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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2013 in all areas

  1. Nu inteleg deloc .. de unde vine rivalitatea asta intre designeri? In loc sa fiti prieteni , sa va ajutati unii pe altii , sa cresteti impreuna .. voi va intepati reciproc. NighT , tu mereu mi-ai placut .. baiat modest , mereu disponibil .. te sfatuiesc sa ignori gurile rele si sa continui. O seara buna iti doresc.
    2 points
  2. Scuze ca fac aici topicul dar sincer nu stiu unde trebuie facut un astfel de topic Fara multe expplicatii minore anunt pe totii ca ma retrag din GFX nu-mi am locul Motivul?? CONVERSATIE: Revan: nu inteleg ce te deranjeaza pe tine : http://csblackdevil....ar/#entry270888 uite-te cate cereri am facut eu si cate ai facu ttu Me: ba frate nu ma lua cu cererii cica la tine cate am facut eu si cate tu deja incepi cu amenintari ca cine a facut mai multe??? ca sa-ti zic o chestie eu am avut probleme ce tin de viata reala in acest timp lucrarile tale au scazut se vede ca faci cereri doar sa te lauzi in situatii de genul acesta ;)sincer poti fac 1000 cereri si eu una daca le faci doar la bascau ....si inca o chestie eu inca sustin ideea te iei de totii fara dublu post etc...da mai frate rezolvale daca tot te bagi repede in seama daca ceea ce ti-am zis aici imi costa gradul asta e ;)dar daca tot faci cereri gandestele ca le faci petru tine hai bafta.... Revan: nu am inteles ce ai spus, dar eu ma iau de ei cu dublu post ca sa numai faca mereu, si... unde au fost designerii pana acum ? tu ai avut teza sau ce ?? ca numai eu am fost online sau am avut activitate... adica bine, si tu ai fost on dar doar asa 2-3 ore, udne ai fost pana acum ? Me: 1-Nu trebuie sa-ti dau ti-e ordinea mea de zi 2-Nu imi pasa ce fac ceilalti 3-Am anuntat ca nu voi fi online si nu voi avea activitate 4-Ca sa fi fericit si sa faci numai tu cereri Good Look 5-Nu mai da mi-e pm nusi mai are rostul 6-Sa sti unde am fost ,Am dat la examenul auto si daca nu esti de acord cu ceea ce am facut dama in judecata BAFTAAAA!!!!! Hehe cam atat daca nu ai reusit sa-ti dai seama despre ce e vorba te lamuresc Eu un membru al GFX imi pot da seama de ceea ce inseamna o lucrare "buna" iar din converatiile de mai sus iti dai seama ca am fost luat la raspundere de ceea ce fac iar Revan nene (15/16ani) credema degeaba esti bun in PS si iti faci creatii extraordinare doar pentru tine fa ceea ce faci si pentru membri de aceea ai fost luat in GFX nu ca-ti faci creatii minunate ti-e doar ca arunci un blur +text pe o imagine asta nu inseamna ca esti expert si ca ma poti lua pe mine la raspundere .Oricum nu o lungesc Va doresc o zi minunata . PS:nu mai da-ti pm cu texte de genul "Te rog fami cererea " "etc" daca aveti ceva dati pm membrului Revan care este expert si sta online nonstop pentru activitatea lui ... BFT....daca nu am facut unde trebuie topicul sa fie mutat in sectiunea corecte si sa fiu sactionat daca se ajunge acolo
    1 point
  3. Nick: DJ-SBIK_*SToRE* Name Of Server: StreetZm.CsBlackDevil.Com[Zombie Plague] Picture Of Score: http://postimg.org/image/66wdjcxdh/
    1 point
  4. Everything starts from account creation. If you do not know how to make your account more secure, your chances of being stolen are higher. The tutorial is done in a few steps and contains screenshots for better understanding. Now, let's get started! Video / photos: Step 1 Immediately after installing the Steam program window will appear that allows you to log on, or create a new account. Click Create a new account .... Step 2 Now you will see a window requesting confirmation that you have a different Steam account. If you click on Cancel so you can log into that account, otherwise click Next. Step 3 A third window, which contains the conditions of the Steam to create your account, will now appear. It is recommended to read carefully what it says, it is possible that some of the conditions imposed by Steam do not be like. If you fully agree to these terms, click I Agree. Step 4 This is a very important step for your account security, so that we have more to discuss. After entering the desired user name (maximum 64 characters consisting only of letters, numbers and _), you must enter your password. Passwords are not stored in the database exactly as you entered, it is first encrypted with an algorithm that can be reversed only by using brute force (using a program that tries passwords along with incredibly high speed). It is therefore recommended that passwords do not contain personal information so it can not be guessed and be as long and consist of letters (small and large), numbers and special characters (!, #,%, &,?, _, @ and so on). An example of a strong password is "A2c3 # 47b", but something easy to remember, like "S0m31_Wh0_Kn0wz"​​. After entering the password, you will have to enter it again for verification. When you are ready, click Next. Step 5 It's time to enter the e-mail. This is very important because you will need it if you forget your password is stolen or account. Password must be entered twice for verification. It is also recommended to read "Valve Privacy Policy" to be able to tell the quality of Valve. Then please click Next. Step 6 secret question is the question you have to answer if you forget your password, or you will steal your account. Choose a question from the list, and then write a response memorable for you but hard for others to guess. Then click on Next. Step 7 To prevent any typo, Steam will show the input. Warning: password is visible, make sure the people around you do not see it! If everything is entered correctly, click Next. Step 8 Click Finish and you will be automatically logged. Tips + If your PC is used by other people, not check the box on the right "Remenber my password"! + Never tell your password to anyone, no matter how close you think it is that person! Steam + If you are contacted by someone claiming to be representative of Steam, immediately terminate any discussion with him. Steam representatives contact you by e-mail only and under no circumstances do not require password
    1 point
  5. Nick: NPK Name Of Server: ZmOldSchool.CsBlackDevil.com Picture Of Score:
    1 point
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