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The wolverine (Gulo gulo) is the largest land-dwelling species of the family Mustelidae. It is a muscular carnivore and a solitary animal. The wolverine has a reputation for ferocity and strength out of proportion to its size, with the documented ability to kill prey many times larger than itself.Wolverines have the characteristics of a dog a bear and, a skunk. They have long snouts, short legs, and long hair. Though the legs of these animals are short, their large, five-toed paws with crampon-like claws and plantigrade posture enable them to climb up and over steep cliffs, trees, and snow-covered peaks with relative ease. Wolverines have thick, dark, oily, highly hydrophobic fur, making it resistant to frost. A light-silvery facial mask is distinct in some individuals, and a pale buff stripe runs laterally from the shoulders along the side and crosses the rump just above a 25-35 cm (10-14 in) bushy tail. Some individuals display prominent white hair patches on their throats or chests. Wolverines, like other mustelids, possess a special upper molar in the back of the mouth that is rotated 90 degrees, towards the inside of the mouth. This special characteristic allows wolverines to tear off meat from prey or carrion that has been frozen solid.


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