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Many people wonder if sleeping with their pets is good or bad, both for humans and animals. It is a controversial subject and has both supporters and detractors.


Two explorers rest with their sled and one of their sled dogs on Canada's Ellesmere Island.


The reality is that sleep is a very cultural phenomenon, which is different depending on the region and time, although a priori it seems to us that everyone sleeps in the same way. Not long ago, Western societies decided to separate the places where adults and children rest, and not so long ago that they decided to completely separate humans and pets. According to a study by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) in 2019, 41% of small-medium sized dogs slept with their owners, while in places like the United Kingdom or Spain, less than 20% of people with animals share the bed with them. So why should we or should we not sleep with our animals?

Many animals, and among them dogs, are used to living in a herd, sleeping in the same place as their companions, humans can also enter that group. Even so, domestic dogs can easily get used to not doing it.

So what are the drawbacks of sleeping with our animals? How does it harm us? Year after year and study after study, experts have pointed to three main drawbacks.


health risks
It can become a risk to the health of the person, especially for those who suffer from allergies or asthma, since animals (even if they are healthy) can harbor many microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi or mites hidden in their fur. Also, if our dog goes out for a walk, it is most likely that its paws have stepped on dirty or muddy floors. But beyond the hygiene of our animals, what most alarms many experts are the so-called zoonosis diseases (those that can be transmitted from animals to humans).

Although all this sounds very catastrophic, if your pet is up to date on vaccinations and you take preventive measures, your health does not have to be at risk. You can ensure that your furry companion is not a source of dirt in your bed by washing it regularly, but paying attention to its individual characteristics since not all experts recommend regular baths, cleaning its paws after every walk and brushing off dead hair. And, of course, follow the veterinary guidelines for internal and external deworming.

The only people who are not recommended to sleep with animals are those with allergies, as we have already mentioned, and with a weaker immune system, such as the elderly, young children and people with HIV or cancer.


Sleep quality
Some say that sleeping with one's own animals provides a more pleasant sleep, by feeling security and affection. Despite this, the harsh reality is that most experts agree that sleeping with one (and above all, more than one) animal in bed can negatively affect the quality of sleep. Animals have different sleep cycles than humans, and for this reason they are very likely to get up often and change positions a lot. Also, they may wake you up at the time they don't want to sleep anymore, instead of the time you planned to wake up.

Summer and high temperatures can also be a problem when it comes to snuggling with your furry friend and, according to humans who have slept with their pets, the worst thing can be the position that the dog adopts, especially if it is large Another factor to consider is the danger of sleeping with our dog when it is a puppy, since there is a risk of crushing it, peeing on our bed or falling off it.

However, if we study the situation in detail, the quality of rest does not drop alarmingly. In addition, as a study conducted by The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) shows, bonding with our pet reduces stress and anxiety. Therefore, whether the quality of sleep is affected or not also depends on the person.

Possible behavior changes


There is the possibility that an animal, when sleeping in bed with its human, experiences an increase in aggressiveness and stress, which can lead to problems with separation, depression and anxiety. In addition, one of our biggest concerns can come true: that when we don't want our animal to get on the bed, it doesn't pay attention to us.

To avoid problems of this type, we must learn to set limits, teach them when they can and cannot get into bed (when there is a baby, when we have our clothes clean and folded on top, when our animal needs a bath after having played in a puddle, etc.).

If you do not want your animal to sleep with you as an adult due to its large size, it is best not to get it used to sleeping with you as a puppy either, as it will be very difficult for it to change this habit and it can have a bad time.

In short, is it good to sleep with our animals? It depends on you and your preventive measures. If you are a person with a weaker immune system or if you have allergies, it is best for your animal to sleep in another bed. And if you're a light sleeper, it might not be the best idea either. If not, all you have to do is keep your animal's vaccinations and deworming schedule to the letter and follow hygiene guidelines. That and make him understand the rules about sleeping and getting into bed.


Link: https://www.nationalgeographic.es/animales/2022/04/contenido-pagado-es-malo-dormir-con-nuestros-animales

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