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[Lifestyle] How to change your life for the better? Technique 3 + 6 from personal experience


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Как изменить свою жизнь к лучшему? Техника 3+6 из личного опыта

If you do not like the way you live, you can put up with it, or you can change your life for the better. The article describes the 3 + 6 technique, which will help to change the way of thinking, and hence the way of life. This is not just a theory, but practical advice tested by the authors of the article on themselves.

Why is it important to change your life for the better?
Many people put up with what they have. Even if they don't like personal life, career, financial situation or health. They break off on others or withdraw into themselves, looking for excuses (I live like everyone else, everything is fine with me, I did not live well and do not need to) or plunge into dreams that in the future everything will change by itself.

This is life in the Matrix and a path to disappointment. Years will pass, but life will not change, and then what? As a rule, people are afraid of thoughts about the future. If you have this feeling, it's time to change something.

There will be no second life. Nobody but you can change your life for the better.

I want to change my life: where to start?
Learn to live mindfully. Not just living every day, but thinking what you want to achieve? What are your goals? Having achieved what, you say that you did not live the allotted time in vain? In this article we will tell you how to understand what you want from life.
Live in the present and think about the future. Many people become locked in past mistakes. But the past cannot be corrected, so draw conclusions and move on.
Master the 3 + 6 technique, which is described in the article. She will help you change your views and lifestyle.
Remember, the main thing is to act. A person who does nothing will never change anything.


How to understand what you want from life?
Without knowing where to go, you won't come anywhere. To change your life for the better, it is important to figure out what you really need? To do this, make a wish list. This table will help you with this:

Sphere of life

What do I want?

Personal life (family, relationships with loved ones)

Career and finance (desired position, profession, income level, what you want to own, where to rest)

Health, appearance (for example, what bad habits do you want to get rid of, what muscles to build, how many times to do push-ups)

Add all your desires to the table, even if some of them seem unrealistic. Then think about which of the described goals are true, that is, you want to achieve them, and which are imposed from the outside, for example, by society? Leave only true goals in the table. Defining them is simple: true goals are enthusiastic when you think about them.

Congratulations, you have taken the first step towards changing your life for the better.

Now let's see how the 3 + 6 technique works. It has two parts. The first part requires three steps, the second six steps. By moving consistently, you can change your lifestyle and thoughts to become better.

The first step of the 3 + 6 technique: how to start changing your life?
The first step is to complete three tasks:

Set SMART goals.
Create a hierarchy of goals.
Make a plan to achieve each goal.

It seems difficult, but in reality everything is simple. Follow the instructions below.

1. Set SMART goals

Return to the table above and formulate all the goals described in it using SMART technology. It is an abbreviation that means:

Specific: concreteness and clarity.
Measurable: measurable.
Attainable: attainability.
Relevant: the importance, the truth of the goal.

The goal set using SMART technology should be achievable (real), specific and clear (what and when you want to get), measurable (that is, you can calculate whether you have achieved the goal or not), important.

It is best to consider goals with examples:

By the end of 2020, save money for a down payment, and for the same period find a part-time job (20 thousand rubles per month) to pay for the mortgage. January-February 2021 find an apartment, a bank with the most favorable conditions. To buy an apartment.

2. We create a hierarchy of goals
You will chase two hares, you will not catch a single one. It's the same with goals. It is important to consistently go from one goal to another.

Make a list of the order in which you want to achieve your goals. For example, first take courses in web design, then - find a job with an income of 60 thousand rubles. a month, then - to accumulate an initial mortgage payment of 500 thousand rubles, then - to buy an apartment.

You need to be clear about how you want to move in life.

3. We draw up a plan for the implementation of each goal
The essence of the plan is to determine what you need to get, know or do to achieve the goal. It is better to do it in the form of a table, for example:


What needs to be done to achieve the goal

Earn from 60 thousand rubles. month

Complete web design courses.
Find an internship on any conditions to gain experience.
Add 10 works to your portfolio.
Find three regular customers with an income of 20 thousand rubles.
Thus, you do not just dream of changing your life for the better. You make a clear plan and begin to understand what you need to do and how.

The second step of the 3 + 6 technique: how to change your life for the better
In the first step, we identified a list of important goals that can help you become better at achieving them. Drew up a hierarchy of goals and an action plan for each. In the second step, you will learn the skills that will help you achieve what you want.

1. Learn to plan every day and follow the plan
In order to have time for everything and not forget anything, it is important to plan every day and strictly follow the plan. Tips to help you plan correctly:

Make realistic plans that you can make. If there are a lot of tasks, do the important and urgent first.
Leave free time in which you can enter unexpected tasks.
Capture plans on paper or on your smartphone. Do not rely on memory - it can fail.

2. Turn off emotions and learn to act rationally
If you decide to change your life for the better, you will surely face difficulties. All people have problems. The correct response to difficulties is to analyze the problem and find a solution. You shouldn't react emotionally, it's pointless to blame yourself, or focus on failure.

In all difficult situations, think and make informed decisions. Never decide on emotions.

3. If something doesn't work out, redouble your efforts. If it doesn't work again, double it again

It's important to make sure that by doubling your efforts, you are putting them in the right direction.

If you seriously decide to change your life for the better, then don't back down.

4. Track progress for each goal. It will motivate you.
It's always hard to start. Whether it's a new project or a decision to change your whole life for the better. You have a plan. You stick to it and step forward confidently. But you are human. Your powers are not endless. Therefore, you need energy and recharge, motivation.

Record all your successes in a special notebook. Review it periodically to see progress.

5. Do not expect quick results, but do not postpone everything for later.
Each plan is a list of what you must do to achieve your goal. It will not work if there is no deadline for each item. The most important task on the way to the goal is meeting deadlines.

People often want quick results and are looking for how to change their lives in 5 days or how to get better in 7 days. This is unrealistic. Learn to be patient if you want to achieve something.

6. Maximize your efficiency
Set up your daily routine: try to get up and go to bed at the same time (better to get up in the morning). It will be easier for the body when “it knows” when to work and when to rest.
Balance your diet. For maximum effectiveness, it is important to eat right, drink enough clean water. Check out the list of foods that can help improve brain function and memory.
Monitor your health. Move more, walk in the fresh air, go to the gym, do exercises. Physical activity improves endurance.

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