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[Moto] A motorcycle engine that runs and sounds like an old train

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This motorcycle uses the classic propeller invented at the end of the 17th century and which was achieved, above all, to run locomotives.

A motorcyclist with the soul of an inventor, or vice versa, has revolutionized the networks with his steam motorcycle and the video in which he shows it. Amid huge white clouds of smoke, the motorist inched along like a 19th-century train, even with a similar sound. And saving the best for last: the honk is identical to that of old locomotives.

These types of motors were invented in the late 17th century and were used for many years to power trains, cars, ships, and other machines.


Its operation is simple: water is heated in a boiler until it turns into steam, the steam expands and pushes a piston, creating the movement of the vehicle. When the steam is released from the chamber, the piston returns to its original position. Then more steam enters the chamber and starts the process all over again. The piston is connected to another part of the machine. The back and forth motion of the piston causes a wheel or gear to turn on the other side.


Link: https://motor.elpais.com/videos2/una-moto-de-vapor-que-funciona-y-suena-como-un-viejo-tren/

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