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[Curiosities] Curiosities about swallows - legends and information about swallows

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13 curiosities about the swallow - information and truths
Myths and Legends about swallows
Swallow - Totem and spiritual symbolism
Pictures of swallows and tattoos
In Romanian mythology we have a lot of curiosities about the swallow, this migratory bird, insectivore, symbol of the announcement of spring.

In Latin Hirundo rustica, the European swallow has a black back and head, a white belly and a red goose under its beak. The two long tail feathers positioned in a V make it a fast and very aerodynamic bird (it flies at 160km / h).

Being a special bird, it makes its nest around the man (on the windows, on the house's eaves, in the attics, even in the house using small pebbles and earth, lining it inside with down or straw).

13 curiosities about the swallow - information and truths

Do you want to know when swallows leave for warm countries? The swallow has been found to leave in autumn in warmer places where its main food (insects) is plentiful. Some believe that she is the one who taught man the concept of migratory birds in warm countries.
The swallow is also known from the elders that it comes from the Annunciation or Blagoveştenia, on March 25, considered from this point, the herald of spring.
After the place where we find them in the world, we find out about the swallow that it can cover over 10,000 km. This long road sometimes I can't cross, but the curiosity is that it can fly at over 160 km per hour. As far as is known, a swallow lives between 4 and 8 years.
Her nest tells us she is very skilled. She builds a nest in a maximum of 10 days and the curiosity is that she does not always return only to the same place, but also to the same nest.
The chicks are generally 4-6 in number, after they learn to fly, they leave. Next year, they 

looking for his own nest! When a swallow no longer comes to her nest, it means she is dead!
It is said that the one who breaks a swallow's nest paralyzes. Sometimes the swallows would take revenge by setting fire to the house. I bring burning straw into my beak and set fire to the house of the one who destroyed his nest as a sign of revenge.
Swallow tattoo is very po[CENSORED]r among sailors. It is said that they get a swallow tattooed as a symbol of the success of the first 5000 nautical miles (9260 km) and the second tattooed after 10,000 nautical miles (18520 km).
In some areas, the nest is protected so as not to bring bad luck to the family. That's if it breaks. If the swallow's nest in the stables breaks down, the cow is said to give little or no milk at all.
In Estonia since 1960 the swallow is considered the national bird, as in the Americans it is the eagle.
Myths and Legends about swallows
The swallows brought the news to the Mother of God that her son would be resurrected 3 days after the crucifixion. For this they were blessed.
The carols say that the swallows woke God from sleep and were therefore cursed.
In World War I, the French government authorized Jean Desbouvrie to use swallows as military messengers (instead of pigeons). He managed to train them and even to stimulate their migratory instinct!
A legend about the swallow says:

Initially, the swallow was a girl guarding sheep, dressed in men's clothes. A young man fell in love with her and had to go through several tests to find out if he was a man or a woman. The girl passed the following tests well:

* She answered like a man to the question whether a certain wood is good for a spinning fork or a cart;

* The bouquet of flowers that had been placed under her pillow and which was to wither until dawn, was kept by her dog outside until dawn and kept fresh;

* Finally, the two shepherds had to bathe together, but the girl jumped into the river dressed and swam over him, on the other side he took off his hat, and the shepherd could see his beautiful mowers outside.

The shepherd tried to marry her. He disguised himself, pulled her into a chariot with a gold spinning fork. So he hurried to take her home. On the bridge the girl threw the ring into the water and said that only then would she talk to the shepherd when he found the ring. He found him and said, caressing her, "My dear swallow, from now on you will talk to me." But she pretended to be in the swallow and flew out the window.

Swallow - Totem and spiritual symbolism
The swallow, like the totem, indicates that you must free yourself from all the worries and pains of the past. It may also indicate that someone has caused you suffering or a recent conflict. There is an ancient belief that the swallow is related to healing, that it symbolizes hope and prosperity. It is also a symbol of fertility and maternal instincts. The reason is simple. It is often associated with feeding chickens.

In the past, it was often associated with the idea of luck and prosperity. In Germany, it was considered the bird of the Mother of God, as a symbol of femininity, of positive aspects.

Spiritually, you can use the swallow symbol in meditation to get pregnant. Imagine that you fly high in the sky like a swallow and ask for a human baby to be brought to you.

This wonderful bird can show us the way when we are in a difficult time and we do not know which way to take. She always has the answers.

The swallow is a very interesting bird from which we can learn a lot. It is a migratory bird, living everywhere except Antarctica. Thus, we can learn from her that we can manage anywhere, that she is at home everywhere.

It looks amazing and there are about 83 different species. Being very good fliers, swallows use their wings in the mating ritual. They defend their nest against any predator.

It is generally known as the "bird of freedom." This is because it does not mate in captivity. Therefore, swallows enjoy their freedom.

The swallow is an impossible bird to ignore, especially when it comes and passes you with speed.

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