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Link:https://cidemos.org/es/publicacion/detalle/29_de_abril_dia_mundial_del_arbol_39#:~:text=Es una fecha para concienciar,climático y la tala indiscriminada.


Sweden was the first country to celebrate Arbor Day in 1840, since then, citizens already considered the care of the country's forest resources of great importance and relevance, as well as that children from an early age learned to care for and conserve nature. The establishment of World Tree Day arose as an initiative of the World Forestry Congress held in Rome in 1969. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) accepted this initiative in 1971. There are a large number of countries who have their own Arbor Day.

Each country carries out numerous activities, especially didactic, so that children and adults learn the importance of conserving forests and the forest resources that nature offers us. Among the most frequent activities that are usually carried out each year are:

Plant a tree.

Forest clearing.

Leisure activities in nature.

Raising awareness about the care and protection of trees.


Forests are very important for life because:
They regulate the water cycle. They collect and store water, help prevent flooding.
They protect the soil. They help control erosion and prevent landslides and landslides.
They help regulate the climate. Reduce the effects of man-made climate change.
They are the source of many resources such as wood, medicine, food, fiber and construction materials.
They are a territory of life for the communities that inhabit them, whose traditional management practices can contribute to the conservation of these forests and jungles.
They are the habitat of thousands of species of plants, birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. This is especially important since Colombia is a country with great biological diversity, which occupies between the first and fourth place worldwide in terms of number of species.
12% of the world's forests are designated for the conservation of biological diversity (FRA 2010).

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