Drennn Posted December 6, 2024 Posted December 6, 2024 Since Pavel Durov, the Russian-born billionaire and founder of the Telegram messaging app, was arrested on landing in Paris on Saturday evening, there has been more speculation than substance about his fate. The headline in a Russian newspaper summed up the story: “The arrest (or detention) of ‘Russia’s Zuckerberg’, Pavel Durov, is one of the most important, but mysterious global news stories,” declared Nezavisimaya Gazeta. True. Except that "mysterious" is a bit of an understatement. Why did French police detain him? What charges will he face? Has it anything at all to do with his recent visit to Azerbaijan, where he met (or didn’t meet) Russian President Vladimir Putin? For two days, reporters have quoted "sources close to the investigation" about the offences Pavel Durov may be charged with (allegedly, from complicity in drug-trafficking to fraud). Telegram put out a statement saying Mr Durov had "nothing to hide". On Monday evening, the Paris prosecutor said in a statement that Mr Durov was being held in custody as part of a cyber-criminality investigation. The statement mentioned 12 different offences under investigation that it said were linked to organised crime. These included illicit transactions, child pornography, fraud and the refusal to disclose information to authorities, the prosecutor said. The statement added that Mr Durov's time in custody had been extended and could now last until Wednesday. Without going into detail, President Emmanuel Macron posted on social media that he had seen “false information” regarding France following Mr Durov’s arrest, and added: "This is in no way a political decision. It is up to the judges to decide." In Moscow, the Kremlin is being cautious. “We still don’t know what exactly Durov has been accused of,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Monday, in his first comments on Pavel Durov’s detention. “We haven’t heard any official statements. Before I can say anything at all about this, we need some clarity.” Clarity is not something of which everyone in Russia feels the need. On Monday, state TV’s flagship political talk show had plenty to say on the matter. Link: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cly9xqnn3v4o
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