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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2014 in all areas

  1. (RO) Tin sa ii urez un calduros LA MULTI ANI, dragului nostru moderator StarScream, care azi (09.02.2014) implineste minunata varsta de 14 ani ! Sper sa ai parte de multa sanatate si fericire alaturi de cei dragi, sa treci examenul de la vara cu bine. ------ (EN) I would like to wish him a warm HAPPY BIRTHDAY, to our dear moderator StarScream, who today (09.02.2014) celebrates the wonderful age of 14! I hope you have a lot of health and happiness with your loved ones, to pass the summer exam well. Happy Birthday to you !
    2 points
  2. Nick: [E]nerGy Name of server: Geek Gaming Zm Picture Of Score:
    2 points
  3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is your favorite Pistols Secondary in CS1.6? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glock 18 USP tactical Sig Sauer ( P228 ) Desert Eagle ( Deagle ) FN Five-seveN Dual Elites ( 96G Berettas )
    1 point
  4. Un muncitor dintr-o fabrica din orasul nigerian Ogwashi-Uku si-a gasit sfarsitul dupa ce i-a facut sex oral unei prostituate din zona. Barbatul a platit femeia, a facut sex normal cu ea, ca apoi sa recurga la cunilingus. Socant este faptul ca la scurt timp dupa partida i s-a facut rau si a inceput sa vomite. Ulterior a ajuns la spital, unde a murit in scurt timp. Conform martorilor, femeia l-ar fi otravit pe barbat dupa ce a pus otrava pe organul genital, ca apoi sa dispara de la locul faptei. Mai mult, politia a deschis o ancheta descoperind ca alti sase barbati din regiunea respectiva ar fi murit in conditii similare. Trupul muncitorului a fost dus la morga, unde a fost cercetat de legisti. Pana in prezent vinovata nu a fost prinsa, dar autoritatile au mai multe suspecte
    1 point
  5. Sanatatea,ea nu poate fi cumparata,la fel ca si dragostea.Trebuie sa pretuim sanatatea noastra si sa avem grija de ea si anume(sa nu consumam alcool,sa nu fumam,sa nu ne drogam).
    1 point
  6. Finalizare (voturi):10 They are just 8 vote V1 Nice text and effect.
    1 point
  7. La multi ANI Cristi sa fi sanatos si tot ce iti doresti de ziua ta
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. La multi ani StarScream ! iti doresc multa sanatate atat tie, cat si familiei tale
    1 point
  12. Multumesc tuturor si ca sa nu fie nicio neintelegere Acesta -> E heskey a suferit o mutatie si nu a iesit un husky prea bun Asta sunt eu, un labrador excelent )
    1 point
  13. Felicitari fratioare!!!! multa, multa, multa sanatate!
    1 point
    1 point
  15. V1: Shkodra 9 V2: kevincinho 2 V3: Serjj 7 The winner is: Congratulations Shkodra Thanks for your feedback.
    1 point
  16. Hi Manuel, welcome to CsBlackDevil.Com.
    1 point
  17. Va prezint un joc de Actiune, recent iesit, jocul poseda o grafica foarte buna si are o poveste bine conturata, in care fiecare alegere pe care o faci este extrem de importanta. ------------------------------ Developer : Focus Home Interactive Platforme : Microsoft Windows Gen : Action, 3D, RPG Mod : Single-Player/Multi-Player. Data Lansarii : 26-01-2014 Scurta descriere : Un excelent Action RPG Cyberpunk pe Planeta Rosie! Mars: War Logs este un Action RPG 3rd person care te poarta intr-un univers [CENSORED]urist, decadent, cu o poveste bine conturata, in care fiecare alegere pe care o faci este extrem de importanta. Universul jocului a fost conceput de catre producatori pentru a se potrivi excelent cu un RPG solid, cu o mare varietate de quest-uri, lupta dinamica, in care elementele tactice au un rol important, o multitudine de de skill-uri, dialoguri cu alegeri multiple si un sistem complex de crafting. Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH8ockoukZ0 Cerinte Sistem : CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo | AMD Athlon 64 X2 RAM: 2 GB O.S. : Windows XP | Vista | 7 | 8 Video: 512 MB HDD: 3 GB
    1 point
  18. Ce reprezinta dragostea pentru tine: Dupa parerea mea,dragostea este o parte din iubire si anume iubirea este un tot intreg ! Pentru mine dragostea este un sentiment, este ca o pasare zburatoare,probabil o sa apara intrebarea ''de ce'' din simplu fapt ca insasi dragostea este trecatoare la fel ca o pasare care trece peste paminturile noastre indreptinduse unde ii este mai bine.Dragostea ca sentiment este una foarte simpla insa plina de atitea emotii incit unii o pot pierde din cauza greselilor pe care le fac.CInd esti indragostit,iti este foarte greu sa-ti stapinesti acele emotii pe care le ai in acel moment,iti este foarte greu sa gindesti obiectiv si sa iai decizii corecte deoarece cind esti indragostit nu te poti gindi la nimic in afara de persoana draga.Cind gasesti persoana care simti ca-ti apartine,intii de toate apare un simplu interes care ulterior dupa un anumit interval de timp se transforma in dragoste,acea perioada este una cu adevarat magica.Cind esti indragostit poti face atitea lucruri care in mod normal ai spune '' eu nu-s nebun sa fac o astfel de actiune '' .Odata ce apare dragostea catre o anumita persoana,sitti de parca iti pare o noua speranta,o noua sansa de a trai un alt mod de viata facind alte miscari,gesturi,spunind alte vorbe si multe altele.Intr-un final totul se revarsa in iubire,iubirea este atunci cind esti gata sa faci orice pentru persoana iubita,esti gata sa-ti sacrifici propria viata pentru ea,esti in stare sa te urci pe un munte cu o inaltime uriasa fara echipament,esti gata pur si simplu sa te plingi despre ce te doare fiind culcat pe bratele ei si ea la rindul sau