#Steeven.™ Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 Quirónsalud emphasizes that the main causes for which patients come at this time of year are usually acute-onset external otitis and gastrointestinal problems Depending on the time of year in which we are, it is more common to contract certain diseases. In summer, for example, factors such as the sun, high temperatures, changes in diet and humidity, among others, influence and can be the cause of numerous health problems. The contagion of some of the most frequent pathologies is common to occur in swimming pools, by being in contact with bacteria or viruses that may be in the water. For this reason, good hygiene is recommended, dry yourself well after bathing and use diving goggles to avoid contagion and, of course, always wash your hands. The person in charge of the emergencies of Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja, doctor Juan Costell, points out that "the most frequent pathologies for which patients come are usually acute-onset external otitis and gastrointestinal problems." Although there are some more: Gastrointestinal diseases / Food poisoning The summer season is one of the times of the year when more digestive problems occur. "Acute gastroenteritis is usually accompanied by vomiting, increased number of stools, diarrhea, high fever and oral intolerance. Most of these complications in summer are caused by food poisoning. The main danger is severe dehydration, especially in children and the elderly ", emphasizes the doctor. Caused by the ingestion of poorly preserved or poorly handled food, secondary to high temperatures, which can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, skin reactions. To prevent these pictures from occurring, food must be in good condition and hand washing before handling is essential. It is also important that food is well preserved away from insects and other animals and properly refrigerated. Otitis Otitis occurs due to the entry of water into the external auditory canal and if it is contaminated it will cause an ear infection. If we have contracted the disease, the most important thing is to avoid the entry of water, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and the evaluation by a doctor who can prescribe a topical antibiotic treatment. José Luis Lasaga, head of emergencies at Quirónsalud Alicante, "Ear pain with a recent bathing history is usually the cause that causes the most medical consultation. They are external otitis secondary to immersion in swimming pools or in the sea, as is usual at this time of year ". This type of ear infection occurs most often in the summer months. The action of moisture produces an alteration in the epithelium of the external auditory canal, which in turn causes the germs that are usually in the canal to penetrate, causing infection. "The main symptom is severe pain in the area and, if the disease progresses, suppuration and narrowing of the ear canal occur along with temporary hearing loss, since the inflammation does not let air pass," says Dr. Lasaga. Dr. Costell explains that "in addition to on-site treatment, which consists of topical antibiotic therapy, at Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja the patient undergoes a check-up in external otolaryngology consultations within two to four days after the emergency visit, and that this pathology causes many problems after the fact and should be controlled ". Cystitis Inflammation of the urinary bladder, better known as cystitis, is more common in women and is related to prolonged use of a wet bathing suit and sudden changes in temperature. Once contracted, it is very important to increase the water intake to eliminate the bacteria by entrainment and to go to the doctor to prescribe an antibiotic. It can be prevented with proper intimate hygiene and changing the wet swimsuit for a dry one at the end of the bath. Dermatological infections Among these, the most frequent are fungal infections and especially the so-called athlete's foot, they can be acquired in any place where you walk barefoot on a wet floor and previously contaminated by other people who already have the infection. The most common is the so-called athlete's foot. To prevent this, it is important to wear flip flops both in the pools and in the showers and to dry our feet very well. In case of contagion, it will be necessary to use a topical antifungal treatment. Heat-related illnesses These types of pathologies are produced by prolonged exposure to high temperatures without adequate ventilation or hydration. Symptoms can range from muscle cramps, dizziness, loss of consciousness, to hyperthermia, hypotension, dehydration, and death. It is very important to prevent peak hours of sun, proper hydration and keep the body cool. It is necessary to contact medical personnel if any of the above symptoms are noted. Sexually transmitted diseases During the summer the possibility of isolated sexual contact increases without the use of adequate protective measures. The use of a condom is necessary to minimize the risk of contracting these diseases. If this happens, it is important to see your doctor to carry out the appropriate complementary tests and establish the appropriate treatment. Stings In summer the bites of insects and other animals such as sea urchins or jellyfish are more common. In most cases they cause mild symptoms that are usually controlled with physical and anti-inflammatory measures. We must not forget to consult with your doctor or go to the emergency services without having symptoms such as dizziness, loss of consciousness, uncontrolled fever, dyspnea, chest pain or if we have doubts. Sunburn Sunburn is caused by prolonged exposure to the sun without the use of sunscreen. To prevent it is as simple as the use of sunscreen and moisturizers for after exposure. To have a good summer without scares, it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids, avoid the hours of greatest sun exposure, use appropriate sunscreen, a balanced diet, wash your hands frequently, and if we travel, do not forget about medication if necessary and health reports, and in case of doubt consult with our usual doctors or go to the emergency services. Quirónsalud receives the Applus + Safe Protocol certification against Covid-19 The Quirónsalud hospitals have received the Safe Protocol certification against Covid-19 issued by Applus +, after confirming that both centers are protected spaces, controlled and aligned with the most demanding standards against the pandemic caused by the coronavirus, minimizing the risk of infection in your facilities for both your staff and patients. To obtain this certification - which recognizes and accredits the work and commitment of both hospitals in their fight against Covid-19 - the management of both centers has worked on the planning, implementation and monitoring of an Operational Plan of determination and control of the risk of contagion by Covid-19, the result of an exhaustive analysis of all the protocols, procedures and measures implemented to minimize the risk of contagion by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which causes the Covid disease -19. With this certification issued by Applus +, the Quirónsalud hospitals become pioneers in the Valencian Community in obtaining this distinction as "Safe Protocol against Covid-19". To achieve this, the de-escalation process in which both centers have been working for several weeks has been taken into account, endorses the trust of their patients and confirms the commitment of both hospitals in their fight against Covid-19 with the safety in health care that it demands a new, more demanding context. 3
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