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More and more people are turning to real food, which is in its natural state, without any industrial processing.


Today, many are trying to change their habits in order to be and feel healthier. That is why they opt for new lifestyles or alternatives that pursue this goal.

This is how more and more people are leaning towards the so-called real foods, which come from natural sources and are in their natural state, without having any industrial processing, explains nutritionist Sthefania Esparza.

From this concept, realfooding was born, a movement that defends and disseminates real food, rejecting the obesogenic environment caused by ultra-processed foods (foods that are industrially processed, that is, packaged). Basically it is a lifestyle based on consuming real food and avoiding ultra-processed ones, fighting against the dark side of the food industry.

But is it possible to eat a diet based solely on real foods? The specialist points out that "it is possible if you know well what you can or is advised to consume and not demonize all products packaged as ultra-processed."


What would a menu with real foods look like?
Esparza details what a menu could be like by choosing only these foods, which ones can be consumed and which ones are located in the category of good processed and ultra-processed foods.


  • Menu example


Boiled green banana

Boiled eggs


Cup of black coffee or aromatic water without sugar







baked potato

Grilled chicken, cook with extra virgin olive oil

Mixed vegetable salad



Mid afternoon





Fish steak

Baked sweet potato

Cooked vegetable salad

Extra virgin olive oil and lemon


  • Allowed foods




Fish and shellfish


100% whole grains


Raw meat

Fresh milk


Coffee and herbal teas


  • Good processed

Extra virgin olive oil

Milk, yogurt

100% whole wheat bread

Dark chocolate> 70% or unsweetened cocoa powder

Canned fish

Vegetable drinks without sugar

Real frozen food


  • Ultra-processed

Fizzy drinks

Energy drinks

Cardboard juices

Flavored dairy and sugar

Bakery and pastry

Processed meats

Precooked frozen


Box and bar cereals

Fried snacks

Sweets and ice cream

Light products



According to the expert, those who want to start a diet only with real food can follow the following recommendations:

- Find out well or seek the advice of a nutrition professional.

- Make purchases in markets and not so much in supermarkets.

- Real food requires cooking, it is not simply opening a package and consuming.

- Don't focus on calories, focus on food.

- Make good choices when shopping and eating out.

- Learn to read labels, especially what the foods you buy are made of (ingredients).

- Plan and organize your menu. Shop weekly.

- Do not go to the market to buy hungry.

- Eat without distractions (cell phone, television, etc.).

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