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[LifeStyle] 5 ways to eat more Mediterranean, lose weight and regain health


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The Mediterranean diet is considered the best trend to gain health and lose weight. Know 5 very simple ways to carry it out

5 maneras para comer más mediterráneo, bajar de peso y recuperar la salud

Today we have all kinds of diets within our reach, which have the function of adapting to different lifestyles and personal preferences. However, nutritionists agree that there are some trends that are just a fad and that do not always have adequate scientific support. On many occasions, dieting becomes more of a kind of punishment than an enjoyable and sustainable lifestyle. In a way, any eating plan that leads to extreme restrictions is not healthy.

In such a way that we are used to seeing many fad diets come and go, however few are the trends that focus on healthy balance. The good news is that the Mediterranean diet meets all the requirements to be considered the best and most beneficial for health, not in vain has it been named for the fourth consecutive year as the most recommended. In reality it is much more than a simple nutritional guideline, rich and healthy, it is a valuable cultural heritage that encompasses a lifestyle through recipes, ways of cooking, celebrations, customs and various typical products.

The Mediterranean diet is authentic and eternal. Rather than being a plan that goes on and off, it is an eating pattern full of nutritional and medicinal benefits. Among its main virtues, it is positioned as a great ally to reduce the risk of suffering from chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity.

The best part is that with the Mediterranean diet, there is no need to count calories, or stick to diets of "foods to avoid" or having to purchase expensive and difficult to acquire ingredients. Many of the most widely used Mediterranean ingredients are pantry staples such as canned tuna, canned beans, canned tomatoes, olives, pasta, potatoes, onions, whole grains, plain yogurt, fruits and vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Undoubtedly one of its greatest advantages is how easy and feasible it is to follow this style of eating, full of therapeutic properties.

If you are interested in starting to follow a Mediterranean diet, we present you five simple ways to transform your diet and eat more Mediterranean.


1. Don't cut out carbs
Currently, the trend of low-carbohydrate diets has been unleashed with intensity, being its greatest exponent is the ketogenic diet and although it is a trend that has gained many followers, various nutritionists agree that it is not sustainable in the long term. By reducing the consumption of carbohydrates, we are omitting the intake of very healthy foods necessary for the proper functioning of the body; as is the case with whole grains, beans, legumes, some fruits and vegetables. Those foods contain antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and energy. Even white pasta provides good quality and slowly absorbed energy, the Mediterranean diet promotes the consumption of pasta. Remember that the most important thing is to watch your portions and avoid overcooking it, pasta soaked in water has a higher glycemic index (which means you will be hungry again faster). Bet on consuming the pasta 'al dente' and add plenty of vegetables with olive oil. Last but not least when it comes to carbohydrates it is important to choose the whole grain versions and watch your portions.


2. Cook with olive oil
We are not going to tire of talking about the unparalleled nutritional and medicinal benefits that the consumption of olive oil brings. It is considered the fundamental pillar of the Mediterranean diet, it contains monounsaturated fats, which are related to a lower level of total cholesterol and a lower "bad" LDL cholesterol. Extra virgin olive oil contains a remarkable wealth of antioxidants, which make it a magnificent tool to combat free radicals and is key in the prevention of chronic diseases. It has magnificent anti-inflammatory properties, is considered a great protective ally of cardiovascular health, benefits weight loss, reduces the risk of diabetes, arthritis and has anticancer properties. Bet on integrating it raw in all kinds of soups, creams, ceviches, stews, pasta, meats and salads.

Dieta mediterránea

3. Season with citrus
Citrus fruits are not only one of the most po[CENSORED]r winter fruits, they shine for their nutritional properties as they are a natural source of important vitamins and minerals. They stand out for their high content of vitamin C and antioxidants, which strengthen the immune system and protect the body from diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. At the same time, citrus fruits are characterized by their unrivaled detoxifying benefits, they are ideal for purifying organs and systems. Best of all, they add a lot of flavor to the dishes and are a great ally to replace the excessive use of salt, cooking with them is perfect to enhance certain flavors and they go great with vegetables, fish, meat and seafood. Bet on using the juice and zest of lemons, oranges, grapefruits, tangerines and limes, they are ideal for marinating foods, preparing sauces and dressings. Best of all, they are extremely low in calories, perfect for taking care of your line and protecting your health.


4. Eat fish twice a week
One of the basic rules of the Mediterranean diet is to base your diet on the daily consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and healthy fats. Watch and moderate the portions of dairy products and limit the consumption of red meat, on the contrary, it promotes the consumption of products such as fish, poultry, beans and eggs twice a week. High-fat fish variants such as salmon and mackerel that contain heart-healthy omega-3 fats are recommended, although all types of fish (and shellfish) are healthy and high-protein sources. biological value. Bet on consuming fresh and seasonal fish, it is easier than you think to have a delicious and healthy complete meal in minutes. Add lemon wedges, olive oil, coriander leaves, pepper and salt, and bake for 8 minutes.


5. Eat more yogurt
In recent months everyone has been talking about the benefits of fermented foods and rich in probiotics, without a doubt yogurt is one of the most valued. It is considered one of the super-foods of the moment, it is rich in proteins, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Its consumption is associated with great benefits to improve digestion, protect intestinal health, nourish the microbiome and stimulate the immune system. Best of all, integrating yogurt into your daily diet is easy and delicious, choose to consume it for breakfast with a little oatmeal and red berries. As a sweet snack, in sauces and dressings. Nutritionists recommend choosing 2% natural Greek yogurt and avoid using variants that contain sugar, flavorings or colorings.


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