE~ Contact proprietar, administrator ( Y!M / Skype): bogdanel993 @skype , capytalakaine@Y!M Caut: 1 OWNER sa ajute la host atat maxim 30 de lei atat. Addons am , Platforma am , host na m )1 point
¤ Nume în joc: Dedy^ ¤ Vârsta: 24 ¤ Nume: Razvan Dragomir ¤ Oraș: Campina ¤ Județ: Breaza ¤ Țară: Romania ¤ Jocuri preferate: Cs , Fifa 08 ¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine: - ¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil: de la MaYu ¤ Server preferat (server doar din comunitate!): Romania.CsBlackDevil.Com ¤ O poză cu tine (în cazul în care ai deja una și vrei să o postezi):1 point
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Va prezint un joc care va fi lansat anul acesta. Este vorba de Evolve. ----------------------------- Developer : @k Games Platforme : PC Gen : Action Mod : SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer Data lansarii : 21.10.2014 Scurta descriere : Evolve este un joc dedicat shoot-ului si actiunii. Acest joc vine cu o inovatie unica, pentru un joc first person Aceasta inovatie conta in formarea unei echipe de 4 jucatori, care incearca sa doboare un monstru extraterestru, controlat de un alt player. Jocul prezinta abilitati si evolutii diversificate. Trailer: Cerinte de sistem : CPU : Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 2.4 GHz / AMD Phenom 9500 Quad Core RAM : 4 GB Video : nVidia GeForce 8800 GT / ATI Radeon HD 6790 Sistem de operare (O.S.) : Win XP/Vista/7/8 HDD : 30 GB1 point
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Hello! I'm here to recommend this community to everyone, from each location! In Romania are usually many gaming communities, but no one is as nice as CsBlackDevil.Com! Here you may find a lot of nice gaming servers, that have as owners persons from Romania and many other countries! We are getting really excited when knowing that everyone would like to join us! Then, CsBlackDevil.Com forever!1 point
Din câte am observat, comunitatea merge perfect. Vreau să spun că, nu am respectat ce anume mi-am asumat de la bun început, astfel am avut destul de multe probleme. În schimb, mă bucur că alţi membri au reuşit să cumpere o licenţă stabilă şi alţii să o îngrijească. Merită tot respectul din partea mea, şi sper ca mă pot alătura din nou ca şi membru. Nu am în obiectiv nimic, decât împărtăşirea ideilor. ¤ Nume în joc: Hattrick ¤ Vârsta: 23 ¤ Nume: Claudiu ¤ Oraș: Cluj-Napoca sau Turda ¤ Județ: Cluj ¤ Țară: România ¤ Jocuri preferate: BioShock, Counter-Strike, Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, DiRT 2, DiRT 3, Metro 2033 şi multe altele. ¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine: Student la medicină, îmi place scriptingul. ¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil: Pornind de la ideea lui [dvL]aditza. ¤ Server preferat: Zm.CsBlackDevil.Com ¤ O poză cu tine: http://www.facebook.com/hattrick.claudiuhks1 point
About Us
CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 65k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.
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