spunind cuvinte care iti dau noi puteri '' Eu sunt linga tine,nu conteaza ce se va intimpla,tu pentru mine esti si vei fi cel mai scump omulet pe acest pamint '' .Am iubit si eu cu adevarat,am fost indragostit in mai multe persoane de sex opus,insa pina in prezent la anii pe care-i am,nu am putut sa-mi gasesc persoana pe care as putea spune ca o ''Iubesc'',imi pare foarte rau ca in prezent putin conteaza sentimentele,mai important fiind starea materiala a oricarui.Asta este,insa cum a mai fost mentionat mai sus ramine sa sper,deoarece speranta moare ultima ! Si nu conteaza ce se intimpla in viata fiecaruia dintre voi,important e sa fiti predispusi cu adevarat sa va deschideti pentru a putea fi iubit,si sunt sigur ca fiecare o sa aiba clipe placute si pline de dragoste,fericire si bucurie.La final as vrea sa va spun ceva,sa nu va fie frica sa iubiti,chiar daca ati fost refuzat(a) este o experienta care va face mai puternici si care o sa va ajute pe viitor sa alegeti o varianta mai buna. Cum ar fi viata fara dragoste: Viata fara dragoste ar fi ca si pamintul fara soare,cind soarele e pe cer totul este bine,toti au o dispozitie buna,toti sunt cu zimbetul pe buze,apare si acel moment cind ai vrea soarele sa plece de pe cer insa dupa un anumit timp il vreai inapoi acel sentiment.La fel si dragostea ! Ps:Cum a spus marele poet Grigore Vieru '' Daca as avea 2 inimi,pe una as invata-o sa gindeasca '' ...
    1 point
  19. • Name: Metal Gear Revengeance • Genre(s): Action, hack and slash • Developer(s): Platinum Games • Publisher(s): Konami • Engine: Platinum Engine • Platform(s): Playstation 3/Xbox 360/Microsoft Windows • Mode(s): Single-Player • Release Date(s): Playstation 3 & Xbox 360: February 2013, Microsoft Windows: January 9, 2014 • Description: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (Japanese: メタルギア ライジング リベンジェンス Hepburn: Metaru Gia Raijingu: Ribenjensu) is an action hack and slash video game developed by Platinum Games and produced by Kojima Productions, for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows. Although a Japanese release for the Xbox 360 platform was planned, that version was canceled. It is the ninth canonical entry in the Metal Gear series, set four years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, where players control Raiden, a cyborg who confronts the private military company Desperado Enforcement. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance was well received by critics with the staff noting a growing po[CENSORED]rity despite initial mixed reactions to Platinum Games' involvement. The game was praised for its sophisticated cutting system, its use of Metal Gear elements to complement the story despite the game's focus on action, and its intense boss fights. However, reviewers have criticized the game for its camera and story mode's length. • Gameplay: The game focuses on fighting enemies using a sword and multiple subweapons to perform combos and counterattacks. Through the use of Blade Mode, Raiden can dismember cyborgs in slow motion and steal parts stored in their bodies. The series' stealth elements are also optional to reduce combat. The game was originally announced in 2009 under the title of Metal Gear Solid: Rising, and was intended to act as an interquel between the events of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. This form of the game was to be produced solely by Kojima Productions. However, the team met with difficulties in developing a game based on swordplay, so executive producer Hideo Kojima canceled it. A solution was found, in late 2011, with Platinum Games taking over development. Under the guidance of the new team, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance was revealed, with a significant change in the play mechanics and storyline. Kojima Productions retained responsibility for the game's overall plot and Raiden's design. Players assume control of Raiden , a katana-wielding cyborg. He is initially playable in his "White" form, which was based on his appearance in Guns of the Patriots, where he is depicted wearing white armor. At the second chapter in the game he switches to the more powerful "Black" cyborg armor variant. Nevertheless the player can alter Raiden's appearance through alternative skins. Unlike previous titles in the Metal Gear series, where players try not to be noticed by enemies, Rising is action oriented, focusing on swordfighting and a sophisticated cutting system to fight and defeat enemies. Although Raiden's main weapon is his high-frequency blade, Raiden can wield weapons such as a dagger or a rocket launcher. Other subweapons can only be obtained after defeating the game's bosses. • Trailer: • System Requirements: • CPU: Intel Core i5 2400/Phenom II X4 955 • RAM: 2 GB • Video Card: Nvidia Geforce GTS 450/Radeon HD 4850 • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 • Sound Card: Yes • Free Disk Space: 25 GB • Screenshots
    1 point
  20. Nick: ((*Iy@dH*)) Name Of Server: GeekGaming.Zm Picture Of Score:
    1 point
  21. Name of challenge you: Mobydick vs кαℓαѕнιиιкσff-™ Theme works:http://postimg.org/image/gtngao2pv/ Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): Signature Smudge Size:350*150 Text:Man of Steel Watermark:Csblackdevil Working time:2 hours Shooting (votes):10 I hope you accept
    1 point
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_8RIPRja5U =))
    1 point
  23. Nick: englezu Name Of Server: ThunderZM.CsBlackDevil.Com Picture Of Score:
    1 point
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