#Wittels- Posted December 1, 2021 Posted December 1, 2021 The main points are the fundamental role in Europe of the governing bodies in value-based organized sport and their protection against threats such as the European Super League. On Tuesday afternoon there was a meeting of the 27 member states of the European Union where a series of points that have a lot to do with the European Super League have been carried out. The EU sports ministers have adopted an EU Council Resolution on a European Sports Model. The Resolution, approved unanimously, calls for organized sport based on values to be strengthened in Europe and protected from threats such as closed competitions (Super League). This meeting has had several reasons for it to take place. One of the consequences is the recent support for the European Sports Model by the European Parliament and the European Commission. The EU Council Resolution is a milestone that will shape European sport for decades to come. UEFA is satisfied with the results and the determination of the EU sports ministers to reach the agreement and welcomes the EU Council's vision for the future of European sports policy. The member states of the EU expressly confirm the key characteristics of a European Sports Model. For example the open system of promotion and relegation, a grassroots approach and solidarity, the role of sport in national identity ... The EU Council Resolution echoes the recent positions of the European Parliament and the Commission and rejects closed competitions as the 'super league' attempt. Super League statement Anas Laghrari and John Hahn, promoters of the European Super League proposal, declared: "We welcome today's resolution. What the Council is asking is fully in line with what the European Super League is. The Super League understands that both the fans and the authorities want open competition and a functioning sports pyramid. The Super League has addressed this issue. Any future competition will ensure full respect for these principles. The uneven statement rightly recognizes that "organized sport in Europe has been facing internal and external threats, such as cases of bad governance, corruption, sports mani[CENSORED]tion, financial instability, human rights violations, doping, racism, violence, violence by gender reason, increased marketing and a tendency to buy from young people rather than train them. " The main objective of the Super League proposal is precisely to protect European football against these abuses, among other things, guaranteeing long-term sustainability, through a transparent and effective governance system for clubs and investing in women's football by developing a Women's Super League. The statement also notes that "financial solidarity is a key characteristic of value-based organized sport." We are totally agreed. The Super League has committed to making minimum annual payments of 400 million euros to grassroots football, which will grow at the same rate as revenues. This amount is more than three times higher than what the UEFA Champions League currently contributes. Throughout the initial period of the contract, this commitment would exceed 10 billion euros. This is a real investment on the ground that will produce tangible results. We also wholeheartedly support the Council's recognition of the "paramount importance of organized sport (...) complying with the principles of good governance and respecting national, international and EU law", as well as the Council's calls for sports federations to reconcile "in a democratic, balanced and cohesive way, the interests of athletes, clubs, leagues, fans and other stakeholders". Unfortunately, this is not the current reality of European football, as the effects of UEFA's monopoly are diametrically opposed to those goals. UEFA is the sole regulator, operator and promoter of European club football, which violates the EU's own principles and its competition policy. UEFA assumes the power to approve the entry of new competitors to its own activity in which it has a dominant position, blocking any initiatives of third parties that compete with its monopoly in the European Union. Sport represents 2% of the EU's GDP and 3% of employment. Delegating the management of our biggest sporting events to organizations outside the EU also means that we are losing part of the economic benefits. Finally, we welcome the Council's calls for them to be heeded long ago. We remain available to the institutions of the European Union and to all European football stakeholders to engage in a constructive dialogue, address the above issues and find the best solutions for football as a whole. " Link: https://www.marca.com/futbol/futbol-internacional/2021/11/30/61a65cda22601d6d078b456c.html 1
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